"Stop talking nonsense, how many of you have come here, where are my team members?!"

The black-robed man hadn't finished speaking. Before the second, Ryoma stepped forward, kicked his mask away mercilessly, and stepped back on the opponent's chest.


In the sound of bone cracks, the muzzle of the black hole has been deeply inserted into the man’s mouth that has just opened, and there is no time to hear the wailing: "What did you do to them?"

"woo woo woo woo……"

The man seemed to want to say something, but was constantly rubbing his throat with the black muzzle, unable to make a complete sound.

"Don't play tricks with me, otherwise the next shot will be your head and heart..."

After reacting to the reason why the other party could not answer, Ryoma carefully pulled out the muzzle before the second, and warned in a low voice: "It's useless to delay time. Although only the wrists and feet were shot, according to the bleeding rate, if you don't treat the wound in five minutes If you don’t, your life will be equally fatal!"

"Cough cough cough, vomit...your companion, isn't it at your feet?"

Listening to the man's words, Ryoma's trembling eyes fell on the three quietly standing porcelain in the corridor.

"As you can see, they have been refined by me with the power of the ‘Ziku Fangzhu’ into a ‘Human Face Vessel’. You can take them away anytime you want..."

"Asshole! No matter what you do, let them recover immediately, immediately, now!"

Smashing the opponent's face with the butt of the gun, Ryoma's fingers were constantly shaking on the trigger before the second, as if he was ready to shoot at any time...

"Sorry, there is no way to rescue people who have been made into'Human Flour Vessels', but... it's very useful for drinking water and eating and decorating rooms! Wow hahahahaha..."

The black-robed man ignored the muzzle in front of him and the blood pouring out of his mouth, and just smiled madly: "If it wasn't for your luck and inspiration and discovered my existence, you should be the same now!"

Zidui Fangzhu is a kind of ghost that is widely circulated throughout Japan and is good at hiding in corners and abducting people.

It is said that they abducted people to use them as materials to refine the exquisite porcelain called "Human Face Vessel" that is popular among monsters.

Just now, it was the man who controlled the "power of the owner" who was approaching quietly and turned the three members of the demolition team into "face dishes."

However, when he hid in the bedroom next to him, he wanted to wait for Ryoma to pass through the corridor before the second time and try his trick again...

Unexpectedly, the other party discovered him first.

What was even more unexpected was that after this seemingly well-groomed and upright agent noticed himself, he even pretended not to know, and then shot and attacked directly!

It did not follow the police's "pre-gunning procedures" to issue empty gun warnings or to confirm their identity.

"I just heard the gunshots, what happened?!"

After the flustered footsteps, a male police officer in the uniform of the "demolition team" appeared at the corner.

"Who is he...Need help?"

While asking with concern, the police officer quickened his pace and moved closer to the second front Ryoma.

"Hey, what are you..."

However, what made him stop was another spear raised by Ryoma before the second.

"Stay where you are, don't move, this gun in my hand doesn't recognize people...what about the companions in your group?"

"They... are downstairs..."

The two guns were pointed at the two people in the corridor and the room at ninety degrees. The expressions on Ryoma's face before the second did not seem to be joking at all.

"I will give you three seconds to report your name, unit and CODE of this operation...three..."

"Don't be so nervous, that, the police department before the second or second..."

Facing the black hole's muzzle, the member of the "demolition team" waved at him with a smile, and the pace at his feet slowed down.

"I said, name, affiliation, action CODE...two..."

"Able to call out my name... If you are not your own, then the communication channel has been..."

Hearing what the other party said, Ryoma frowned slightly before the second, and his eyes kept scanning back and forth in the corridor and the room...

"I see... the name is..."

As he continued to count, the eyes of the person on the other side flickered, his waist and legs were slightly bent, and he seemed to be ready to move...

"Sorry, time is up."


With the sudden sound of gunfire, a touch of blood has bloomed around his waist.

"Uh ah ah ah ah!"

Covering his abdomen and falling to the ground, the man screamed in pain, his figure flickering like a twisted video tape, and gradually turned into a man in a black robe and a mask.

"You, you obviously only counted to two... Moreover, with this transformation of the'Power of Sichuan Ape' and my perfect acting skills, even the spirit eliminator could not see the clue!"

He clutched his bloody abdomen and fell to the ground, unwillingly protesting Ryoma's "unfair" behavior before the two.

"Well, I don't see any flaws in your'transformation' that is more powerful than Oriental makeup."

Looking at each other disgustingly, Ryoma said so before the second.

"However, your words make me feel that it doesn't look like a person from the Metropolitan Police Department, and there is a nasty smell..."

"What... just because I thought it was'not very similar' or'smelly', I shot it directly... You, aren't you afraid of hurting your companion by accident?!"

Chuan ape is a kind of ghost like a kappa without a plate on his head. It is good at changing the appearance of an adult and doing evil.

After possessing the "Power of Sichuan Ape", the man was also stained with the fishy body odor that is unique to ghosts.

But along the way, when the target was puzzled by the smell of him, he often succeeded in a sneak attack from behind.

After all, ordinary people will not decisively choose to shoot ruthlessly just because there is more fishy smell on the "companion".

"Huh? You said...injured your partner by mistake?!"

Before the second, Ryoma asked in surprise, and as always gave an unethical answer: "When the communication channel fails and the mission team is suspected to be completely destroyed, who cares about that possibility?!"

"Let’s not say that the power of the Lingzhen bullet is very small, even if it was accidentally injured. In this special case, as long as you put your fingerprints on the gun afterwards, go back and write a report saying that it was fired when the gun was taken... …』

During the Obon Festival, the shadow caused by the group of "deaths" has never been lost before the second.

"You, you...Obviously as a policeman, how can you be like this..."

"It's because of being a policeman that I can do this!"


Listening to the nonchalant words of the police officer in front of him, the black-robed man only felt his brain was muddled and he couldn't keep up with the other party's thinking at all.

The two beloved ones who capsized in the gutter one after another and suffered serious injuries were only because they overestimated the "professional qualities" of this little inspiring police officer...

Compared with the "police" who has no bottom line in front of me, can I be regarded as an honest and trustworthy citizen?

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