I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 747 [Fan Wai] The Lost Omakase Juice IV

"Really, I said that the stars and the sea almost ended up when you entered the police station for the crime of'commodity indecency'?!"

After a while of chaos, the crowd dragged Sosuke Araki out of the "Suruga House" with a look of "no regrets in this life".

"Idiot, I shouldn't have promised you any ‘men’s party’..."

Fujiwara Takumi, who fell in the end, is still nodding his head to apologize to the dark-faced clerk.

Three minutes later.

"The past is unbearable, let us leave behind..."

After beating Araki Sosuke with everyone, Yamada took care of his flamboyant and gorgeous suit, and shouted a slogan that made everyone shine and abandon their predecessors: "The intersection of fate has been completed, and it truly belongs to a man's journey. It’s just started now!"

"Yes, that's right, I delayed the business, but it was in trouble."

"Well, let's say it first, I just went with you only when I was forced to go with you helplessly based on the idea of ​​pure learning..."

"Hmph, don't pretend, from the moment you met us, your soul has fallen into hell!"

The four of them arranged their clothes and dressed, their faces were sacred and solemn and walked away quickly in a certain direction.

"What are these brats, what are they going to do... Could it be that they discovered the old man's whereabouts, so he deliberately set up smoke bombs to cover it up?"

"Impossible, the tailing technology I have polished for more than 30 years on major subway lines in Tokyo is perfect!"

Hiroshi Tsugada, who was puzzled by his thoughts, after a little entanglement, still showed flexibility and followed up with a look of unwillingness.

"Finally followed here, even if I stay with you tonight, I will expose your secrets!"



Ten minutes later, Araki Sosuke and his entourage, with flushed faces and twinkling eyes, walked along the narrow corridor to a shop on the second floor under the nose of Hirotoshi Tokota.

"Unexpectedly ordinary..."

Hiroshi Tsuneta's suspicious gaze scanned the narrow doorway, the old stairs, and the tacky sign with the words "Ryukyu Izakaya", gradually turning into disappointment...

"'Okinawa style' izakaya?!"

No matter how you look at it, this is just an "Okinawa style" seafood izakaya that is very common in Japan.

Okinawa Prefecture, located at the southernmost tip of Japan, was called the Kingdom of Ryukyu in ancient times, so Okinawa was also called "Ryukyu" or "Southern Kingdom".

This kind of izakaya with the characteristics of Okinawa region, featuring fresh and cheap seafood, was once popular in Japan for a while...

However, with the development of logistics and transportation, the transparency of seafood prices, and the homogeneity of dishes, every domestic restaurant can eat seafood that is not too bad, so it has long lost its competitive advantage.

"Tsk, it's a shabby decoration. The last time I came to this shabby izakaya should be more than ten years ago?"

Walking along the narrow escalator up to the second floor, the first thing to enter Hiroshi Tsubasa’s line of sight is the lobby filled with oceanic flavors decorated with yellowed wooden boards and thatch.

"Where are these guys... That's how it is, did they enter the box just to hide their eyes and ears?"

Sweeping back and forth in the tatami hall with eight low tables neatly arranged, Hiroshi Tsukida did not find Sosuke Araki and his party.

"Could it be that this is actually some kind of concealed'underground spirit removal material' trading place?"

"Waiter, please, help us order..."

Through the unclosed door gap in the back corridor, he heard the iconic loud voice of Sosuke Araki from one of the tatami private rooms.

"Welcome, how many people do you want to know, this first...?!"

At the same time, a melodious voice pulled Hiroshi Tokuta's eyes back.

"Then, that...you, this is..."

What appeared in front of him was a young female clerk with a "business smile".

"Ahem... one, um, can I sit there?"

"Of course... please sit down and have a cup of tea and look at the menu. I'll come to order for you later."

In order to make himself as low-key as possible, Hiroshi Tokuta, with a reddish face, coughed and lifted off his hat and sunglasses, and sat stiffly at the table where he could observe the private room where Araki Sousuke was most convenient.

"To the effect... this seemingly humble shop is really unfathomable..."

Watching the waiter's swaying back with his scorching gaze, he picked up the tea cup on the side and calmed his shaking mind with the warm tea.

Because, whether it is the waiter who has just left or the waiter who is constantly shuttled in the store, they are all young women with strong bodies and beautiful skin.

"Although it is true that'Ryukyu Kingdom' is written at the door, the fact that these waiters are extremely frugal in dressing materials is really interesting!"

The most important thing is that they only wore the pitiful "Three Point Bikini" with little fabric!

At this moment, Tsukita Hiroshi felt as if he had come to the white and greasy beach of Okinawa, feeling the scorching summer sun and the hot sea breeze.

"Beauty, please, this row, this row and this row on the menu, give me all of them..."

"Are you all... good, good. 』

"Ahahahaha, so cool, I wanted to try this order a long time ago! 』

At the same time, a waiter pushed the door from the box where Araki Zongsuke and others were, and seemed to have finished ordering.

"These guys are so serious that they only came to eat and drink in the end..."

Taking this opportunity, Chang Tian Hiroshi quickly picked up the menu to cover his face, and took a closer look at the situation in the box.

In the small tatami room, Sosuke Araki, Takumi Fujiwara, Kengo Yamada, and Luto Atsumi were sitting around a square table expectantly.

"Hello guest, have you thought about what you want to eat today?"

At the same time, the waitress went back and forth, smiling and kneeling on the side of the table, swaying the dazzling waves, and asked softly.

"This, this is G..."

Hiroshi Tokuta's eyes squinted like a conditioned reflex, and he was instantly sucked in by the magnificent sea and the deep Mariana Trench...

"Well, G what?"

"That, that, I mean, let's have a special seafood G set meal, and a small pot of sake...Wait, let me see..."

Covering his mouth and coughing lightly, he prolonged the "watching time" with a seemingly tangled ordering gesture.

"Ahem, yes, yes, and that..."

In the box, Sosuke Araki suddenly uttered anxiously and stopped the waiter who had already retreated to the door: "The one that is not on the menu... Omakase Juice... Could you please order four copies first!" 』

"Okay, OmakaseJuice has four copies, is it okay to serve it at the end? 』

Hearing his "additional order", the waitress smiled ambiguously, and then closed the door in the scorching eyes of several people and left.

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