I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 745 [Fan Wai] The Lost Omakase Juice II

"Hmm, Araki Sosuke, the former cadre of the Phoenix Runaway Group, the younger brother of the Yokohama branch of the Nura Boxing, and also the spirit exterminator who will hide his true strength under the ‘Top Secret’ of the Association..."

"Yamada Kengo, the fearsome windbreaker self-propelled exhibitionist and underwear thief criminal of the former Shibuya University of Economics, the "acquired spiritual power awakener" who was admitted to the sect after being probated by President Tokimoto..."

"Hold sea and land fight, the former CEO, COO, CFO, CTO, CIO of "Be careful! Haunted House Appraisal", now the Commissioner of the Association's "Web Business Department", and the cousin of President Shimoto..."

He murmured a word, and his eagle-like gaze passed through the sunglasses, never moving away from the three of them from beginning to end.

"Let these three people gather together and conspiracy about that'goods' matter, let the old man come and check it out!"

Soon, these three men with different dressing styles, but equally respectable men, entered a large store with "CLOSED" hanging on the door side by side.

Hiroshi Tsuneta walked to the outside of the shop, and saw this shop, which was obviously closing early, with the words "Surugaya" written on the sign at the door.

"Is it a hand-run store? Wait until the sun goes down and the house is closed before entering. As expected..."

He peeped at the edge of the transparent glass wall, and in the middle of the dimly lit large shop, the three of Araki Sosuke stood side by side in awe-inspiring expressions, discussing something with their expressions cautiously.

"Wow, when did Chunyuan Cauliflower come out of this one-to-one silicone figure, and it was actually kept in this seemingly inconspicuous..."

"Hey, ignorant, right? The supple sea-like mind and the elastic long legs are the biggest and most popular selling points of this figure. It is said that as long as you feel the double impact of the'knee pillow' and the'ru pressure' on it, you will be in trouble. Office is a passerby! "

"Yes, that's right, I remember, when a limited edition of 100 was released, it was hyped up to a high price of 3 million yen! 』

Beautiful facial features, golden double ponytail, pure white short dress, sea-like breast, slender and white legs...

On the small table opposite the three of them, kneeling in the posture of "M-leg duck sitting" sits a figure of a female figure with an unusually curvy one-to-one body.

"Tsk tsk, this hand is so big, I don't know if it's as soft as it looks, if it can be touched... wait, why are there priests here? Is it an appointment to meet?"

After finally moving his gaze away from the foul figure, the one who appeared in the sight of Hiroshi Tsugada was a handsome man dressed in hunting clothes and a high black hat and dressed as a priest.

"The emblem of the Meiji Jingu...It seems that there is no such person in the association. Is it a person from Yin Yang Lao... No, he, he is..."

This priest is facing the direction of the door, lifting the "Royal Coin" filled with white talisman paper high above his head, as if some kind of technique is brewing...

"You guys are so noisy, I can't concentrate anymore! 』

A middle-aged man in a clerk's uniform was standing in the back corner with a smile, watching the situation over there from a distance.

"Fujiwara Takumi?!"

Seeing the indifferent profile of the priest who passed away in a flash, Tsukida Hiroshi almost exclaimed.

"He has always lived in simplicity and haunts, why did he appear here? What is between them..."

The young priest in the store is the "favored one who has met once in four thousand years", the youngest class-eliminator in the Kanto area, and the successor of the great priest in the Meiji Shrine, Fujiwara Takumi.

"Songsuke Araki and Takumi Fujiwara, two spirit-eliminators with level three strength, plus Kengo Yamada, level two, and Houkai Ludou, who is known as the ‘analytic ghost’ within the association..."

"Could it be that I made a mistake, they are actually here to perform a certain spiritual removal mission?"

At this scene, Hiroshi Changtian couldn't help but look serious, and he took out his phone and flipped through it.

"I found it! The commissioned task "Surugaya's Wraith Figure"... the task recipient, Fujiwara Takumi, commissioned 20,000 yen, and the task level...zero? ! "

The mission information shows that the treasure of the town shop in this "Surugaya" "Spring Plain Cauliflower Limited Edition One-to-One Silicone and Other Skills (Releasable)", recently closed in the evening until the next day when the store is reopened, there will always be I found that I was moved to other positions, and some indescribable poses were taken...

Even if the shop deliberately set up surveillance to face this figure, it always failed to capture any useful images because of the inexplicable signal interruption.

In panic, the store decided to recommend "religious people" through the police channel to help deal with it, no matter whether it was effective or not, even if it was just a favor.

"That's it, the distance is too far, even the old man almost missed his eyes..."

After consulting the only commissioned record nearby with the authority of the vice chairman, Hiroshi Tsugada looked intently at the large-scale figure that was seductive and quiet as if facing a big enemy.

The grievances that have been diminished to an imperceptible time and time again squeeze under the soft skin of the hand.

"This kind of task, why do you need these two to work together..."

Needless to say, Fujiwara Takumi, the "favored person who has met once in four thousand years", has been rumored in the industry over the past few years.

Just to get rid of Emperor Shinto, one of the "Three Great Wraiths of Japan," on the night of Obon, plus a series of actions such as sheltering the three immortal formations of Tokyo with one's own power, and going under the gates of hell to turn the tide. Enough to make him a recognized leader of the younger generation of exterminators.

As for the true level of Sosuke Araki, the "extra-specification" apprentice spirit exterminator, others don't know, but Hiroshi Tokuta is very tight in his heart.

As the "Top Secret" of the Association, this Kawasaki Daishiji monk with the dharma body "Heima Black Buddha" and some kind of "liquid magic treasure", easily crushed during the Obon Festival, Yoshiwara Yan and other events. Suppressing ghosts and gods, transcending the resentful spirits and becoming Buddhas, revealing an invisible strength like an abyss.

Hiroshi Tsuneta can already imagine that a few years later, these two people, together with Abe Temple, surpassed the original Kukai, Tokimoto Ichiro, and Kobe, and became the three pillars that propped up the ceiling of the strength of the Soul Slayers Association.

"Is it impossible, the task difficulty assessment has been wrong again, this superb figure is actually sealed with a certain ghost who is about to be born?!"

If Fujiwara Takumi was interested in making a move, and he specially invited Araki Sosuke and his party to swoop on the sidelines, naturally it could not be an ordinary resentful spirit.

"Fortunately, Fujiwara-kun found out in time, otherwise I am afraid that there will be endless troubles!"

"It seems that we need to strengthen the appraisal standards and work intensity of the task evaluation team in the future, so as to avoid unnecessary sacrifices caused by the excessive task level difference of the spirit eliminator! 』

While reviewing himself, Vice President Chang Tian added countless hell-style special training programs to the staff of the "mission assessment team" who work diligently on weekdays.

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