"It turns out that the appalling Mingli fire was actually ignited by the ringing sleeves of the Oiran Chaomu who turned into a grievance, and there are so many grievances hidden behind..."

Hearing the "memory" described by Abe Temple, everyone was embarrassed.

"In this way, Yin Yang Liao must be unable to destroy the half of the vibrating sleeve, and it was used as the center of the formation of the "Yoshiwara Yanshang" Shenyin. "

Knowing this source, when he thinks of Kato Junko, whose whereabouts is unknown, Tsukida Hiroshi's heart is deeply disturbed: "It is precisely because it possessed Kato Junko and broke out of the gods, that we can get from there. The collapsed Shenyin came out...So, the most important thing now is to find her..."


Sosuke Araki, who was still studying the information on the "Ming Calendar Fire" on his mobile phone, suddenly looked towards the southwest of Yoshihara's red light district with feeling.

In the direction indicated by the "Bamboo Tori Scroll", a coquettish round of pink full moon is slowly emerging from the clouds, suspended under the dark sky, bursting with dazzling pink light.

The dense clouds around them turned pink as if they were ignited, covering the unclear moon in the sky...

Under the pink moonlight, Taitung District, shrouded in darkness, fell into an ambiguous atmosphere like a bubble bath shop.


Looking up at the Fen Yue, several detectives wearing Ling Detective goggles did not notice for a while, and they were "moved" with tears streaming down their faces.

"Attention, those who have the ability to observe inspiration are strictly forbidden to stare straight!"

Even though they were far apart and the light was far less dazzling than before, everyone still did not dare to keep their eyes on it.

"Kato Junko..."

Only Sosuke Araki, who is unobstructed, can see through the dazzling light, the graceful curve of the "Essence Incarnation" in the light group and the expressionless Kato Junko wearing a purple kimono with big vibrating sleeves in the depths.

"She...it's wrong, it's that thing...flying so high, what does she want to do?"

Located directly below the "Incarnation of Bliss" is the central area of ​​Taito District that has not been rebuilt after the "Obon Tornado Natural Disaster".

It was late at night, and some of the fenced and regulated construction sites were brightly lit, chaotic and noisy, and they were clearly in a state of full rush.

Because those busy workers have no inspiration, they are naturally unheard of the "pink moon" that illuminates the earth in the night sky.

"Look, what is that?"

In the sight of Araki Zongsuke, small pink light spots began to spill from the "Incarnation of Bliss"...

"What, I haven't seen anything except the "moon" that Kato-sensei turned into?"

"How could it be so obvious..."

Just when the other people looked blank, the pink flames spread out, cut through the night like a shooting star, and fell to the ground...


Hot pink sparks flashed silently on the unfinished buildings with only steel skeletons everywhere...

Immediately, it turned into a pink flame, spreading rapidly to the surroundings along all the roads and buildings that it touched!

The strange thing is that this rapidly spreading flame does not have any "physical characteristics" such as the temperature and thick smoke produced by the flame, nor has it caused any structural damage to the things in it.

Before long, those workers who worked overtime on the construction site were also covered by this flame...

They didn't seem to feel any strangeness to the coquettish and quiet pink flames on their bodies, and they were still busy with the work at hand.


I need to……

I want you……

I want your……

I want your love……

However, in the bottom of their hearts, an inexplicable desire and agitation began to burn with the flames.

"Bang Dang."

"Hey, why do you suddenly feel so happy?"

A worker suddenly blushed, dropped the sledgehammer in his hand, and slumped to the ground with a smirk.

The pink flame continued to spread, and several other workers who were entangled immediately stopped their actions...

"I... my body seems to be very strange... I really want to..."

"Imoji...well, so happy..."

"Late late late late late..."

"Quack quack..."


"His hiss..."

In the area covered by the fire, whether it is the conscientious workers, or the snakes, rats, crows, insects and other living things in the grass...

They all had tears in their eyes, and the corners of their mouths sang strangely.

The pressure of life, the hard work of work, the depressed loneliness, the unsatisfied desire, the panic of fleeing under the sight of natural enemies, the hunger of finding no food, the victory of the fight for reproduction rights but the accidental injury." Frustration of "Tools"...

Countless negative emotions, the emptiness created in my heart over the years, are filled with endless happiness.

All the thoughts in my mind, such as rational hope, evil thoughts, ideals, memories, etc., all began to withdraw towards the pink moon in the night sky...

never mind.

As long as you leave your instincts and feel the joy that permeates your whole body, everything you once clung to, longed for, and fought for is no longer important.

For the first time in their lives, they lay flat in the ultimate pleasure and experienced what is called "sublimation" and "transcendence".

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The harsh locomotive exhaust sound broke the unusually ambiguous and harmonious "sing in unison" on the construction site.

It seemed as if an intangible thing passed by at high speed, setting off a violent air current, blowing across the construction site where the flames lingered.

On the few workers who fell to the ground, hard hats, vests, shorts, towels and other things were instantly taken away by the wind.

If they were inspired, they would see a huge black arm slowly pulling away from their side, retracting toward the back of a man on a heavy motorcycle on the side of the road.

The pink flames occupying the surroundings of the construction site all chased the black arm away, rushing into it impatiently.

"Huh?! I...what happened to me just now...it is so empty at the moment..."

"It's so lonely, why is there an illusion of missing a billion?"

"Unlike you, my brain is suddenly so clear, desireless and demanding... My life shouldn't be wasted on the construction site... Wait, why are my pants soaked?"

The happiness that occupies their hearts is instantly taken away, as if it never existed...

In the endless emptiness, regret, sobriety and endless aftertaste, they rolled their eyes and fainted.

"Reported that these physical signs are stable, but some are dehydrated and weak, like manifestations of excessive indulgence..."

An ambulance drove into the arena immediately, and the well-trained medical staff came forward with expressionless faces to check the condition of several people.

"It's okay... I almost missed... Huh..."

Hearing the preliminary conclusions of the medical staff, Sosuke Araki, who was sitting on the locomotive by the side, breathed a sigh of relief and took out the cigarette that had just been looted from Moto Oida and lit it.

Just now, it was he who sensed the sparks that were also scattered in the air and exceeded the sensing range of the soul-eliminators, so that he could rush over at the first time, driving the giant black arms in his body to extinguish the weird pink flames in time.

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