I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 721 The Biggest Virgin Crisis in History

Half an hour later, Kawasaki Master Temple.

At the time of the day and night, the faintly bright morning light smudged the misty white fog and the ancient and elegant temple gates with a layer of imperceptible gold.

Before the morning class time, a group of young monks gathered in front of the mountain gate with complex expressions and helpless, pacing back and forth.


A group of black commercial vehicles, with a wild breath, rushed into the unmanned commercial street, and stopped at the gate of the temple, raising the dust of the big canopy.


The pale middle-aged monk slammed the door from the co-pilot of the lead car and walked down.

"Propaganda host!"

Seeing this person, the group of young monks surrounded them in a chaotic manner as if they had seen the backbone of the main body.

"Tonight, after you brought the uncles and uncles down the mountain to get rid of the spirits, Uncle Zong Chun appeared in the "Olympic Academy" for some reason..."

"Yes, Uncle Zongchun's hair has grown a lot longer than before, and he's also a lot bigger... And, he didn't wear any clothes at the time..."

"Also, Mr. Araki, who used to stay for a while for recuperation before, is also in the spiritual garden, wearing only a pair of pants..."

"Mr. Araki seems to be'ill' again, and he is motionless... and was also caught by Uncle Zongchun..."

"Stop, stop, who first discovered it, come forward, I will ask, and you will answer!"

Rebuking the messy words of these panicked young monks, Hongfa asked in a low voice, "Where are the two of them now? What's wrong?"

"After Master Zong Chun brought Mr. Araki out of the "Olympic Academy", the two of them stayed in the temple all the time... We followed your instructions and didn't dare to go in and make trouble. "

The little monk who came forward to answer the question as the "first eyewitness" seemed to recall some kind of illegible picture, and a blush appeared on his face: "...Apart from disheveled clothes, there is nothing unusual. ."

No matter who it is, at night, I saw the naked, protruding, curvy, and fluttering long hair of Master Zongchun, and Mr. Araki, who was unconscious and topless on his shoulders, dedicated to worship the ancestors, Stepping out of the solemn Olympic Academy...

The first action will be to wipe your eyes subconsciously, wondering if it is because of your six impures, and what kind of strange spring dreams you have made, right?

"Are there any other abnormalities..."

Hearing this little monk's words, Kofa, who grabbed his toes and rushed back along the way, heaved a sigh of relief...

Although I don't know the specific situation, just watching these little monks can still yell in front of me, instead of lying in the wing "enjoying joy", the situation should not be as bad as I thought.

"Wait, you said Mr. Araki... Mr., is he'sick' again?"

Immediately, his expression wrinkled again and his brows were slightly frowned.

"Yes, as before, standing still and motionless."

"I see."

"It seems that even as a venerable person, the burden is too great to use magical powers forcibly..."

After being confirmed by the little monk, Hongfa bowed his head and began to ponder.

After Araki Sosuke disappeared with Kato Junko, no matter it was the violent rain, the weird pink flames, or the two huge dharma bodies that fought in the posture of the joyful Buddha in the night sky, they all disappeared.

The joint action teams in Tokyo, which were gradually awakening in the rain, immediately led conventional forces such as the Metropolitan Police Department, the Fire Department, the Ministry of Defense, and the Self-Defense Force into the "disaster area" where the fire was extinguished, and began to search and rescue large numbers of people who fell into a coma.

Of course, the declared name is...

The unfamous cult "Aum Truth Society" caused chaos and caused a large area of ​​gas leaks.

Anyway, the abundance of unexplained pungent smells in the air in Taitung District and Bunkyo District are similar to gas, isn't it?

At the same time, the teams of the joint operation are also using various means to secretly search for the missing "source of fire" Kato Junko.

When everyone was at a loss, Kofa received a call from Kawasaki Daishi Temple, and hurried back all the way from Tokyo...

"Could it be that Mr. Araki was also defeated? Master Kato, who was possessed by a rancor, was so terrifying..."

Just as Kobo learned about the situation, Hiroshi Tsugada, who changed into a brand-new suit and had a mirror-like scalp, also stepped off the commercial car behind him.

"Wow...Bah, baah, I mean, if Araki-senpai was unconscious and was taken away by Kato-sensei..."

Following him is Yamada Kengo wearing sportswear and on all fours.

"Isn't it, the biggest virginity crisis in history?! It's enviable...worried guy!"

Although he had already removed the "human-faced dog's collar" on his neck at this moment, he was still suffering from powerful side effects, and he couldn't even walk upright temporarily.

"Oh ha ha ha ha... That virgin, who has been taken to a separate box for so long, hasn't he been squeezed out by a man?"

Then the red-haired foreign nun who came to the gate of the temple was the "first hero" who dropped the rain, extinguished the fire, and awakened everyone in the "Taitung District Gas Leakage Incident," codenamed "Liberation Saint". The exempt level of foreign nationals except for the spirits, Vatican Sisters of the Holy See, Niya St. Catherine.

"Everyone, no, don't be careless...The stun sleeve is very dangerous...it may be possible to possess anyone at any time and ignite the ‘shock sleeve fire’ again..."

Abe Temple, who was pale and wore two swords on his waist, tremblingly got out of the car last.

After experiencing a series of fierce battles in the "Yoshiwara Yanjo" Shenyin, not only the "Sun and Moon" two swords fell into a deep sleep, but under the rescue, he himself only regained his basic mobility, and he shouldn't continue to participate in the next joint operation. ...

Perhaps it was the half-shouldering "sense of mission" that originated from Yasuo Yasuo in his heart and made him follow.

"Host, the two of them are inside..."

The group of people hurried along the fine gravel road in the temple, and soon came to the outside of the side hall where the words "Fudotang" were written.

Through the thin paper window, one could only see a sitting figure reflected in the swaying candlelight in the side hall.


Hongfa took a deep breath, silently kept a distance from the few people behind him, glanced at each other, and pushed open the hall door under the eyes of the enemy...

Even if it is in the hall, it is Sousuke Araki who is in such a miserable condition, the iron rod is ground into needles, and the dehydration is so skinny...

Or, what a beautiful and tragic decisive battle with Kato Junko, who is possessed by the grudge...

Even died because of this, these experienced soul removers would not even blink their eyelids.

Everyone who comes here has prepared for the worst!

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