"Is this..."

A shooting star burning with golden flames shining in the dark sky, rapidly zooming in in the sight of Junko Kato...

"...In the legend, that trick that has been lost since the White Stone Saint Monk?"

Among that "shooting star", there was a propaganda that suddenly disappeared!

"Yes, one year after you were expelled from the mountain gate, the master used Tianyantong to integrate the incomplete classics with the experience of the year and complete this formula."

He was in the air, with his head down and feet closed, his eyes lightly closed, and the flames on the palms of his chest were burning...

"Since Mr. Kukai has already achieved Nirvana, today, let me train my apprentices on my behalf..."

As the falling speed accelerated, the Buddha robe around the body was also ignited by sparks generated by air friction, gradually revealing the upper body carved with axe...

"Using his elders passed down the Sky Eye Tong, and this style of palm falling from the sky..."

Approaching the sky above "Essence Incarnation", he slowly raised his head, and his eyes closed suddenly opened!

"...Come to wake you up!!!"

Among the pair of tiger eyes in Kofa, a golden Buddha light that resembled a star and was hot as a torch burst suddenly, and through the thick "Essence Incarnation", it completely locked Kato Junko, who was wrapped in it with a frozen smile.

The secrets of the Kawasaki Master Temple are not passed down, the sky is clear!

"My Buddha is merciful..."

His right palm, which was folded in front of his chest, suddenly lifted up, and the fiery palm burst into incandescent light that made people unable to look directly at it...

"To cross oneself is to cross oneself, to cross oneself is to cross oneself..."

The person has not yet fallen, a violent aura has exploded from him first...

The pink flames all over the site of Honmyo Temple were instantly extinguished in the palm of the wind, and even the ground made of gravel and soil showed countless cracks!

"...The palm of the Buddha is given to someone who is destined!"

Then, accelerating to the limit, the Buddha's robe burned out, and the strong upper body was exposed, stretched out the palms that bloomed, and pressed straight toward the "Incarnation of Bliss"!

Nameless Dharma·Buddha Destiny Palm!

"Uh ah ah ah ah..."

The heavenly spirit cover of the "Elysium Incarnation" is clearly far away from the palm of the propaganda, but it is like encountering some life's unbearable weight. With the ghostly duplication of men and women, it uttered a painful roar...

This dharma body condensed by powder flames, pressed by the violent palm of the propaganda, began to twist and shatter from the head as if being hammered by a heavy object...

The lands collapsed and the dust was flying, a huge palm-shaped depression appeared in the open space of the Honmyo Temple site...

As the "Essence Incarnation" collapsed every inch, the huge palm print revealed Kato Junko, whose veins burst, his face was painful, and he was unable to move by this invisible violent position, and his body showed a weird twist!


"The host is merciful! Zong Chun is also bewildered by the grievance..."

"Host...that's Zong Chun... we looked at Zong Chun who grew up!!!"

Seeing that Kobe's bursting palms kept on, he was about to hit Kato Junko's forehead, and the monks who fell to the ground all let out a bitter exclamation.


Seeing "Zong Chun" who was about to be hit by his palm below, Kofa frowned, with a complicated look on his face...

His body blasted at high speed like a meteor, hovering slightly less than ten centimeters away from Kato Junko...

Then, he made a backflip like a dragonfly and landed steadily on the ground a few meters away.

"Huh... Amitabha..."

The bust of Buddha's robe has long been turned into ashes, and the burly upper body of the steaming propaganda exhaled a mouthful of turbid breath, raised his hands above his head, slowly folded his hands, and stopped in front of his chest...

"Sorry, Mr. Kukai. Even at this point, the disciples couldn't do it after all, they could kill each other."

Then, his calf shook, and his whole body was unstable and fell to the ground.


"I'm fine, it's just a bit of a backlash..."

Facing the monks who were exclaiming, Hongfa waved his hand.

"Come here, seal that thing and take Zongchun away."


This type of "Buddha Destiny Palm" was taught to Kongfa by a wandering unknown monk back then. Although powerful, it consumes spiritual and physical energy.

Thanks to his rightful years and exquisite Dharma, he was able to make the final move with ease.

Even so, this "counter-shock" that ruins the world and destroys the earth is not something ordinary people can bear. It is extremely difficult for him to sit still at this moment.


Taito District.

"There are people in this room..."

Yamada Kengo was on all fours, his nose twitching frantically, and he ran wildly along the dark corridor, stopping outside a door...

"Judging by the concentration of the original smell, there should be no less than three people!"


He directly kicked the door handle and the lock cylinder with a precise kick, and the anti-theft door opened automatically and pitifully...


Several agents following him immediately rushed into the house and snatched out three people who were unconscious and smiling happily.

On the other side of the corridor, the "cocoon" wearing the scarlet warrior Kai is also doing the same "illegal entry" behavior.

"Group A, Group A...The formation in your building can last for three minutes...Please pay attention to the time and evacuate the fire scene in advance..."

In the communication channel, a reminder came from the "site command" guarded by Takeshi Iwata.

"Received, this building has been searched and you can retreat..."

Upon hearing the words, Yamada Kengo looked around again carefully, and greeted "Cocoon" and several agents to go downstairs.

"Good job, Yamada-kun! Thanks to you this time... as expected to be the man named the'strongest search and rescue dog' during the Obon Festival!"

"Wow...I'm not happy to be so praised by you. 』

On the other side of the corridor, several agents beside Hiroshi Changtian had just opened the door of the room with a door breaker and carried out a pair of empty nest elderly people who were sleeping with ambiguous laughter.

"Group A has been evacuated, and the formation can be withdrawn..."

When a group of people ran out of the building along the corridor and came to the surging street, a maiden and priest standing outside the door immediately picked up the torii gate made of several small stones.

The surrounding pink fire flame spread again to the building in front of him.

"Huh...Thank you, Enkawa Maiden, Yamaguchi priest! The "Ichi no Torii" that the two brought this time has been a great help..."

"Thank you. It is even more dangerous for Vice Chairman Chang Tian to take the lead and lead the search and rescue of the people. We are just doing what we can."

Standing on the long street, Changtian Hiroshi and the two nodded to each other.

"Ichi no Torii" is an eight-meter-high stone Myojin torii unique to Hachimangu Shrine, Hachimangu Shrine. It is made of Gokage stone from Inujima, Bizen country.

The "Ichi no Torii" carried by the two people this time is a "portable spirit-eliminating version" refined with the same Mikage Stone, which is extremely convenient and quick to deploy and close.

On this long street, the "escape channel" that Fan Yan couldn't enter was formed by two people using "Ichi no Torii."

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