I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 730 Mike Check

"Hey, any unit that performs search and rescue nearby, please reply if you hear... This is the H team responsible for the search and rescue of the Dongda dormitory area..."

Pointing guns at the two people who were wailing in a pool of blood, Ryoma adjusted the communication frequency before the second and continued to call in the communication channel.

Excluding the logistical team responsible for the reception, the University of Tokyo headquarters should have four teams with the same configuration as him in the simultaneous search and rescue.

"...On the 4th floor of Building H in the Women's Dormitory of the University of Tokyo, two suspected Aum Shinrikai members were subdued and asked for support!"

However, after switching several frequencies one after another, there is still a dead silence in the communication channel.

"Hey, don't try in vain... The guys who searched and rescued around here should have been cleaned up by our people...hahahahaha..."


The cult fell in the hallway, immersed in the fear of life passing by with the blood, but laughed madly: "Our companion, I should have heard the gunshot coming... Soon, you will be like them. ..."


As soon as the man's voice fell, a faintly blue transparent arm came out quietly from the wall on one side, and grabbed Ryoma's neck before Erqian.

"I just said, as if I heard gunshots..."

Immediately afterwards, a strong, naked, blue translucent man walked out of the wall.

"Tsk tusk, it's such a shame to deal with a little policeman, you two are really bad!"

Lifting the Erqian Longma aloft with his strong arms, the man glanced at the corridor and the bedroom without any concern. He fell into a precarious "companion" in a pool of blood, and instead smirked.

"Then, that despicable guy, isn't a ‘little policeman’..."

"Yes, he is not only inspired to see us... but also..."

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Without waiting for the two to defend, Erqian Ryoma, who was held in the air by his neck, had turned his muzzle upside down and shot the person behind him mercilessly.

However, in the midst of the fire, the Lingzhen bullet directly penetrated the man's translucent body and shot into the concrete wall without causing any ripples.


On the contrary, the controller of the "Power of Sichuan Ape" on the side corridor was unfortunately rubbed on his arm by the ejected stray bullet.

"Hey, the marksmanship and reaction are good. No wonder it can solve these two idiots, but it is a pity that I have met with the power of the ghost... No matter what kind of attack or obstacle, it can be pierced by me at the moment of touching it. Through the past..."

This translucent muscular man seemed to not care about his naked state, but looked at Erqian Ryoma who was struggling crazily in his hands with great interest.

"Save some bullets. Are you probably the last of the'officials" still alive around here?"

"What... you bastards..."

The other party seemed to be talking about the usual words, but it made Ryoma's heart cold before the second.

"Strengthening the ghost" is a kind of ghost with infinite power and infinite power in the legend of Ishikawa County.

With his weird penetrating power and great power far beyond ordinary people, this man can not only solve a reorganized conventional combat unit silently like the best assassin, but also can enter the frontal battlefield with a hail of bullets. The realm of people.

"Hey, here is the gunshot just now, is there anything that hasn't been resolved?"

"Don't delay time, you must hurry up and find that golden guy. Tonight was delayed by the weird flame for too long... It is said that the "Four Masters" and the "Avengers Alliance" received the news earlier than us... …"

"By the way, what is the name of the named living sacrifice called Huang?!"

Then, one, two, three...

"What...Aum Shinrikyo, these inhuman guys...There are so many..."

In the desperate eyes of Ryoma before the second, more than a dozen figures in black robes and masks appeared in the corridor one after another.

"Named the living sacrifice...The target of these guys is Sosuke?!"

Hearing a certain name mentioned in the words of these black-robed people, Ryoma became extremely calm under the control of fear before the second, and his brain started thinking at a high speed.

"Oh, sorry, sorry, get rid of him right away..."

Hearing the urging of many "companions", this translucent muscular man increased the strength at hand.

"However, these two useless guys were badly injured, I'm afraid they will have to withdraw from the action."

"No, even if you die, you have to send the news..."

Feeling the sudden increase in pressure from the throat, Ryoma struggling to reach out to touch the communication device at the back of the waist...

"Yo, MikeCheck..."

Suddenly, a low and hoarse voice sounded from the corner of the stairs, echoing the effect of Dolby 7.1 surround sound repeatedly in the narrow corridor.


A figure wearing the same black robe, but not wearing a mask, appeared in the vigilant sight of these black robe men.


Ignoring their questioning, this person just lowered his head and murmured a fast-paced BEAT like a night DJ, walking towards them like a stroll...

"Who is this guy? The members of the'Sacrifice Hunting Team' in the nearby area should all be here..."

"No, this person is not quite right!"

The crowd of people in black robes in the field felt that there was some inexplicable power in the voice of the other party, which caused their heartbeat to start to synchronize with the rhythm of the other party's rap, and it was still gradually accelerating...

"He didn't wear a mask, he was not a member of the club!"

"Pretend to be a fool, take it down and talk about it!"

The closest man in black robes stretched out his left arm suddenly, and his palm cracked a huge mouth...


The man who couldn't see his face under the black robe was still immersed in his beat, and he didn't even look at the giant hand that was biting at him.


The hands hanging down on both sides were lightly placed in his sleeves, and snapped his fingers in rhythm.

The sound of something shattering, followed insignificantly.


The black-robed man who took the first shot, his body stagnated, and a cloud of blood spattered from his chest...


In the surprised eyes of everyone, the arm with a huge mouth and the figure under the black robe fell feebly on the blood-stained ground, motionless.

"This... this guy is not easy... Don't froze, let's go together!"

Faced with the fact that their companions suddenly "pounced on the street", the black-robed men were taken aback for a moment, and then they did their best...

"Laozi is a professional butcher..."

Just like in the underground RAPPER of BATTLE, the man in the black robe muttered unclear and brightly rhythmic lyrics, and continued along the corridor as if he hadn't heard it...

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