"There is plenty of precipitation, what can I do, sister..."

When he fell to the bottom of the stairwell, a certain man's voice of admiration came from Niya's earphones.

"Tsk, it's not yet time for business to talk about each other. I will leave the rest to you... If you don't deal with the'fire source' properly, this fire may make a comeback at any time."

Maintaining the embarrassing landing posture with a group of single buttocks on top of his head, and pressing his face to the ground as if giving up, Niya showed a self-deprecating smile.

"For your plan, this lady is so soft now that she can't move a finger."

Activating such a large area of ​​"Holy Prayer·The Rain of Our Lady", even if you drink more "Maria no Juice", you will not be able to recover for a while.

"Don't worry, this time, I promise I won't let her run away again."

In the communication, the man's confident promise came.


Bunkyo District, Hongo 5chome, the ruins of Honmyo Temple.

The pink flame that originally covered a full five kilometers has now been compressed into the fence of the spirit garden under the rain curtain.

And the flame people who once wreaked havoc in the fire have long since disappeared, leaving only the black gas rising up like thick smoke.

"Buddha helps all sentient beings, like rain to nourish all things..."

Standing in the center of the spiritual garden, the "Incarnation of Bliss" at the bottom of the palm-shaped pit, stretched out his palms with some sigh to catch the raindrops falling in the air.

"Ziss ZZZ..."

The raindrops fell on the solid palms of the "Incarnation of Bliss", and it corroded a large hole like sulfuric acid, and continued to immerse into the ground as if it were no one.

"Where is the power, the rain of magic?"

Even the scarlet filaments that got in and out of the surface of her Law Body seemed to be afraid of something and disappeared completely.

"The rain of Dharma rains down in the sky, and it will definitely cause the incarnation of a Bodhisattva, and the arhat's vulgarity... Gudong, Gudong..."

The Buddha's light dissipated in the rain curtain, lying in the pink flames with a blurred look and dry mouth, while swigging for some reason, some ammonia-smelly and salty raindrops to maintain the mind, while speaking earnestly and consoling: "Zongchun, heaven is falling The rain and the decree of the Buddha have already appeared, and it is a shore to look back!"

"Hehe, when Mr. Kukai lived in the world, I followed him as a teacher..."

The "Incarnation of Bliss" is like a melted wax figure in the tyrannical raindrops, repeating the process of corrosion, ablation, and restoration, sometimes sacred like a bodhisattva, sometimes terrifying like a ghost.

"After Master Kukai's Nirvana, I followed my Buddha as a teacher, and finally found the boat to the other shore. How would I be willing to return to the shore again and waste my life?"

"This rain of magic is destined not to last. After this, my flame will return to the earth..."

In Kato Junko's eyes, the raging pink flame came out of the frame, licking the salty rainwater between his fingers indulgingly, smiling beautifully.

"Until the desires of every corner of this planet are satisfied with joy, my ambition will not stop. No matter who it is, no one can escape from my boundless paradise!"

"Crazy...Crazy...You have been completely bewitched by this thing..."

Hongfa shook his head slightly, his eyes were full of regret and distress instead of worrying about the situation.

It was himself and Mr. Kukai who were too self-confident and laissez-faire about Zongchun's "talent" at the beginning, but instead led him to go astray with Buddhism and planted the bane of today's scene.

"Bewitched? No, when the brother realizes my great joy, he will definitely be happy for me to have this opportunity to save sentient beings."

Frowning slightly, the "Incarnation of Bliss" stretched out a hand and stretched out towards the teaching...

"After all beings in this world are transformed by me, I will incarnate in the center of this world and become the Bodhisattva of Joy with all the desires of all creatures in this world!"

"Hey, what is the difference between your so-called saving sentient beings and the XXXXL tauren in "Yoshihara Yanshang"? "

The man chuckles with disdain and ridicule, sounded in the raindrops.

"Besides, it is not easy for you to'resurrect with electric shock'. If you run to become a bodhisattva..."

The pink palm of "Elysium Incarnation" hovered above Kofa's head.

"...The "Undead", which has been pre-sold 100,000 sets before the filming is finished, and those "Fan Reward Season Tickets" that have not been used after the sale? "

"And your current duplication, which is neither male nor female, will add a lot of post-dubbing costs to the publisher, right? 』

A sturdy figure strode across the rain curtain and slowly appeared from the gate of the spiritual garden behind Hongfa.

"Mr. Araki... Mr.... Kawasaki Master Temple is incompetent, so he can teach such a bad guy, faceless facing my Buddha...uuuuuu..."

Looking back at the old man, Hongfa knocked his head on the ground guiltily, tears running down.

"Sure enough, it's you..."

Seeing the visitor clearly, Junko Kato showed a complex look.

"... Junior Brother Zongjie."

The blond man with a naked upper body, a bucket bag on his back, and a cigarette on his mouth, is the soaked Araki Sosuke.

"In that case, this rich and rich Fayu must be yours?"

"Ahem... No, you have to ask the Meteorological Bureau how the rain came down. It has nothing to do with me!"

"It's going to rain, my mother is going to marry, this stinky yellow rain must be caused by the incompetent government dumping too much nuclear waste water into the sea!" Maybe after this rain, there will be a lot of biochemical mutations, mutated creatures that climb up the land to avenge humans..."

Hearing the other party's questioning, Araki Sosuke's eyes flashed, his complexion was reddish, and he shook his head like a rattle in denial.

"Brother Hongfa don't have to blame yourself. Next, leave it to me."

He stepped to the side of Hongfa whose face was full of rain or tears, and gently lifted him up.

"...There is Mr. Lao Araki."

With his arrival, the pink flames that had been struggling in the Spirit Garden were completely extinguished and turned into black resentment and was sucked into his body.

Sosuke Araki, whose pupils were golden and white, stood side by side opposite this tall "Incarnation of Bliss" with the Buddha's light flowing through the same eyes.

"So that's it... It was you, Junior Brother Zong Jie, who brought down this rain of magic and quelled my lust!"

Seeing this weird scene, a trace of doubt flashed in Kato Junko's eyes, and then he smiled openly: "Senior Brother is young, not only is the Buddha Dharma so advanced, but Tianyantong is better than Senior Brother Hongfa..."

Sosuke Araki’s profound "Dharma" that accommodates the evil karma of sentient beings, the "Tianyan Tong" that is more mysterious than propagating the Dharma, and the powerful rain of Dharma that is drenched at the moment...

"...Presumably, Mr. Kukai has devoted a lot of effort to you and taught you lifelong Buddhism!"

Everything, in her heart, has condensed into an answer that she has been asking for.

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