"Zong, Zong Chun?!"

"Thai, Thailand?!"

"Master, Junior Brother?!"

"Harmony, monk?!"

After a series of exclamations, the atmosphere in the room fell into an extremely embarrassing silence again.

When everyone looked at the scene of "Brothers Reunion", they gradually turned from doubts into surprise, unwillingness, panic, loss and perish...

"No! Impossible! I don't believe it!"

"My countless passionate sleepless nights, my youthful years full of scars and regrets, cannot be dedicated to a man! 』

"If it's a monk who made me fall into a sea of ​​desperation and the sword heart is shattered..."

"Then my sword heart is bright, why did it break? ! This re-bred Jianxin amidst the pink and nirvana, what kind of thing is it? ! 』

Before coming, the two main combat forces who had high hopes and were responsible for "frontal containment", Abeji Temple and Yamada Kengo, who were exempt from the second grade, were even more pale because they faced the bleak life without any psychological preparation. , Can't rise again, disappear in smoke.

"Ahem, I feel the same for the two tragic experiences, but at this moment, I still give priority to..."

"Hey, don't you think it's more terrifying. It is obviously the technology that Buddha Guotaitu has mastered to completely subvert the order of love and adjust the balance of the world's male and female ratio?"

Just when Hiroshi Changtian racked his brains and couldn't come up with suitable words to comfort the two people who were in a petrified state while maintaining the "Tears Asking Heaven" posture, they could only pat their shoulders perfunctorily to show comfort...

"A few, just ahead of this..."

The sound of rapid footsteps broke the silence in the side hall.

"Everyone in the association, how is the battle going?"

Under the leadership of a group of ninth class agents, coming along the gravel road were several priests wearing hunting clothes and thick long black hats.

"What, have even "Tachibana Piaoxue" and "Philosophy Swordsman" lost their combat effectiveness? It's really amazing, but fortunately we are here..."

When they saw the two men crying in front of the "Fudotang" and turned into stone statues, the priests suddenly showed expressions like enemies.

"It is rare for Amitabha, the great priest of Fujiwara, to personally lead a team to help."

Looking back to see the visitor clearly, Hongfa was taken aback for a moment, and then he stood in front of the hall and held the eleventh ceremony far away.

The head of the middle-aged priest who is not angry and prestigious is Fujiwara Tree, the father of the contemporary patriarch of the Fujiwara clan, the great priest of Meiji Jingu, and the current Yin-Yang-ryou "Yin-Yang Head", and "The Godly Loved One Who Met Once in Four Thousand Years". .

"The host of Kofa...Ay...At this moment, the "Three Tokyo Arrays" don't need me to maintain it for the time being. Let me help..."

Hearing Kobe's words neither lukewarm nor cold, Fujiwara tree smiled wryly.

Regarding Yin Yang Liao’s only responsibility for the “three major formations in Tokyo” and “accommodating grievances”, and its indifferent attitude towards “supernatural disasters” that did not endanger the safety of the imperial family, whether it is the Association of Soul Erasers, Lesson Nine, or even the Ministry of Defense, it is early. There are complaints, this is already an open matter.

"The recent crises are thanks to the Spirit Slayers Association's efforts to turn the tide..."

As the highest official institution that has taken charge of "supernatural" affairs since ancient times, it is indeed a bit embarrassing to repeatedly ask non-governmental associations to come forward to solve problems.

"Yin and Yang Liao is hard to say, it is indeed overwhelming and unable to take care of it."

However, my family knows their own affairs, and because of some "heavy tasks" that are inconvenient to talk about and must be undertaken, the staff in Yin Yang Liao is also at risk and cannot take care of themselves.

"The great priest Fujiwara doesn't need to blame himself. This time, it was my fault that I was not educated at the Kawasaki Master Temple."

Casting a glance at Junko Kato in the hall, Kobe lowered his head reproachfully.

"Hosted by Kofa, I'll talk about the gossip later, there should be a more urgent situation to deal with right now..."

As Fujiwara tree waved his hand, three priests with all black robes and black cloth blindfolded walked out of the queue.

"Black-robed priest, this is... Shouchending?!"

After seeing the attire of these men, Kofa took a breath.

"So, they are the ones who are responsible for sealing the grievances in Yinyangliao, right?"

Considering that Zongchun almost turned the entire Tokyo into a melting pot of desire, this was unexpected and reasonable.

Shouchending is a technician who engraves the path of Yinyangliao. He is also known as the "black priest" because he is dressed in black and black robe.

In ancient times, Shouchending's declared duty was to report the time according to the omissions, and was also known as the "Dahe Fighter".

But people in the industry know that Shouchen Ding has always been the secret team with the highest combat capability in Yin and Yang, and the defender of the dark night order. In the Heiankyo era of Hyakki Ye walks, he was the mainstay of fighting against all kinds of ghosts, spirits, grievances and sources of disaster. .

But since more than 20 years ago, this famous "black priest" has withdrawn from the frontal battlefield for some reason. He is only responsible for some unknown things behind the scenes, which in disguise has led to a large number of extraordinary events that no one cares about. situation.

"Yes, Kato Junko, who was possessed by a grudge, has been judged to be an existence of the weird level "three" and must be taken by Yin Yang Liu. "

Fujiwara tree nodded and waved decisively. The black priests, blindfolded with black cloth, walked towards the gate of the palace with a strong aura.

"Containment? Are you going to take Zongchun to ‘that place’?"

However, the tall body of the propagator blocked the gate of the temple impermeable, and did not mean to give way: "Amitabha, Zongchun has already escaped from the influence of that grievance and saved himself. From now on, our temple will be strict. Take care..."

"Since I have escaped from the influence of that grievance, then I would like to ask the propaganda host, where is the grievance currently?!"

"Poor monk, I don't know."

Facing Fujiwara's indifferent question, Hirofa shook his head helplessly.

"Hey, although the Yin Yang Liao maintains the formation and exhausted the fire, it is our association who is fighting frontally..."

"Yes, it's not appropriate for you to come forward to'contain' Junko Kato now."

Kneeling to the side, Yamada Kengo and Abeji Temple, who had just recovered from the horror dominated by "Zongchun", understood the purpose of Yin and Yang, and immediately stood up to the Kofa body with disdain on their faces. Next, the door was blocked tightly.

"It is a crime of treason to obstruct the law enforcement of Yin Yang Liao!"

Those "black priests" were blindfolded, but they seemed to be able to clearly see the actions of the two of them, their spirits surged, and they seemed to be ready to move...

"We are the official dementors registered by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, and the Metropolitan Police Department. We have the right to choose the most appropriate method of handling the'extraordinary incidents' we are responsible for!"

"Several people who didn't indicate their origins, and arbitrarily arbitrarily impede other people's tasks, are they obstructing official duties, right?!"

In the face of this scene, Abe Temple and Yamada Kengo, like the guardians of the right and left, put their hands on the hilt of the sword without any shock, and they seemed to draw their swords to see blood if they didn't agree.

The atmosphere between the courts suddenly became tense.

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