I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 700: Hot Memories

The scorching wind seemed to have swept away all the air, leaving only a suffocating sensation.

"I am..."

The continuous impact of the chest and shoulders caused Abe Temple to slowly open his eyes.

"……Where? ! 』

Hot smoke and burning scorching smell rushed over his face.

He was standing on the narrow and quaint long street, behind him was a huge wooden bridge five meters wide across the river.

Not far in front, there is a gate that is ten meters wide, and on both sides of the long street inside the gate, you can see scattered wooden buildings.


On the gate, the words "Yoshihara Yukuo" were written squarely.

"Then behind me is Nihonbashi? ! 』

At the bridgehead behind him, a simple and simple stone tablet was engraved with the simple words "Nippon Bridge".

"Everyone quickly pack up and go, the Honmyo Temple is on fire and it is burning all the way!"

"The fire has reached Yoshihara... Take your kids and money and run southwest!"

The people who kept passing by Abe Temple and squeezing the long street in front and the wooden bridge in the back were those with simple dresses, panicked faces, carrying large bags and dragging their families to flee for their lives.

Having no time to pay attention to the chaotic flow of people, Abe Temple's gaze fell into the distance and could no longer move away.

"Here, is it the former Edo Castle? But, this fire..."

Behind these escapees, which acted as a backdrop, was a whole area of ​​Edo castle shrouded in fire and smoke.

Among them, the most eye-catching is the tallest landmark of Edo Castle, surrounded by fire, and the castle tower, which is also the residence of the shogun...

The raging fire that swallowed Edo Castle Honmaru, Ichinomaru, and Ninomaru is still running at super high speed along wooden buildings without fire belts, seamlessly arranged, and wooden sewer covers built along the road like a fuse. Quickly spreading around...

"Me, my house..."

"Don't worry, I heard that the fire can't be extinguished, even the General's house is gone...ahhhhh, it's hot, don't leave me!!!"

Soon, the fire flooded the Yoshihara Yukoku, which was like a large oven, in countless tragic wailings, chasing the fleeing people all the way, and spread to the Yoshihara Yukoku right in front.

"Could it be that this is just some kind of memory..."

Abe Temple wanted to step forward to help, but found that he could not control this body, and could only watch those people who could not escape being swallowed up by a flood of fire.

And "himself", step by step, stepped up against the countless flow of refugees, and headed toward the fire-spreading area as if he were dead.

Along the way, countless people who couldn't escape, wailed in the thick smoke and flames, or were buried under burned buildings, or even trampled into meat sauce by the crowd...

Those who escaped before the fire arrived, gathered from all directions to Nihonbashi and Shinbashi, because of the narrow bridge deck and the huge flow of people.


"What, what is that?!"

Just as people were at a loss in the smoke, something more terrifying appeared in front of them...

The rapidly spinning flames burst out from the ground, incarnate into several fire tornadoes connecting heaven and earth.

As these fire tornadoes moved slowly, everything they went, including oxygen, was torn to pieces in the wind and flames.

Fueled by the heat wave, the raging fire quickly swept the entire world in sight, presenting the eight hot hells in front of everyone...

"Cough cough cough... the bridge is burning... the one in front is going away..."

"Uuuuuu, so hot, so painful..."

"Help... who will help me... Mom..."

Among them, naturally, it also includes several bridges, such as Nihonbashi and Shinbashi, which connect Edo Castle with the outside world.

The overcrowded bridge was instantly enveloped by the fire, emitting the scent of barbecued meat.

The fleeing crowd, struggling but unable to move, is like a soul suffering from endless living sins in hell.

Under the pressure of the burning bridge, countless people were forced to choose to jump into the Sumida River, but they still failed to escape the fate of drowning.

"This fire is very similar to the lust of Yuguo Yoshihara, but it's not the same..."

Facing the Edo Castle, which was completely swallowed by the fire, and whose life was dying, Abe Temple, unable to control its body, could only follow the current to shuttle through the streets full of fire, smoke and charred corpses, committing suicide toward the strongest. A fire tornado went straight forward.

"This person is a spirit remover? ! 』

A thin layer of spiritual power covers his body surface, preventing the surrounding flames from entering.

"Looking at the posture of holding the sword, his practice seems to be'first-class in two days'. 』

Although he couldn't see his current appearance, he could confirm that it was not his body through the shabby double knives in his hands and the style of his clothes.

"And the pattern on the long sleeves...what is the relationship between him and Chaowu? 』

When the robe dances in the hot wind, the most eye-catching thing is the pattern on the long sleeves of this man's kimono, which is the same as that on the oiran's kimono, with flames and cherry blossoms intertwined.

"Who is he... and where is he going..."

I can't control my body, but the hot flames, the thick smoke from the sniffles, and the screams in the ears are all so true to the five senses of Abe Temple...

Ignoring the thousands of lives struggling and disappearing in the fire, and listening to the last wailing of countless dead, he finally came to the fire tornado...

This situation and this scene are so similar to the scene in the "Yoshihara Yanshang" Shenyin.

Half of the vibrating sleeves, stained with fire, flame patterns and cherry blossoms, are quietly suspended in the center of the fire tornado.

"You are late, the entire Edo City has been buried for me."

In the fire tornado, there was a roar that was so hoarse that it didn't look like a human.

"Shoji Jinemon...Now it's your turn to be buried for Edo."

The man's clear voice rang in his ears.

This is the first time I heard "him" at Abe Temple.

"This is……"

The double swords came out of their sheaths, and the huge and pure, clearly visible but unavoidable light of the sword swept out, splitting the huge fire tornado that soared up in front of Abe Temple...

"What a powerful sword! 』

Compared with Abe Temple's "Taishan Mansion Sword" that emphasizes onmyoji, this sword is closer to the pinnacle of pure kendo, yet it incorporates spiritual power just right.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie...if your swordsmanship is like a god, you can't completely wipe me out..."

That half of the fluttering sleeves fell from the air.

"The whole Edo desire...has been mine...I will be reborn thousands of times in this lust..."

Shoji Jinemon's voice still echoed in it.

"These people will not only be buried for me, but will also be reduced to this lustful fuelwood for eternity, and they must not be detached!"

The violent wind danced wildly, and another fire tornado lifted the half-vibrating sleeve flat, and set off a thousand layers of flames.

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