"Senior Araki! This fire seems to be different from the fire in the gods..."

Yamada Kengo, who appeared immediately behind the warriors of the Warring States Period, on all fours, subconsciously stuck out the tip of his nose, and smelled the stubbornly remaining pink flames on the ground...

"Hiss...this, this flying feeling..."

An irresistible double happiness for the senses and the soul, followed the pink sparks and invaded my mind.

"Why, I suddenly wanted to try..."

In exchange, the thoughts in his mind began to move away from somewhere unknown.

"Hi, what are you doing Kengo?"

Driven by this extreme pleasure and the animalism from the "Human Face Dog Collar", Yamada Kengo subconsciously hugged the telephone pole beside him, arched up, and seemed to be planning to launch the "Secret Skill Teddy Clash"...


The light of a knife gleamed, precisely extinguishing the sparks on the tip of Yamada Kengo's nose, preventing this impure "deal".

"To carry the desires of all beings, to pass the world with supreme joy..."

The one who made the move in time was Abe Temple, who had come here without knowing when.

"This fire seems to be the manifestation of Kato Junko's "Happy Dharma". "

After embracing and fighting back tonight, he is the person who knows Kato Junko's "Happy Buddhism" best.

"Looking at this, she is no longer satisfied with the transformation of the spirit body, and intends to use her own way to'save all sentient beings'..."

He raised his head and looked at the night sky with godless eyes.

"...This can be regarded as a ‘freak’ in various senses, right?"

The "Pink Moon" that was invisible to ordinary people in the incarnation of Junko Kato has slowly drifted toward the southwest under the night.

Pieces of pink sparks sputtered from under his feet and fell towards the buildings along the road...

In an instant, all the buildings below the "Incarnation of Bliss" approach were enveloped in pink flames, incarnate as a "large-scale fire scene."

Countless happy and neat shouts of humans, animals and insects, as well as inexplicable pungent anger, began to permeate the "fire field".

This situation and this scene is like the "Ming Li fire" that Abe Temple had seen in memory, and it has returned to the former Edo Castle...

It's just that the scarlet fire turned into an ambiguous pink flame, and the painful wailing turned into a comfortable moan.

A bit less devastating, more ambiguous, but equally deadly.

"What's wrong with me... I was just now with Kato-sensei..."

At this moment, Yamada Kengo woke up with a look of regret and dissatisfaction with desire.

"Wait, Mr. Kato, who is dedicated to spreading her career and uses learning materials to popularize the public is definitely not this kind of person... It must be the possession of the grievance that made her become like this!"

"No matter what Kato-sensei becomes, she is an immortal co-star and guide in my youthful memory! 』

"Tsk, you are a fan of the upper brain of the worm..."

"In that case, what Abe-kun meant... She even intends to use "Supreme Joy" to make her life in advance?!"

"In a sense, doesn't this mean that ordinary people squatting at home are forced to sleep and juice to death without permission?! Is this also the characteristic culture of your country?"

Seeing in the distance, ordinary people can't see, resist, and fall into the happy pink flames that are overwhelming and have formed a "super-large fire". Tsugada Hiroshi, Niya, Iwata Takeshi and a group of joint action teams came from behind. His face was dark.

To save a living being with the supreme joy of your whole heart, what a frenzied idea is this? !

Even the spirit-eliminators with spiritual protection, without psychological defense, were almost eroded by the "pleasure" hidden in this weird flame...

When ordinary people come into contact with this flame, they will sink into that pure pleasure in an instant, and be emptied of all the thoughts in their minds.

Over time, I am afraid that brain hypoxia, excessive dehydration, protein loss, pleasure addiction, immediate wind and other conditions may occur, and become a vegetative person who can never wake up or even directly lose life.

It can be described as "****" in the true sense.

"Contact the information team and enter the highest state of readiness, let them mobilize all resources and immediately formulate countermeasures!"

The people of the "Lingyixiangtanshe", hurry up and deploy around to prevent the fire from burning again! "

The situation was urgent, Iwata Takeshi and Tsukita Hiroshi decisively commanded the joint operation team, using the extinguished construction site as a temporary headquarters, and began to deploy the next step.

"Fortunately, Taitung District is currently regarded as a'no man's land'. We still have time!"

"Let Yin Yang Liao activate the three Tokyo formations to control the fire area... Please the Cabinet to issue the "Declaration of Emergency Situation" to evacuate the area around Taito District in a large area..."

"No, it's not just about saving creatures... Can't you see, that white light..."

Araki Sosuke raised his eyes to the sky, and what appeared in his sight was a dense white light beam that passed up from the fire field below...

"That's faith..."

The end of the extension of the "white silk thread" that countless eliminators can't see is the "pink moon" that moves among the clouds.

"Kato Junko, she is absorbing their beliefs and growing by granting ‘bliss’!"

Intuition tells Araki Sosuke that this is the people who are caught in the fire, sinking into a steady stream of inextricable joy, willingly present their "obsession" and "belief" to Junko Kato like a living sacrifice.


Driven by the sense of urgency in my heart, Sosuke Araki engined the car and turned the throttle...

"Ahem, that... Formal Spirit Eliminator Araki-kun, please come here to participate in the countermeasure discussion..."


"Ah puff puff puff puff puff... Araki-kun, where are you going?"

Hiroshi Tsuneta turned his face to the side, calling him flatteringly, but he was blown away by the wind and sand brought up by the wheel idling.

"Sorry, I'm an activist! The lively "Kato Enjo & Chaos X" has already been staged in front of you, and I'm still discussing a fart..."

Holding the dimming cigarette butt in his mouth, Araki Sosuke turned his head and smiled evilly at the bewildered crowd: "Don't hurry up and let the radical Kato-sensei wake up. I don't know how many people will interact with the more than 20 professional men. Stars can never start again, bid farewell to his career..."

In the MK9527 finale that has been watched countless times, the miserable state of the male stars who fell to the ground, unconscious, dehydrated into ribs like a leaky doll, came to his mind.

"Yes, in the current situation, the first priority is to control the fire and rescue the people in the fire..."

At the moment before the locomotive rushed out, the red-haired nun Niya did not know when she appeared on the back seat of the locomotive. What? Let's discuss it on the way."

"Hello, are you a magnet, or a slime whose refresh point is set on the back seat of the locomotive?" I'm not going to take you this time..."

"Hmph, don't take this lady, if you encounter people with severe dehydration, protein loss, broken waist, or wind, do you have a way to rescue it? 』

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