"No, please don't be so rude to the old man..."

"Wow...uh woo woo woo..."

Yamada Kengo and Tsuneda Hiroshi, who are hugging each other, their consciousness becomes more and more blurred in the endless joy and pain.

"End... It's over..."

"Why, isn't the Enochon Maiden next to me?!"

They can only be surrounded by the flames, desperate, disgusted, sinking, and eagerly looking at each other's pouting face, and constantly zooming in their sights...

"Attention to all units, attention to all units! The walls of the Five Spirits Seal Array and the Wind and Thunder Array collapsed and cannot be recovered temporarily. The fire has begun to hit the'Seven Star Array' on the front line of the apartment in front of Tibet!"

From the perspective of the drone, from the moment the wall of the "Five Spirits Sealing Array" in Taitung District shattered, those imposing powder flames continued to spread toward the southwest like mercury, silently spreading into the city. All the creatures have been drawn into the infinite paradise...

As the area covered by flames continues to expand, bunches of white silk threads representing "faith" begin to increase and converge somewhere in the southwest.

"Implement the second plan and completely abandon Taitung District! All people in the'fire scene' who can still hear communication and have the ability to move, give up rescue and evacuate unconditionally!!!"

In just a few seconds, Fanyan broke through the "Wind Thunder Formation" at Sensoji Temple and came to the "Shogun Seven Star Formation" in front of the formation wall of Torogoshi Shrine...

"Wait, what's that?! The drone in Bunkyo district observed another black tornado moving towards the center of the fire...Oops, the base station is suspected to be damaged, and the drone signal is interrupted!"

The last picture of the drone sent back to the information group was a bunch of black tornadoes that pierced through the sky, breaking through the pink flames, and heading from Ueno Park toward Hongo 5chome.

"Search and Rescue Team, Field Command, Mobility Team...Any unit still on the front line, please reply if you receive it..."

In the completely occupied Taitung district, there are no spirit-eliminators who can stay awake and listen to the broadcasts of the declining decline in the communication channel.

"Anyone can...please reply to me...please don't give up!"

Amid the sad and desperate calls of the information group, there was still silence in the communication channel.

At this moment, it seemed that even the air had solidified to suffocate people under the flame without a trace of temperature.

"Oh ha ha ha ha, in the face of the karmic fire of the red lotus, do you, as people who swear'Unity and Give Your Heart', only have such a small level of enlightenment?"

"Who are you... the former Hou Haijun?"

The arrogant female voice, as always, suddenly broke the sadness and despair in the channel, and seemed to be completely unaware of the situation of burning the city on fire and lacking skills to return to the sky at this moment.

"We hereby declare that your body entrusts me with your destiny, and my destiny is attached to your sword, responding to the call of truth... The plan is codenamed "Yanyan Dinghuoxiao", and the final stage is launched!"

"The most...final stage?! Why didn't we receive the corresponding plan? It's all this time, please don't..."

The inexplicable second form declaration brought an unexplainable embarrassment to the originally urgent and helpless atmosphere.

"Fire is the breath of the soul..."

Immediately after the woman's unclear announcement, another immature female voice chanted an unclear prayer in a low voice, interrupting the information group's words.

"Black smoke is the liberation of the soul..."

Just listening to this solemn, clear and refreshing tone can remind people of the pious look of a girl with her hands folded on her chest and her head closed in the moonlight.

"The ashes are ashes..."

This voice, like a cool rain and dew, passed through the sea of ​​pain and pleasure intertwined with fire, comforting the tortured souls of everyone, and gradually awakened from the endless paradise.

"Soul, return to the raging flames!"

At some point, thick cumulonimbus clouds began to gather over fire-covered areas such as Taitung District and Bunkyo District.


At the end of the prayer, a drop of yellow liquid fell from the cloud.


Immediately afterwards, the light yellow rain pillars fluttered all over the sky, like thousands of sharp arrows, swiftly shooting towards the earth irresistibly.

Between the heavens and the earth, there seems to be a small waterfall hung.

For some reason, as the majestic rain spread, there was also a subtle smell of ammonia mixed with salty salt.


Where the rain drops, the turbulent pink flames that were difficult to extinguish, seem to be retreating as if they have encountered natural enemies, and gradually weaken until they are extinguished.


And those flame people who were in the flame-covered area, arranging their hands on the creatures in it and doing whatever they wanted, also knelt to the ground with painful expressions in the rain curtain, turning into repeated grievances.

Taitung District and Bunkyo District, which were once completely occupied by the high fire and flame people, seemed to be drowned in a pot of ice water in the stove, and the flames died down instantly, leaving only a large amount of black smoke rising.

"Huh...then, the inhuman'tactics' of that crazy woman is really useful?! No, it's more than just'useful' that can be described..."

Next to the University of Tokyo, on the rooftop of a high-rise building, Niya, wearing a nun's uniform with lowered eyes, is cautiously hiding under the eaves of the rooftop, seemingly unwilling to be drenched by the rain.

"It not only suppressed the fire, but also directly extinguished this devastating lust. It was almost 20 abalones that met the geoduck..."

Regardless of the hem of the skirt being danced fiercely by the night wind, she just looked around with an unbelievable look at the fire-light dissipated and black smoke-filled buildings below, with a complex expression that was relieved but somewhat fearful.

"...The guys from the Japanese Spirit Slayers Association, one by one, are either monsters or lunatics!"

Until now, she hasn't really felt real for all of this that she has caused.

"Tsk, as for this thing..."

After returning to her senses, she wrinkled her nose and looked at something that was pinched by her fingertips with the "minimum contact area" a little disgustingly.

"Although Mithril is expensive to make, there should be no way to install holy water in the future."

It was a delicate and small silver flat hip flask.

"Do you want to throw it away?"

Although the cap had been tightened, there was still a strong smell coming from the bottle invisibly.

"Forget it, wait until Father Siena wakes up and leave it to him to deal with it... After all, this is his favorite jug."

After hesitating again and again, Niya still wrapped the pot tightly in a handkerchief with three layers and three layers, as if there was something extremely disgusting inside.

"Hi, next...ah! Pain, pain, pain..."

She stepped forward, seeming to want to go to the bottom of the roof, but her calf weakened and lost her balance. She rolled down the stairs in embarrassment and fell to the ground.

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