"Stop talking nonsense, the code is..."

"Original curry, no honey, add more curry powder."

"The code is correct."

After the two of them finished the unclear signal, the lingering atmosphere in the alley slowly slowed down.

"However, you are late, ten minutes late..."

"Hmph, don't, don't be picky, being able to prepare everything according to your requirements with a hangover in such a short period of time is already the limit of the old man."

For the late arrival of the middle-aged man, the mysterious person in the shadow of the telephone pole seemed a little dissatisfied.

"I knew that you would contact me, but I didn't expect it so soon."

The middle-aged man held his glasses lightly, his slightly drowsy face suddenly became serious: "Is this the end of the chat, where's the goods?"

"The goods are here, a full five hundred milliliters of the ultimate fresh quenching, the highest purity top-quality goods!"

The man, who was always hidden behind the telephone pole, quickly reached out his hand and showed him something thick and long in his hand: "I showed you the goods...what about the money?"

The two people who were also drunk and with big tongues did not have the slightest meaning of chatting, and went directly into the "drinking transaction state."

"Prepared as you requested, the ten million yen in cash, not even the number, is here..."

"But why do you have to prepare an extra set of clothes? I haven't worn this newly bought sportswear a few times myself..."

The middle-aged man squatted down, spread his suitcase on the ground, and showed him the full "Fukuzawa Yukichi" and a short-sleeved sports suit.

"Yes, just stand there and don't move, let me see your hands, and kick the box over!"

Seemingly satisfied with the contents of the box, the drunk-sounding man hiding in the shadow of the telephone pole even had a short breath.

"Wait, according to the rules of the road, shouldn't it be one-handed delivery?"

"Why, you can't believe me? This product, except for a secret agency that keeps samples throughout Japan, only I have channels..."

Obviously, the middle-aged man in a suit is not easy to follow, and he did not obediently follow each other's words.

"Of course I know, but if you take the money and want to eat black, what should I do?"

After the man behind the lamp post was silent for a second, he smacked his lips uncomfortably: "Tsk, all right, just do what you said."

Then, he stretched out his strong tattooed arm from the back of the telephone pole and raised a bottle-like object in his hand.

"Yes, doing business with insiders means going on the road."

Seeing the "goods" in the other's hand that he thought about day and night, the middle-aged man's glasses reflected a sharp light, he waved his legs calmly, and kicked the closed suitcase on the ground towards the telephone pole...

At the same time, the bottle-shaped object was also spinning behind the telephone pole and tossed it towards him.

In the dark and quiet alley, the two of them respectively caught the attacked objects and rustledly checked them.

"Hey...what a strong ink scent...yes, it's really ten million."

"The sleeves of this sportswear are a bit short and the crotch is a bit tight..."

But for a few seconds, behind the telephone pole, the man hiding in the dark has quickly put on his underwear, and with his drooling thumb, he expertly counted the bundles of cash in the suitcase.

"Wow... this pungent smell and hot temperature are indeed freshly tempered..."

The middle-aged man on the other end could not wait to unscrew the transparent mineral water bottle with the dark yellow warm liquid in his hand, and smelled it repeatedly at the mouth of the bottle with a fascinating look.

"It looks good on the outside, but how can I know if I don't try it...Is it because Jin Yu is defeated outside?"

Then, he reached out his little finger into the mouth of the bottle, cherished and dipped some of the liquid inside...

"Well... slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp..."

"Hey, what are you doing..."

In the horrified gaze of the man behind the electric pole, he greedily and skillfully stirred and sucked back and forth in his mouth, and savored it carefully.

"Cough cough cough, what a rich and rich taste...wow wow wow..."

The middle-aged man couldn't help retching, but he couldn't hide the satisfaction on his face when he was hit by the sudden burst of high concentration breath in his mouth.

"Huh, it's not the same as the content in that heavy rain. It's worthy of a high-density good product, and the weight is sufficient..."

He carefully closed the bottle cap and took out a handkerchief to carefully wrap the bottle. He suddenly looked at the figure behind the telephone pole with sharp eyes: "...but don't think that you can hide it from the old man!"

"Why, what's wrong, I said a good "freshly baked high-concentration goods", I didn't lie to you, even if you want to regret it now..."

Facing the other's meaningful eyes, the man behind the telephone pole took a step back with some guilty conscience.

Choosing this laneway as the "trading location", apart from the close distance and the dark environment, it is easy to hide the figure, and there are also unpredictable escape routes extending in all directions at both ends.

"The formula, the formula is wrong...there is less hog bone flavor, and there is more alcohol...when you refine the formula, right?"

"Improved... formulation, formula?! Ahem..."

Hearing what the other party said, the man in the ill-fitting sportswear breathed a sigh of relief, and then sneered pretentiously: "Wow hahaha, yes, you can see it all, it really is a good seller!"

"Huh, there is no such degree of professionalism, so how dare you embezzle a whole quarter of research funds to buy such precious samples... Wait until the whole pattern of human destiny is changed, so that ordinary people can also become the gods of the Buddha and the resentful spirit. After the launch of "You", your contribution today will be recorded in my development log!"

"Since the transaction is over, we will go back to our respective houses... Don't forget, the promotion sponsorship you promised!"

"Don't worry, at the moment the transaction is completed, I have already submitted the application process for you..."

Gazed at each other with drunken, scorching, enchanting eyes for a moment, and the two turned around, and swiftly left towards the two ends of the alley without looking back.

"Remember, no matter if you go to jail or go to different things in the future, we have never met in this alley!"


five minutes later.

"Hehe...hiccup...just pachinko, how could it easily break this uncle's capital chain..."

In the bleak morning mist, Araki Sosuke, wearing black sportswear with visibly short trousers and cuffs, walked on the streets of Akihabara triumphantly, with his big tongue muttering something. .

"You know, I am no longer the me who used to be!"

"I am now, a powerful spirit remover who can generate tens of millions of yen in cash flow with my legs open, wow hahahahaha! 』

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