"This is... the Shurangama Sutra?"

Hearing this very familiar Buddhist scripture contained in instinct, the "Essence Incarnation" subconsciously looked at it, and the pink light on the body surface that made people unable to look directly at the body burst with layers of flames, instantly covering the entire spiritual garden. .

However, the pink flame spread to the guardrail of the spiritual garden, but was blocked by a gleam of golden light, and couldn't get in...

"Before the Devil Realm is present, you can't know, wash your heart out of righteousness, and fall into evil views."

In the interweaving of Buddha's light and pink flames, bright bald heads with ring scars slowly appeared from around the rectangular spiritual garden...

At a distance of 500 meters away from the Spirit Garden, the ninth class agents with live ammunition and heavily armed have used vehicles to form a blockade, enclosing the nearby area.

"Zong Chun, do you remember? The hot summer of memory... The "Yan Leng Sutra" that Teacher Kong Hai personally explained in detail for us!"

The tall and burly middle-aged monk holding a prayer bead closed his eyes and stepped into the spiritual garden from the gate...

"If you still remember, you should know that you have an unsolved heart demon, and you are now possessed by an external demon, and you have the ten demon of color and yin! If you don't immediately recite the Buddha cross-legged, let me cure the demon for you..."

A ring of golden Buddha bells guarded him, standing still in the hot pink fire.

If anyone can withstand the flames of endless pleasure and desire, it is the monks of the Kawasaki Master Temple who uphold the precepts and practice asceticism in front of the ancient Buddha in blue light day and night!

"Hehe, Brother Hongfa..."

The duplication of the male and female voices in the mouth of the "Incarnation of Bliss" chuckled softly, calling out the name of the person...

The burly middle-aged monk in front of the temple gate led a group of monks to set out from Kanagawa Prefecture. Under the guidance of the association, it happened to intercept the current presiding officer of the Kawasaki Daishi Temple here, exempting the level "three" spirit remover, and preaching.

"Whether it is an external demon or an internal demon, if you have never been in a demon, how can you treat the demon?!"

The ten-meter-high "Incarnation of Bliss" has taken a step towards the teaching of Buddhism...

The pink flames covering the ground of the Spirit Garden turned into densely packed naked men and women from the ground, rushing out ferociously toward the surroundings!

"All sentient beings all have Buddha nature, and all the vegetation and the land have become Buddhas, and all sentient beings are treated equally."

The pink flame man, with twisted and joyful steps, dashed freely against the golden Buddha light surrounding the low wall of the spiritual garden...


Affected by this, the ring stood on the periphery of the spiritual garden, closed eyes and closed eyes, and the monks who closed their eyes chanting frowned slightly, and a trace of blood dripped from the corners of their mouths...

"Or Ruyin Demon, or Heavenly Demon, or ghosts or gods, or demon, unclear in my heart, and recognize the thief as a son..."

But they still stood on the spot like a wall of an iron tower, and the Buddhist scriptures in their mouths became more and more mighty.

"Junior Brother Zongchun, the sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, and turning around is the shore!"

"Senior Brother Zongchun, the sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, and turning around is the shore!"

"Uncle Zongchun, the sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, and turning around is the shore!"

"Uncle Zongchun, the sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, and turning around is the shore!"

As the monks yelled in unison, circles of Buddha's light bloomed from their bodies, layered on top of each other and gathered into a ten-meter-long golden eyebrow stick, which hit the "Incarnation of Bliss" straight on the forehead.

Shingon Buddhism. Drink it!

The "Incarnation of Bliss" was hit by this sudden stick, and it was struck by thunder, standing still, and his body was shaking crazily, and even the naked flames stopped moving...

This style is the secret method passed down by the Kawasaki Master Temple since ancient times. It can awaken the monks' piety and understanding of the Dharma and free themselves from the shackles of the demons.

"It's a big drink... It's really been a long time..."

There was a trace of clarity and nostalgia in the eyes of Kato Junko who was in it.

"Teacher Kukai, the bad guys are now tempting the demon into the body and turning into such an appearance. You must be disappointed."

It’s a custom passed down from ancient times at the Kawasaki Daishi Temple.

Before the monk ordination, the mentor must give the head a stick irrespective of his affection, and then he will ask the Buddha a lot. The inquired person must answer without thinking before he can formally enter.

When he started, Kukai presided over him with the "stick drink" ceremony, and now it has long since turned into a relic in the stupa.


However, as pink regained the world in Kato Junko’s eyes, this soberness was fleeting and turned into a more intense perseverance: "As long as I have made my ambition, I cannot retreat, even if I become a demon, I must Take in the desires of all beings in your own body, and pass the world with supreme joy!"

The "Incarnation of Bliss" folded his hands together, and suddenly more naked flames rose from the ground, densely squeezing every inch of the land of the remains of the Honmyo Temple...

"Today, let me discuss the path of bliss with you brothers, nephews, and grandchildren based on the lust of sentient beings that are contained in this ‘Happy Dharma’!"

Under the violent impact of these dense flames, the rock-solid Buddha light of the monks in the Kawasaki Grand Master Temple also began to crack inch by inch...

The monks who had stood there seemed to be unable to support themselves, so they sat cross-legged one by one, chanting the Buddhist scriptures with difficulty.

"Hehe... Desire is the nature of man. It can arouse the Buddha nature in the soul and the body, merge with the power of the soul of the universe, and reach the ultimate state."

As Kato Junko charmed the sentient beings with a smile, that part of the flame people turned into pink flames again, rushing out of the cracks in the light of the Buddha all pervasively, and wrapped around the monks who were sitting cross-legged and reciting Buddhist scriptures with closed eyes.

"You brothers are trying to awaken God at this moment. My name is Huanxi Buddha's ***bao offering!"


The monk who was entangled in the pink flame, burst into flames in the seven orifices instantly!

"Uh...little monk...I can't hold it anymore!!!"

"I...I also...Ah!!!"

They just feel that every pore on their body is blooming with a whirlpool of pleasure that they have never understood...

In a short while, the unmanned "chanting heaven group" turned white eyes, flushed, and blurred eyes, like dominoes.

The seemingly indestructible "dyke" cast by the light of Buddha around the remains of Honmyo Temple collapsed...

The pink Buddha light and flame man, centered on the site of Honmyo Temple, bloomed like endless flood waves after the bank burst, igniting everything that can be touched with or without chickens.

"In the beginning, I shouldn't have listened to Teacher Kukai's words and let you go down the mountain to experience some sage..."

Among the ruins of Honmyo Temple, the only one who can still stand is the propaganda who does not know when to put his hands together and bow his head in silence.

"You grew up in the monastery since you were a child, although you are now an outcast..."

In the next second, he disappeared into Kato Junko's sight abruptly.

"But today's devastation and harm to the common people, Kawasaki Master Temple is also to blame!"

Only low-pitched words are left, still echoing in the ruins.

"Where did you go……"

Kato Junko looked around, eager to see everything in her eyes, only countless monks struggling in the flames, but still no trace of propaganda.


Suddenly, she looked up at the sky as if she had sensed...

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