Bunkyo Ward, the main campus of the University of Tokyo.

"This is the final positioning area of ​​the four EFGH teams that have lost contact..."

The searchlight of the helicopter illuminates the Dongda dormitory building in the morning light.

Around the campus covered with yellow warning strips, outside the blockade composed of black commercial vehicles, is like a bloody battlefield after a fierce battle.

"Report...A search and rescue team member was confirmed near the teaching building and dormitory!"

The corpses in uniform and tragically dead are scattered around the cordon and buildings like rag dolls.

"It is initially confirmed that there are supernatural factors that are lethal... these beasts!!!"

Judging from the painful expressions of the corpses, the distorted limbs, the exploded body, and the guns in the hands that could not be used in the future, this was a unilateral slaughter.

"Raise your height, stay vigilant, search for possible survivors, and wait for ground forces to support you."

The back was chilled by the scene below, the helicopter suddenly rose up, and searchlights kept patrolling around the apartment building...

"E team, F team, G team, H team...This is the mobile team. Anyone, please reply if you hear it."

In each encrypted communication channel, desperate shouts continued to sound.

"Report, no response from on-site personnel has been received in the communication channel..."

"Based on the preliminary judgment of the number of corpses at the scene, the four teams were attacked by unknown existence, and the probability of complete destruction was over 90%."

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

When the maneuver team on the helicopter desperately reported to the headquarters, tight-paced gunfire sounded inside a dormitory below, as if a string of firecrackers were lit...

"Sorry, Mobility Team, I was a bit busy just now, I didn't have time to reply..."

Then, a hoarse voice sounded in the communication channel.

"Mobility group, this is the detective led by Team H. Before the second lesson of Lesson 9 of the Metropolitan Police Department..."

"Team H was attacked by a member of the Aum Shinrikyo Church, and no one survived except me..."

"Twelve cults have all been killed in the apartment building."

Finding that the joy of the survivors had just risen from the bottom of their hearts, the other party's next words caused the "mobile team" who was searching around to take a breath: "What, ten or twelve cultists?!"

The gunshots still echoing in the ears have now become empty ears such as "MegaKill", "Unstoppable", "WhackedSick", "GodLike", and "HolyShit".

The Aum Shinrikyo cult, which combines the power of ghosts and gods with human wisdom, is a more difficult existence than the resentful spirit in the internal combat evaluation of Lesson 9.

You know, a few hours ago, only three cultists showed up in the Yoshihara commercial area, and they broke through the blockade of several conventional combat teams without any effort, and drove straight to the gate of "Yoshihara Yanshang" Shenyin.

However, only the inspired Ryoma before the Second Killed 12 cults with conventional firearms. How brave is this? !

"It's good luck. Although these guys have weird methods, they are still mortal bodies, and they will still hang if they are shot in the heart..."

In the communication channel, Ryoma's breathless voice before the second drew them back to reality.

"Before Agent Two, please return to the team!"

A calm figure holding two guns, slowly walked out of the main entrance of a dead dormitory building, and came under the searchlight.

Just by looking at him with a thick layer of blood, one can imagine how tragic the previous battle was.

"Okay, good job... Agents before the second, welcome back to the team!"

After a long pause, the communication channel sounded the words of the "mobile group" that seemed calm, but actually turned the tide.

"On behalf of all my colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department, we salute you!"

Standing under the spotlight, Erqian Ryoma, with an expressionless face, looked back towards the window somewhere on the fourth floor of the dormitory, and nodded seemingly.

There, a black shadow flashed past.


Prefectural Art Museum, Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture.

"Dear students, please go here..."

The pure white walls are dotted with blue rope lights, making this ninety-degree cuboid art gallery look like snow bricks that never melt in the forest from a distance.

"Boy, you can't run around in front of the art gallery!"

In front of the main entrance of the building, several female teachers are leading a group of uniformed high school students to line up to enter the gate of the art gallery.

"Dear students, the Aomori Prefectural Art Museum you are entering now is inspired by the excavation site of the nearby Sannai Maruyama Jomon ruins..."

"It contains a large collection of works by artists from Aomori Prefecture or related to Aomori, and the inspiration and enthusiasm of countless artists are buried under the bitter cold and heavy snow in the north."

The lead commentator is smiling and introducing the history of the museum to everyone.

"Like the "Aomori Dog" in front of you, it is the only large statue left in Japan by the artist Yoshitomo Nara from Aomori Prefecture, and it is also the treasure of the town hall..."

In the outdoor exhibition area of ​​the art museum, a pure white giant bust dog sculpture about nine meters high is holding up half of its body from the ground with a dull face.


"Okay, so cute... I want to take a selfie!!"

"It's so cunning, I'll take someone with me..."

A group of female high school students were immediately "sweetened" by the big dog with a stupid expression in front of them, and they took out their cameras to take selfies.

"Tsk, boring...a dog without a lower body, what's so proud of... actually more popular with girls than me..."

"Hey, look at the news, I heard that a large area of ​​gas leaked in Bunkyo and Taitung districts last night, causing many people to be poisoned and into a coma!"

"Wait, didn't you hand in your phone before you came, why can you watch the news leisurely?!"

"What, take two mobile phones on a leave of absence from school. Isn't it common sense to hand in one for your own use, otherwise, how can you arrange an appointment with a girl who has feelings?"

"Damn it, tell me now!"

"Who do you kid want to date, please tell me frankly...could it be Guyuan..."

A group of male high school students laughed, cursed, and clamored in the hallway, their eyes constantly scanned among the girls group, driven by the excess hormones in adolescence.

"That... Mayumi-chan, let's shoot together..."

In the field, it is the high school uniform that gathers most of the boys' sight without knowing it.


After trimming the tips of Li Weiqi's hair and just taking out the camera to take a selfie, she found that her "photo subject" had disappeared at some point.

"Is there?"

Looking back and forth between the scenes, she finally found her "target" through the glass door of the art gallery.

"It's just a good night's sleep that such a big thing happened in Tokyo..."

Outside the museum door, Yu Mayumi, a little bird who is very calm and set off by a high school uniform and a playful ponytail, is now holding his mobile phone with his cheeks toppled slightly and his eyes are complicated.

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