I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 707 Bold Tactics

"Are you going southwest? Hacker Lu Dou, the previous pilot on behalf of the shift was pretty mediocre and futile. Let me leave it to me..."

"What, nothing, nothing, nothing? ! Sister, when you were paddling on the rooftop, I obviously...ah...tugged my earphones again..."

In the communication channel, the voice of the thick sea and the land suddenly turned into a sweet female voice with madness and softness.

"Sister Yu, Hanyu?!"

Hearing the voice of the second to no one in the channel, Araki Sosuke's teeth trembled for some reason.

"Hmph, sleeper...The situation is urgent right now. Regarding your refusal to receive the'routine medical examination' in the last few days, you also refused to visit me and our'common crystallization', and there is still a car in the back seat of the car. These trivial matters of a beautiful foreign girl are temporarily set aside..."

Immediately afterwards, Mai Hanyu concealed murderous words in the channel, directly making him like an ice cave.

"No, Sister Hanyu, listen to me. I'm really busy...and don't use the word "crystal" everywhere!"

"According to the observed movement trajectory so far, this well-known active actress has been moving straight to the southwest after she came out of'Yoshihara Yankami'."

The keyboard tapping of "Cracking" sounded immediately, flooding the pale and weak words of Sosuke Araki...

The historical movement and predicted trajectory of the pink moon overhead are marked on the tactical map with a thick pink line.

"Combining the origins of the grievances with the appearance of "half-cut kimono sleeves" provided by Abe-kun, and the existing records of the "Mingli Fire", I guess..."

On the communication side, Mai Hanyu's tone became dignified for some reason.

"That thing, there is a high probability that you want to go back to the trajectory of the Great Fire of the Ming Dynasty!"

Immediately afterwards, another dark red line representing the "historical trace of the Great Fire in the Ming Calendar" also appeared in the sight of the two.

"According to historical records and experts' review of the fire spreading trajectory in the Ming calendar, next place she is likely to go is..."

As the two lines intersected, a pink "X" appeared in the southwest of Taitung District, somewhere about 3 kilometers away from the location of Sosuke Araki.

"...That's right, it's here, the starting point of that fire, Honmyoji in Maruyama, Hongo!"

"Although the Honmyo Temple was destroyed by the Great Fire of the Ming Calendar, there are only historical sites that do not accept tickets...but, the place two kilometers next door is now Dongda!"

"Super hacker, immediately send a message to see if there is a spirit remover nearby... Is there a team of joint teams nearby? Let them go over and check..."

"Bunkyo District, Dongda? Give me a few minutes to be there... Sit down and shoot Sister to death."

"If we don't want the students who have gone through countless re-examinations and lost love before entering the gate of East University, they will become like the animals in the Ueno Zoo next door. We must speed through the red light!" 』

After confirming the location, for Sosuke Araki, who was extremely adept at "illegal driving" in the streets and alleys of Tokyo late at night, he turned the front of the car and turned the accelerator, and he jumped directly onto the sidewalk...

"Wait a minute, Sleeper, what do you plan to do after chasing it over? If she'turns into light' and runs away, there is nothing you can do... The fire in Taitung District is getting more and more intense. US."

In the communication channel, Mai Hanyu's interrogation was like a bucket of cold water pouring on the head of Araki Zongjie.

"Um, I haven't thought about it yet. Be on the go... it's better than staying in a daze here, right?"

When he thinks of Kato Junko's weird way of moving, he feels very big head.

"Yes, I have a bold tactic... It depends on whether you are courageous enough..."

"Well, even you think that the tactics of ‘bold’ are ‘crazy’ for me and other ordinary people...just let’s talk about it first?"

Upon hearing Mai Hanyu's pretentious proposal, Sosuke Araki had an ominous premonition.

"The information about the sister of the nun in your back seat. I just read it by the way. It seems that there are a lot of interesting'hidden energy field driving methods'..."

"One of them... if it's with yours... then she like this..."

"What?! No, it's not appropriate, don't look at me like I usually do, my face is still very thin..."

"I, I, I, I refuse! You unbelievers, what do you consider the holy, great, and lofty Holy Prayer?!"

Listening to the "bold tactics" elaborated by Mai Hanyu, Sosuke Araki and Niya suddenly turned red and their tongues were knotted, and they objected in unison.

"Oh ha ha ha... vain shame and dignity will only limit the imagination of you mortals! If we want to deal with such inhumans, we can only treat ourselves as humans less than them!"

However, the meaning of Mai Hanyu's nervous chuckle seemed to be more than just a "proposal" from the beginning.


Bunkyo District, Hongo 5-chome.

Under the dark and dull night, in a small open area surrounded by fences, there are sparsely forested simple and wordless tombstones.

On the side of the dilapidated iron gate, on the faded stone inscriptions, the words "Henmiao Temple Trace" can be vaguely seen.

Temples called "Honmyoji" are very common throughout Japan, such as Ibaraki Honmyo Temple, Etoyama Honmyo Temple, Kumamoto Honmyo Temple...

Because in essence, apart from enshrining Buddha statues and offering monks to practice here, these Honmyo Temples are more of a spiritual garden that monopolizes local practices and provides cemeteries and other "one-stop funeral services."

The Hongo Maruyama Honmyo Temple, which was burnt down in the Great Fire of the Ming Dynasty, was not repaired for some reason when the Edo Castle was expanded.


In the night sky, a pink streamer fell silently like a meteor, and landed in the center of this spiritual garden.

The dust settled, the pink light was restrained, and there appeared a pink uncovered female Bodhisattva with enchanting curves comparable to supermodels and ten times the volume of ordinary people.

Compared with the Taito district a few minutes ago, this "Incarnation of Bliss" is more solid and doubled in size.

Countless white silk threads that even the spirit removers could not observe were twisting into a bunch, continuously flowing into her body from the northeast.

After saving sentient beings with supreme bliss, the "obsession" and "belief" extracted are just like creating a god, bit by bit, making her stronger and closer to the real "Bodhisattva."

"You still don't know, Shamtha, Vipassana, subtle magic..."

The deep and powerful, layer upon layer of Buddha chanting sounded like embarrassment around the spiritual garden.

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