I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 725 Bold hypothesis and careful verification

"Huh, startled me, it turned out to be the "Eye of Reality"..."

"I clearly remembered the matching Hasselblad H3D before, when did my old sister get it onto the Polaroid again?" 』

After the dazzling white light passed, Hou Hailu Dou followed the sound and saw a Polaroid camera propped on a tripod. I don’t know when the lens was turned to him. At this moment, he was sticking out his tongue and a smirk was slowly spitting out from the bottom of the fuselage. a photo.

"It's really ugly, there is no beauty filter for slimming, butt lifting, breast enhancement, etc...In other words, don't suddenly shoot with flash when others are stretching, it is easy to flash to the waist!"

In the warm photo, it is Hou Hailudou himself who raised his hands and smiled like a surrender.

This main body is a SLR lens, the nickname "Zhenchan" and the full name "Eye of Reality" Fu Mengshen, perhaps it has accumulated too much of this Mai Hanyu's resentment for "the hidden energy field life body cannot be observed" over the years. No matter it is installed on any camera or device, it will start shooting the surrounding objects willfully.

The "creature" that is simply filmed will not be locked into action like the "spiritual body", otherwise it will fall into the hands of the caring person, and it will be destined to cause no catastrophic riots such as the "time pause series".

"Hehehehehe, now you start to relax, is your awareness only so small, Chief Hacker Lu Dou?"

"I have observed a lot of interesting data all night, but unfortunately I couldn't get a sample of the ‘flame’. 』

Mai Hanyu, who was immersed in the "SLR Jungle" testing equipment and verifying the recorded data, sneered without looking back.

"Although the'fire' in front of me was extinguished, the murderer of the'arson' might still be waiting for the next chance."

"The murderer of'arson', old sister, do you mean the'Aum Shinrikai'? These lunatics who have mastered the abilities of ghosts, are not afraid of death and love to make trouble, are really tricky..."

"Uh, it's heavy...Wait, where did you get this expensive dying telescope? 』

Hearing the old lady's sneer like the beginning of a horror movie, Hou Hailu Dou quickly helped her glasses, squatted down consciously and began to help pack up the heavy equipment.

According to the small feedback from the joint operation, before and after the "Yoshiwara Yanshang" Shenyin was turned on, several cultists did appear near Yoshihara, and several spirit-eliminators and agents were attacked indiscriminately.

Therefore, the association initially judged that the culprit that caused the seal of the gods that had been sleeping for hundreds of years to loosen, and caused the birth of ghosts, gods and grievances, was naturally the non-famous cult "Aum Shinrikyo."

Confirmed by Abe Temple, several of the female cultists in the intelligence have been swallowed by the weird kimono.

As for the other three male cultists, after being beaten by Sosuke Araki to fracture and shrink in shape, they have been taken into custody in Class 9.

But because of unexplained "burning delusion" after waking up, he has been in a state of confusion, nonsense, and pleading, unable to verify more details.

"No, it's not that simple... Behind all of this, I felt the turbulent undercurrent of "Black Claw"! "

"Sister, obviously the Aum Truth Society has ‘showed up’, and this can also throw the pot to the virtual villain organization "Black Claw" in your head... By the way, do their senior members use the name of the wine as their code name? "

The two brothers and sisters were chatting, and took the flat trolley from the side, struggling to put the iron boxes filled with various types of lenses and cameras one by one.

"Hey, naive! Toyama Park, Sendagoya Tunnel, Yoshiwara Yanshang..."

Mai Hanyu straightened her tall body, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and lifted the box on the other side.

"Even after the opening of the gates of hell, Tokyo's hidden energy field has frequent activities, but these "same series" old antique gods that have been sleeping for hundreds of years from the Tokugawa shogunate period, how can there be such a coincidence that they have an appointment in the last month? Turn it on?"

"In this familiar'creation' technique and'work' aesthetics, I smelled the smell of that IMB700! After all, the fragmentary legends about these famous spiritual locations in Tokyo are piled up in the 2CH forum... …"

"There is also the'Aum Truth Society'. Did they make a mistake or have some connection with IMB700? If you assume a little bit more boldly, are they both members of the "Black Claws" who have never shown up... …what! "

Mai Hanyu, who "fictionalized" the box while stacking, suddenly frowned and shook his footsteps, and he threw the box forward...


The thick sea and land on the side handed out the box in her hand with agility that was completely incompatible with her body shape, allowing her to take advantage of her strength to stabilize her, and avoid the tragedy of "the experimental equipment worth tens of millions was tragically broken".

"Did you have the headache again? Old sister, your problem seems to be getting more and more serious? I told you to take a vacation, take a good rest for a few days, and check your body by the way..."

While complaining, Hou Hailu Dou took the box beside Mai Hanyu.

The old lady has been suffering from headaches since he has the memory, but it seems that the attacks have become more frequent recently.

"Don't worry, I only had a comprehensive examination last month. Except for anemia caused by fatigue and eating disorders, there were no abnormalities in the indicators."

Panting, Mai Hanyu sat down on the floor, trembling and rubbing her eyebrows, but her mouth remained stubborn.

"If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. For me, who has a brain capacity far beyond that of a mortal, a little neurotic headache as a side effect is nothing."

It seems that only at this moment, the weakness that belongs to women, will flash on her.

Putting the remaining box yards alone, Hou Hailu Dou also panted and sat on the ground: "By the way, the old sister, what you just said are all assumptions without evidence, right? But..."

Although he said "there is no evidence", the subconscious mind in his mind has already started to follow Mai Hanyu's "hypothesis"...

After all, in the days when he ran "Beware! Haunted House Appraisal" in the past few years, Hou Hailu Dou has witnessed it with his own eyes. The uninspired old lady is like how enthusiastic in the face of countless "observation failures" and "experiment failures". And persistently believe in and pursue the existence of "hidden energy field life form".

Before and after the Obon Festival, starting from the “swing hard call on the car” downstairs in Jiangdong Apartment, until recently, the “mandatory on-site service by a white-clothed technician”...

The series of events that happened before his eyes, and even almost destroyed the entire Tokyo metropolis, proved one by one that certain "hypotheses" and "theories" that Mai Hanyu had always believed in were all true!

Moreover, Hou Hai Lu Dou himself knows best, if it weren’t for the inexplicable “valuation” and “trust” of Mr. Araki, I’m afraid that the two of them who “have no power to bind the spirit” would not be able to look like “must die” several times. "Survived in the crisis until now.

Therefore, for any "bold hypothesis" in Mai Hanyu's mouth, he can only take on the part of "carefully verifying" as if he is facing an enemy.

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