It seems to have figured out something, the dull eyes that the scarlet "Single Eye" and Araki Sosuke met at each other gradually turned into disbelief, excitement, and sexual excitement...

Endless resentment, nostalgia, flattery and flattery.

Because the current situation "almost" never happened, but there is a certain "extraordinary" existence.

"This guy, his eyes can be so smart? Did he take the wrong medicine..."

Seeing that "eyeball planet" originally looked so indifferent and without a trace of emotion, suddenly it was pitiful like a kitten "requesting for adoption" in a roadside paper box, and flattering like the vice-chairman Chang Tian, ​​who was pretentious and eager and dissatisfied, Araki Sosuke raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"They...gue...guess and guess what you have to connect to each other's news...Luo...has a support."

Caught off guard, the intensive, piercing, obscure and chaotic song sound volume and frequency strengthened again, and passed into the ears like an old alarm clock...

"There are too many people, too many...Her...things are caught between us. Roar... Luo... There are too many noises... Si... Weak, even if the wind blows."

It seems that the other party wants to deliver something urgently, or is calling something...

"God understands its meaning, fades away from eternal sleep, the moment of welcoming...

Countless noises converged to the end, leaving only the sentence back and forth.

"It's so noisy, it's just a few words that I sing and sing in a broken voice. It's ugly and I don't understand it. Are you annoying?!"

Araki Sosuke, who was extremely irritated by the other's noisy and turbulent "lyrics", his eyes gleaming like demons, stretched out his hand in his ears unhappily, and roared loudly towards the other side.

Then, the "Void" in front of his eyes shattered like this...

"Just now, what is it... hallucinations?"

The darkness of the spiritual garden and the silently standing pagodas once again appeared in front of Araki Sosuke.

In the palm of his hand, the scarlet energy has completely turned to ashes at some point, and has completely disappeared before it hits the ground.

The dark red fur originally held on the other hand was also missing.

"It's gone?! Tsk, could it be said that it's this broken picture scroll again..."

Faced with this familiar situation, Araki Sosuke slowly lowered his head and found that there was an extra rectangular rune on the "Take Tori Scroll" on his waist.

You don't need to ask, it must be the "Bamboo Drawing Scroll" that made a fortune in a muffled voice. During this period, the Mochizuki Secret Treasure ‘robbed the head’.

"Huh, this is finally an end..."

Just a sigh of relief, Araki Sosuke's face suddenly soared...

"Uh ah ah ah..."

Countless flaming tattoos wriggled up towards his face, like a thousand horses defying life and death, constantly slamming into his eyes, one gold and one white light.

The wailing stopped abruptly, Araki Sosuke knelt to the ground silently like a sluggish vegetative, letting the "war between heaven and man" continue to erupt...

"Hiss...what am I..."

At the same time, Kato Junko, who had originally bumped his head on the pagoda, had a bloody face and was unconscious, slowly opened his eyes.

"...What have you done?!"

The chaotic memories of being possessed filled my heart endlessly.

"I am a sinner who is not determined, contaminates with killing karma, and plays with billions of lives..."

At this moment, there is no longer any greed, unwillingness or anger in her round eyes, only endless clarity, regret and guilt.

"Wait, this stupa..."

When he saw the stone inscription on the blood-stained pagoda in front of him, Kato Junko suddenly suffocated, and even missed his heartbeat...

"When the Buddha lives in the world, he takes the Buddha as his teacher, the Buddha enters Nirvana, and the precepts as his teacher... The Buddha bone relic of the monk Konghai is sealed here."

"Take the precepts as your teacher...Take the precepts as your turns out, Mr. Kukai has already told me the answer! Teacher...Zong Chun's qualifications are too dull to comprehend your hard work..."

Crystal tears gushing from Kato Junko's eyes, rushing the blood on his face into two white greasy horizontal lines.

"Hahahahaha... It's because I didn't abide by the precepts, so that the Buddha's mind was not strong, went astray, and was taken advantage of by the external demon... If it weren't for the blockade by Master Zongjie, I would almost slaughter all the people in the world!"

At this moment, in front of the Kunghai Pagoda, she put everything down, crying so much that she was at a loss for what to do, as if she had lost her parents' child.

"Teacher, Ruo Zongchun did not insist on doing it alone and obsessed with the joyful Dharma at the beginning. You can serve your side when you are slaying demons and defending the way. Maybe you won't be in Nirvana..."

Junko Kato suddenly propped up her upper body, looked at the pagoda in front of her, and talked about the guilt that has been hidden in her heart...

"All of this is caused by my sinful karma... I am a sinner, what qualifications do I have to live in this world?!"

The luster in her eyes slowly faded, leaving only a pure wish for death.

"...Zong Chun."

Just as Kato Junko held his head high and was about to slam into the pagoda in front of him, a cry of vicissitudes of life sounded behind him.

"Old teacher?!"

The old voice engraved in the bottom of her heart and never forgotten made her feel a little twitch.

"Zongjie... Junior Brother?"

Looking back, not far behind her, there is only Araki Sosuke, who is facing her hips, kneeling and standing still, as if she was "thinking about it".

"what happened to you?"

Perceiving something wrong, Kato Junko ignored her embarrassed state, and crawled toward the opponent with difficulty, seeming to want to confirm the state of Araki Sosuke.

At the same time, Araki Sosuke's back, between the skull head lotus platform under the tattoo of the angry Bodhisattva, lit up with a star-like white light...

The world in Kato Junko's eyes suddenly changed...

The blood-colored half-round sunset was reflected on the slowly flowing gray river, bringing out a touch of evil and enchanting blood.

Countless green grasses and blood-red flowers are swaying under the breeze.

A towering tree shaped like an umbrella, covering a large area of ​​shadow, stood on the bank of the river.

"here it is……"

Inexplicably placed in the grass crowd by the river bank, Kato Junko looked around, his eyes suddenly stopped under the big tree...


She slammed her mouth with her palm, and her entire face was deformed forcibly, but she couldn't stop the dense teardrops from gushing out of her eyes.

"Zong Chun..."

Between the sturdy tree roots, a gray-robed old monk was sitting cross-legged.

"You're back."

The pair of empty eye sockets of the other party quietly "stared" at her, her wrinkled face was overflowing with kindness.


Junko Kato stumbled to the other side, kneeling in embarrassment, letting the thin arms whirling on top of his head, big and big tears falling like rain on the grass between the roots of the tree.

"Zong Chun, I'm back."

This situation and situation are generally the same as when she returns to the mountain gate every time she goes out to "giving charity".

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