I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 746 [Fan Wai] The Lost Omakase Juice III

"Upper left upper right A lower left B lower right AB lower right A!"

"This, what a mysterious spell!" 』

Fujiwara Takumi in "Inside Suruga House" suddenly sang an inexplicable spell in a low voice.


The uncertain and slightly shaking "Royal Coin" in his hand, followed by a flash of golden light, hit the forehead of the innocent-looking figure.

The surging and gorgeous "sixteen-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern" burst out in an instant centered on the hitting point, dyeing the nearby ground and walls brilliantly.

Shinto Technique·Purification!

After the Obon Festival, due to the stimulus of Uncle Keigo's nearly passing away, Fujiwara Takumi picked up the "three minutes a day" routine again.

Thanks to the doubling of the flow rate of the useless chrysanthemum pattern in the body, or because he modified the spell because "the gods can't hear me anyway, I still pray for a fart", this is the best "purification" technique. The promotion can barely be regarded as able to solve some weak grieving spirits and pass the monthly subsistence task.

"Oh, this is the legendary "神子の trembling"?! What a perfect and alluring shape..."

Faced with this rushing, "sixteen-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern" spiritual power that made people bow down, Kengo Yamada suppressed (nà) the impulse in his heart, and withdrew from the coverage area.

"Ordinary people who can't sense spiritual power are fortunate. Araki Sosuke can actually stand peacefully in such a powerful divine power. It is indeed a genius equal to Fujiwara Takumi!"

On the contrary, it was Sosuke Araki, Luto Atsumi, and the clerk, still standing calmly among them.


Amidst the humming, a gray figure with a faint resentment flew out from the inside of the figure...

"Come on, let me see what the hell is it..."

It was surprisingly a spirit body wearing a hospital gown and looking like a fat man.

"...Just an ordinary earth-bound spirit?!"

That's right, no matter what Hiroshi Changtian looked left and right, he looked up and down, this pudgy man whose grievance had faded to the point of being almost invisible was just an extremely common and weak spirit bound.

"What? Because I was sick and hospitalized, I haven't been able to see the'wife' for a long time... So after I died I wanted to come and have a look anyway, and then I couldn't help but do something like this..."

In the next second, Sosuke Araki had already leaned in front of the resentful spirit, and his wide back obscured Tsukida's sluggish vision.

"Well, although I understand your feelings well, you still have to be modest. The people in the store will be very distressed..."

"...In your next life, please be sure to work hard and become a current charger like me!"

After he got up, the pudgy man had disappeared, and only a trace of whiteness remained on the ground.

"Hey, just now you didn't follow the rules, but I didn't ask you to help... This task is related to my'full attendance' this month. Don't think I will add your name in the column of facilitators... "

"...Big deal, in the next'competition', letting you out will let you win once."

Seeing that the resentful spirit dissipated, Fujiwara Takumi was extremely skilled and couldn't wait to start to take off the priest's uniform outside.

"Huh, let me let me out?! Although I'm busy with my career recently, I still spare some time to practice hard... Next time, I will use that trick "Rise of the Iceberg", and let you bow your head upright..."

"Hey, I don't know how the previous record of nine hundred and ninety-nine losing streaks came from?"

After fighting with Sosuke Araki, he put the priest's uniform and "Yubi" into his backpack, revealing the "Demon Slayer UNIQLO" limited edition joint T-shirt on the inside, just like a college student "after class".

"What?! These two people have had a private relationship for a long time, and they have secretly discussed 999 times, and Araki Zongsuke has never won?!"

"How unfathomable is the background of Meiji Jingu's "Holy One Who Met Once in Four Thousand Years"..."

Overhearing the dull conversation and familiar tone of the two, Hiroshi Tsugada's expression outside the door was frozen.

"Teacher'Kang John', can you go now? My stomach is already groaning."

"...Don't, don't call a screen name in the public. Fortunately, I have always thought that'Deep Rukia' is an intellectual and virtuous woman."

"Sorry, who would write a post like "PUA Master Teach You Quick Home Base" on 2ch?"

The other two people in the room seemed to be offended by this scene, but they urged them impatiently.

"Hello, this commission has been completed, and we will give you some extra talisman paper from Meiji Shrine. If you have any after-sales service needs, please contact the association..."

Fujiwara Takumi and the clerk bowed to each other, and after confessing a few words, they walked towards the gate with everyone.

"Wait, it's not right!"

At the same time, Araki Sosuke, who was at the end, suddenly opened his blindfold and turned his head to look intently at the figure kneeling on the spot.

"What's wrong, Senior Araki?"

"There should be no grievances anymore. Is it because I felt wrong?"

Hearing his cautious tone, everyone also stopped.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple, even the two of them were almost concealed from it, so let the old man take a good look at what is hidden in..."

Hearing the words, Hiroshi Tsugada, who was standing outside the door, also carefully looked at the figure in the room that seemed unremarkable at first glance. One hand was already nervously deep into his arms, holding a buzzing translucent. Purple "self-defense weapon".

"That's right, I felt a huge evil in her..."

With everyone's eyes gathered, Araki Sosuke's entire painting style changed, and his body was full of tough lines and rich shadows...

"When I have done everything I can to eliminate evil, I will sacrifice my body that'resonates with the same frequency' and'one shot into the soul' to purify this tempting demon!"

With a violent aura, Araki Sosuke, with a flushed face and squirting nostrils, his legs are separated from each other like a sumo wrestler and a Slavic squatting, and his sinful hands are protruding forward like a big enemy...

"Oh, this feel is so evil, is there any underneath? It seems that you have to sacrifice the ‘knee pillow’ of my squeeze to solve you, oh hehehehehe..."

"Senior Araki, what are you doing?!"

"Hurry up and stop him, this is a limited-edition not for sale. It's the most rude move to start messing around!"

"Idiot, let go, you are almost distorted by you... Don't make my commission fail and lose money!"

In the dull, frightened, angry and envious eyes of everyone, Sosuke Araki launched a series of "high-five surprises" towards the huge and eye-catching chest of the "Spring Plain Cauliflower Limited Edition One-to-One Silicone (Removable)". "In addition to spirit combo".

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