I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 753: The Ups and Downs of Life

After the point balance was reset to zero for the first time, Sosuke Araki played on the screen time and time again under the hint of "previous prizes" such as "announcement animation", "announcement lines", "announcement characters", etc., "fortune" Maintaining the "small ups and downs" curve, breaking through the horizontal axis called "dignity" all the way down, but did not even see the shadow of the award.

"My uncle doesn't believe me today! Obviously the guys on the forum who saw these kinds of'trailers' have won big prizes, come again..."

"Wait, one small steel ball for one hundred yen will shoot out about one hundred and sixty in one minute..."

Looking at the bank card in his hand, he seemed to realize something, as fine beads of sweat continued to gush out from the pores...

"One hour is close to one million yen... How long have I been sitting?"

After reminiscing about the vague memory of being blinded by alcohol for a few hours after entering the store, he let out a heartbreaking scream: "Me, I...hiccup...what did I do?!"

Under the self-confidence of getting rich overnight, together with the "triple top" of alcohol and gambling, he was actually used by this machine with the ancient routine of "winning the small and losing the big" and "overturning the money", just like the fool of throwing watermelon and picking corn along the way. Holding the nose all the way like a monkey...

"This broken machine actually used a false'notice', causing me to lose more than 3 million in three and a half hours!"

He used to see the news that "men lost tens of millions of yen in the pachinko shop overnight", he always laughed at those guys as idiots in his heart.

"Yes, this, this must be a gambling scam... Don't think I'm drunk, I can't see it..."

Unexpectedly, one day, the "idiot" turned out to be himself.

"Asshole machine..."

With the enthusiasm for wine, Araki Sosuke stood up drunk.

"Return my hard-earned money to me!"

After snarling up to the sky, a punch slammed through the screen of the machine in front of him, bursting out a lot of fire.

"Where is the steel ball... where is it hidden... is it inside?"

Unfortunately, most of the new pachinko machines now gradually use electronic loyalty cards.

Even if Sosuke Araki exploded the machine and kept digging inside, it would be difficult to obtain a large number of small steel balls.

Moreover, in terms of the rules of Mingmen, customers only spend in the pachinko shop and earn points through "electronic games" to redeem prizes. There is no way of "points for money" in the open, so it is also called at all. No gambling fraud.

"Boy, don't borrow wine in the store and go crazy!"

Just as Araki Sosuke looked drunkly searching for the non-existent "little steel ball" in the blown up machine, seven or eight men with tattoos and large golden chains had arrived.

"Wait, wait, what have you done, this is the latest limited edition machine only available today!"

Glancing blankly at the hole on the screen, they rushed towards Sousuke Araki.

"No, no, you listen to me, there must be a problem with this machine, there are always notices but only small prizes that suck to death..."

"This guy smells a lot of alcohol. If you don't have money to pay for it, please go to the police station to explain it to us!"

"No, it was not me who was wrong, it was this machine...you can't do this to me, but I saved Ying in Taitung District twice...

"Hurry up, this kid is so good, so powerful!"

"Ah, it smells so bad, he vomited in my eyes..."


Being entangled by several men like monkeys, Sosuke Araki suddenly twisted his body, his clothes and trousers instantly shattered into strips of cloth...

Then, with the strange power of the humanoid tyrannosaurus and the vomit splashing in his mouth, he broke free from the hands of several people.

"Hey, look at this guy's exaggerated tattoo area..."

"Look at it, everyone ran away! What kind of sprinter is this guy?"

"Quickly check, which club does he belong to?"

While everyone was stunned by their dense tattoos and gushing vomit, the drunken Sousuke Araki, who was wearing only a pair of boxer pants, had rushed out of the pachinko shop naked.


It's half past three in the morning.

"Oh ah ah ah..."

In the invisible alley, Sousuke Araki, with only a pair of boxers left over his body, was vomiting madly against the trash can by his feet.

"Money is something outside of the body... pupupupupu...... Also, fortunately, transfer the money to Daisy in advance to pay off Xingping’s ‘debt’......"

After the "violent exercise" at the Pachinko shop, coupled with the bleak autumn breeze when he went out running wildly, he suddenly felt that the world was spinning, turning the river and the sea, and not spitting out...

"Unknowingly, have you come here? So, is the temple of knowledge guiding me in the dark..."

After vomiting the food in his stomach, Sosuke Araki noticed that he ran downstairs to the M'S department store where the Spirit Slayers Association is located in a panic.


He reached out and scratched lonely in his boxer briefs, and took a look at the phone placed inside.

"There are only more than 100,000 left? To get rich overnight and poor overnight, life's ups and downs are too fast, it's really exciting..."

After confirming the number in the bank balance reminder message, Sosuke Araki showed a reluctant smile: "Huh, my uncle is now a mature spirit remover, and he only needs to accept a few commissions..."

When he saw the text message "Brother Araki, tomorrow afternoon, I have asked you more than ten best cars for you to choose from" sent by Shihongu from unknown time, his face was white again.

"Oops, I put aside the big talk and asked that guy Gongxing to help me make an appointment to see the car today... Well, I told him that I was drunk, and I will watch it another day."

Stimulated by the shyness of the bag, Araki Sosuke only felt a burst of urine, and stood by the wall and skillfully opened his pants...

"wait wait wait!"

At the moment when the gate was opened to release the water, a plastic mineral water bottle that could be seen everywhere in the garbage dump attracted his attention.

"Fortunately, I was holding it back, it was almost wasted..."

He lifted up hard and forced the "cash flow" that was about to gush back into his body. He bent over and picked up the plastic bottle with a grinning smile at the corner of his mouth.

"...Isn't this, you have money?"


It was 4 hours before Torimoto Ichiro's death.

In the dark, dull laneway full of alcohol and vomiting breath, a middle-aged man with glasses wearing a black suit and a black top hat, who looks like an extreme man, carried a suitcase, and walked forward.

"Just stand there, don't come here again...hiccup..."

Behind the telephone pole, a drunken and dim sound suddenly made him stop cautiously.

"It turned out to be hiding here in the middle of the night, making it easy for the old man to find it."

Looking at the tall figure hidden behind the telephone pole, the middle-aged man narrowed his eyes vigilantly.

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