"Fortunately, the situation was brought under control for the first time..."

When I woke up in the morning, Yu Mayumi habitually fired the Spiritualist Association APP, only to know that a series of events such as "Yoshiwara Yanshang" and "Kato Yanshang" had happened last night.

"It's a pity that I failed to observe the heroic figure of Mr. Araki on the spot!"

Although she didn't know the details, she saw that "unidentified black Buddha and giant skeletons appeared in the sky above Bunkyo" in the association's mission report, she knew that someone must have done a good job.

"By the way, Mr. Araki's phone, why can't I get through..."

When she remembered that when she was on a pleasant school trip, other people who were also spirit removers were fighting silently, she felt a sense of guilt spontaneously.

"Is it because Chu Ling was too tired last night, and now I am replenishing it? Or is it that I have used my eyes to get sick again?"

From morning till now, several phone calls to Sosuke Araki have been left unanswered.

"Yes, yes, try this number."

Anxiously, Toriyu Mayumi mustered up his courage and dialed another number.

"Oh, little witch, dare to disturb the sleep time of the mad scientist, are you ready to pay the price?"

After a while, on the other end of the phone, a deep, hoarse, exhausted voice of a certain big woman rang.

"That... I'm very sorry Sister Hanyu!"

Like a chicken pecking rice frantically after being frightened, knowing that the other party can't see it, Yu Mayumi still nodded and bowed frantically to the air in front of him...

"Even though it is nine o'clock in the morning, I am still ashamed to disturb you!"

He was misguided, and actually forgot that this existence that made Mr. Araki shiver, had a biological clock that was completely opposite to that of ordinary humans.

"Well, I am just kidding you. I called at this time because I saw the association's announcement, and I was worried about the "Sleepman" but I couldn't make the call, right?"

On the other side of the phone, Mai Hanyu ruthlessly pierced the girl's mind.

"No, I just..."

"Wait a mininute……"

After the sound of "banging" the door and the footsteps of "Pata Pata", the original voice call has been directly switched to the video without waiting for Yu Tori Mayumi to argue, "Look for yourself, I was last night This guy made me sleepless all night..."


What appeared on the screen of the mobile phone was Sosuke Araki with his upper body covered with black runes and his eyes closed.

"Ms. Araki..."

He put his slightly delicate hands in a gesture of curling flowers, and sat cross-legged on the sofa, motionless like a stone statue enshrined in a temple.

"Sure enough, did you overuse your eyes again?"

The sculptural muscles of her body caused two blushes on the girl's face.

"Oh ha ha ha, this state has been going on for several hours... It seems that the active actress who played against him naked last night is not so strong!"

Wearing only a tight-fitting vest, Mai Hanyu swayed like sea waves, appearing abruptly in the camera.

"Look, this guy is really motionless like a rock. No matter if he touches, pokes, jokes, or plays, he won’t have any reaction..."

"Sister Yu, Hanyu, what are you doing?!"

Under the horrified gaze of Yu Mayumi Torii, she pointed at Sosuke Araki's sturdy body with her hands like picking pork in a vegetable market.

"Hey, I'm nervous... You and this guy seem to have gotten closer recently?"

"Wh, there is no... I and Mr. Araki..."

As if recalling something, Mai Hanyu showed a sly smile at the corner of his mouth, ignoring Yu Mayumi's rebuttal, using that soft body hidden in the wild, hung on Araki Sosuke's arm like a koala, and asked Make the girl at the other end of the video hold her face in her hands and turn her mouth into an "O"-shaped question: "You should, haven't you hit a home base?"

"Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben... home base?!"

"If I take the opportunity to implement the'liquid collection project' on the schedule ahead of time while you are away, would it be considered a corner overtaking in some sense?"

"Yu, Yuyu Yuyu Yuyu Yuyu, what are you doing?! Even if you want to do this or that, you have to ask for my opinion first, you are like this..."

The sudden appearance of the R18 picture on the screen and Mai Hanyu's inexplicable bold words caused Yu Mayumi to almost throw the phone out.

"Oh ha ha ha ha... the puffy look is so cute... yawn..."

Getting up with a grin, Mai Hanyu yawned, wiped the wetness of her eyes, and picked up her phone again: "Stop teasing you, even if it was punishment for interrupting my sleep just now. I'm going to sleep, the details of the task Situation, let's talk when you come back..."

"But, Mr. Araki is like this... Give a blanket anyway..."

Hearing that the other party was just joking, Yu Mayumi Torii's face lightened slightly.

"Don't worry, this guy is just a bit disordered in his body's'magnetic field', and his body's various indicators are very good. It is estimated that he will wake up soon."

"Besides, I won't take the opportunity to do "overtaking on a curve" to him. I have to do it dignifiedly..."

However, before she finished speaking, the communication was interrupted by Mai Hanyu.

"Well, Hanyu sister is really! Araki-sensei should be fine..."

"Hehehehe, Mayumi-chan, hiding here alone, are you sending a message to your boyfriend?!"

Quietly, an elastic and scented body hugged Yumayumi Tori from the back, and proficiently "raided around the front" with both hands.

"Let me check if your boyfriend has been'working hard' recently..."


Suddenly by "a fierce attack from the rear", Yu Mayumi Torii subconsciously puts his arm against the person behind him, hooks his left foot back, and pushes the person back to the ground very smoothly...

"Yeah... Mayumi-chan, you are so cruel...it hurts..."

"Risachan? Sorry, sorry, I just lost my mind, I accidentally acted like Wing Chun..."

Tori Yu Mayumi turned his head and saw that the short skirt flying up and down in front of him was the ancient principle sand (C), a classmate and friend of his classmate.

"Mayumi, Risa..."

At the same time, another girl with a small body and shoulder-length hair ran towards the two of them, panting slightly.

"Everyone is going to the next exhibition hall... Yeah, Risa, you actually wear translucent ones, so bold..."

After trotting two steps to the two of them, she was instantly shocked by Gu Lishan's "upside down" posture, and her face flushed.

"Chiba, keep your voice down. Don't be heard by the teacher, or I will report that you and Mayumi hid your phone!"

Gu Yuansha quickly got up and covered the little mouth of the girl named "Chiba": "Anyway, immediately after graduation, I will be considered a female college student. What's the matter with being bold!"

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