"The host of Kofa should be clear. Even now, Junko Kato seems to be sober, but it is unknown whether the unknown whereabouts are still in her body, how much influence remains, and when it will recover again... …"

"Yin Yang Liao came here by the royal family's orders, and didn't mean to grab merit, but instead made a determination to stay here and contain this time bomb!"

It seemed that the reaction of the Association's spirit removers had long been expected, and Fujiwara tree waved back the "black priest" beside him and explained it patiently.

"Everyone knows that within a few hours tonight alone, the number of victims who could never wake up due to dehydration, convulsions, nervous disorders, suffocation, malnutrition and other reasons has risen to double digits."

"If she is not properly sealed, in case she becomes enchanted again later, can the Soul Eliminators Association and Kawasaki Master Temple be 100% guaranteed to stop her without endangering anyone?"

In the face of Fujiwara Tree's well-founded and well-founded words, everyone fell silent in the room.

After all, the scene where Junko Kato becomes Fenyue, summons Homura, and burns Taito District and Bunkyo District into a sea of ​​desire and annihilation is still vivid.

Although all members of the Spirit Eliminators Association were dispatched, especially someone's activity, which prevented the situation from fermenting in time, and made the prodigal son of Kato Junko turn back...

However, even if all government units are doing their best to search and rescue, there are still many people who are weak and old, sleeping forever in bliss.

The main responsibility of the entire incident is naturally the vibrating sleeve that can possess the body, but as the "executor" Junko Kato has inevitably stained his hands with the "causality" called killing, which he calls "killing." It is not an exaggeration to commit.

"Brother Hongfa..."

At the moment when the scene was deadlocked, Junko Kato quietly came behind Hongfa.

"The priest Fujiwara is right, this is Zongchun's own sin, and Zongchun himself should redeem it."

"But, Zongchun, you..."

She shook her head lightly, and she squeezed out the door with her self-consciously lost Kofa body, and came to Fujiwara Shu.

"Senior Monk Zongchun, he is indeed a man of enlightenment..."

Fujiwara tree nodded his head cautiously, and looked at Kofa seriously: "I, and Yin Yang Liao, hereby promise to Kawasaki Daishiji that under'normal' conditions, I will treat the monk with courtesy and ensure his food and clothing. Wu You, life is safe and there is a suitable place to practice Buddha!"

Compared with ordinary grieving spirits and grievances, Kato Junko's joyful Dharma, the scope of its spread and the degree of entanglement are already regarded as fouls.

Based on her destructive theory that she can deactivate a city within 24 hours, the rating of level three is slightly underestimated.

The imperial family only sent the Yin-Yang room to "contain" instead of "kill on the spot", which has already given enough face to the recently toiled Kawasaki Master Temple and the Association of Spirit Eliminators.


Behind Fujiwara Shu, among the sleeves of the black priests, bunches of thick vines flew out towards Junko Kato.

"Does the propaganda host, who is the master, want to take people away before speaking?"

Yamada Kengo and Abe Temple flashed and stopped in front of Kato Junko.

The vines that struck were densely wrapped around the arms of the two of them like snakes.


The unexpectedly tough vine touches, the two only felt the spiritual power in their bodies, rushing into the trees and vines quickly, and they were sucked out in a short while.

Pieces of emerald green leaves immediately bloomed on the vines.

The sense of emptiness with their spiritual power bottomed out, making the two of them who were already in a state of exhaustion gush out like a waterfall, and their footsteps fell to the ground weakly.

"What is this, so powerful..."

Seeing this unheard tree branch that seemed to be able to feed on spiritual power, Kofa was taken aback for a moment, and he wanted to help the two of them overcome their difficulties.

"Don't worry, this'Jade Branch' only erodes spiritual power and won't hurt people's lives."

Fujiwara made a reassuring sentence, and saw the branch fall off the two of them, and then attacked Kato Junko in the back.


Junko Kato folded her hands and took the initiative to take a step forward, letting the branch swept over her body.

"Senior Monk Zongchun really understood the righteousness... everybody, it's up here, we'll leave now."

Without explaining the meaning to the crowd at all, Fujiwara Shu led a group of people back and walked towards the temple gate.

"The teacher has taught that all people who are born into the world are cultivation, and those who win are all Taoist, no superiority. Don't leave your own meeting, and please brothers to practice diligently, don't be compared with me..."

Standing in front of the temple gate, Kato Junko, who was tightly bound by tree and vines, turned around and gave a little salute. He took a nostalgic glance at the Kawasaki Daishi Temple in the morning light, and entered the car surrounded by several black priests.

"Amitabha... the buddha nature of my junior is far better than me!"

Hearing the words, he stopped and smiled at the door, folded his hands together and sang loudly: "All karma is born out of delusion. If you want to confess, sit and recite the truth. All sins are like frost and dew, wise sun Can be eliminated."

The magnificent Buddhist scriptures echoed in the old long street for a long time, as if to bid farewell to the convoy that left Junko Kato.


Tokyo, Chiyoda District, Akihabara Electric Town.

However, at four o'clock in the morning, the clouds on the horizon showed a slight orange awn, and it seemed to be anxious to erase the haze of last night.

"Vice-chairman Changtian has heard news that Junko Kato, who was possessed by the grievance, has been formally taken in by Yin Yang Liu..."

"Araki-kun is in a state of'illness', but he is finally safe and his virginity is still alive..."

"Next, the headache of search and rescue, public opinion control and other ‘finishing’ work that has been thrown at the regular government departments."

On the top of the "Adult World" rooftop, holding a laptop computer to check information, standing in the "steel jungle" composed of various observation equipment such as tripods, SLR cameras, thermal infrared imagers, etc., wailed and stretched out. Lazy waist: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"It doesn't matter, sleep for a while, and then think about how to'finish' Araki-kun's annoying action report!"

"I decided, I wrote that he was originally only responsible for riding a bicycle to transport the'nun' to the raining location, but because of his'exceptional talent', he was looted by Kato Junko. With a strong body, rich experience and strong will, Supported by the endless torture, Master Kofa led the team to rush to... Hey hey, what a classic book plot, next time I will ask Mr. Kiyomi to customize a book privately..."


The crisp sound of the shutter sounded, and Hou Hailu Dou, who had already begun to see an entire comic book in his mind, was shocked.

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