
Among the collapsed buildings, countless "flaming people" with withered limbs wrapped in firelight slowly stood up and gathered towards Abe Temple...

"If you are born again a thousand times... Then I will behead you a thousand times, what's the problem!"

The sword light reappeared, and the newly-appearing fire tornado and the surrounding "flaming people" were once again annihilated...

"Shou Lang again!!!"

Between the light of the sword and the stalemate of the flames, a tall and stout man who also holds double knives jumped out of the fire, with thick and long swords in his hands cutting grass like the "flaming man" around him, setting off a lot of pitch black. Fuzzy head.

"I brought the people from Yinyangliao!"

"Ms. Matsumoto? ! Why is he here……"

Although there was no scum on his face, Abe Temple recognized for the first time that this bold-faced uncle was his mysteriously missing kendo teacher, Ginji Matsumoto.

"It's useless, only by sealing off this vibrating sleeve can the fire be completely extinguished!"

Under the blazing flames, Ginji Matsumoto had become charred, but his whiteness was restored in an instant.

"Tuyumen Shinto Yin and Yang Liao, see "Shouchen Ding"! "

Behind him, several priests wearing black hunting clothes stepped through the flames and came to the two of them.

"Please protect us, both of us...just leave it to us about the seal."

A flying rune paper surrounded them, and the flame that was touched went out.

"So, the cause and effect of all this comes from that little fluttering sleeve? 』

Seeing this scene in a daze, if Abe Temple has realized something, it suddenly turns black...

"So, this swordsman named Yashourou specially showed me this memory in order to tell me..."

When the line of sight was clear again, he had appeared in a small main hall.

"No, this is not the memory I want to show you."

The man's cold voice rang in his ears.

"This is buried in reincarnation... your own memory..."

"Are you... Shou Lang again?"

The man wearing a robe and double knives on his waist was facing him, kneeling and standing in front of a statue of a goddess bound by a rope.

"Shoji Jinemon, and the tragic death of nearly 100,000 Earthbound spirits, have been sealed by Yin and Yang."

"No accident, these souls will be consumed within hundreds of years..."

Talking to himself, the man unbuttoned his clothes, pulled out the waistline, and gently pressed his abdomen with a sharp sword...

"Chaowu's ashes are also integrated into this statue. I hope that I can serve the goddess Ben Caitian and help seal this thing to forgive sin karma."

"Wait, what are you doing?!"

Seeing the solemn and familiar movement of the other party, Abe Temple frowned and stretched out his hand to grab the knife, but he felt nothing.

"Since things have happened here, I also have my own sins to forgive."

Shou Lang turned his ears to him and smiled indifferently: "Don't stop me... remember, this is just a memory, it's a small thing that has long been annihilated in the long river of history."


With the stab and cross of the wakachi, blood instantly stained the ground of the shrine.

"Hiss... It hurts... It also hurts when the morning mist incision, when those innocent people are trapped in the fire, right?"

Another Shou Lang lowered his head, his body twitched slightly, as if he was seriously savoring the pain of abdominal incision.

"Before you have time to write the death poem, let's use Mr. Xinmin's "Lone Walk"... ah... it happened that day, on the way to Hongo Maruyama, I had already recited it."

As if tasting a mellow wine, he smiled at the corner of his mouth and closed his eyes, murmured: "This is the end of the matter. If the encounter on that day is destined to be a mistake, I have never regretted it, only grateful... "

"It's a pity that I couldn't meet her for the last time."

Abe Temple was silent and stood there with his eyes wide open, seeming to want to engrave all this in his memory.

"Remember, that thing must be sealed..."

Then, the words he unconsciously opened his mouth and blurted out overlapped with the voice of Yasuo Yanagyu: "No matter how many rebirths you have gone through, don't dare to forget!"

This time, Abe Temple finally saw the face of this man named Yajuro.

It turned out to be his own face.


"Zhenxiu...It's the Zhenxiu fire!!!"

In the red light district of Yoshihara, Abe Temple, who was pale and frowned, roared and stood up from the stretcher.

"Puff!! Is this guy Tachibana Piaoxue Xiaoqiang, can he wake up with such a serious injury?"

"Uh, my eyes!!!"

Shosuke Araki, who was so scared that he was drinking water, sprayed the face of Moto Oida on the opposite side.

"The sealed resentful spirit in that divine secret doesn't come from the Yoshihara fire!"

Ignoring Sosuke Araki's complaints, Abe Temple almost roared out the words that were stuck in his chest.

"It's the never-resting resentful spirit that died in the'Zhenxiu Fire' that burned the entire Edo!"

"What?! Shaking the sleeve fire?"

Hearing what he said, Tsukida Hiroshi and the others seemed to have reacted, and their faces turned pale.

"...No wonder that there are so many earthbound spirits buried in that divine secret!"

"Reality show fire... how showy is it?"

Only Araki Sosuke, who has never passed the history exam, everyone wakes up and I am drunk, still looking blank.

"The Zhenxiu fire is the Mingli fire that I said before! Araki-kun, you don't even know..."

"Please, such a famous historical event can be found on google and wiki! 』

Moto Oida took out his mobile phone contemptuously, opened the web page and handed it to him.

There is a saying, "Fire and battle are the flowers that bloom in Edo".

Edo, with a total of 89 large-scale fires occurring once every three years, ranks first in the world in terms of number and scale of fires.

Among them, the Great Fire of the Ming Dynasty was the most tragic, which even further promoted the urban expansion of Edo and the development of the fire protection industry.

The Great Fire of the Ming Dynasty, also known as the "Zhongxiu Fire" and the "Long Sleeve Kimono Disaster", was the earliest and most tragic fire in Edo on record. It was also second only to the Great Tokyo Air Raid and the Great Kanto Earthquake in Japanese history. The worst catastrophe.

According to historical records, on March 2, 1657, when Edo Honmyo Temple was doing work and cremating the body of a dead girl, a gust of wind blew away a burning sleeve and ignited Honmyo Temple...

Because of the weird wind, the fire followed the wind and spread from Honmyo-ji Temple to the Tenshukaku, Honmaru, Ninomaru, Nishinomaru and other places of Edo Castle. After that, it burned 2574 hectares out of control.

The fire lasted for three days and three nights, turning two thirds of Edo Castle into ashes, devouring more than 500 daimyo residences, more than 700 flagman residences, countless samurai residences, and more than 300 temples. , More than 400 cities and towns, about 107,000 people died in them.

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