"By the way, where am I? It's almost morning..."

Soaked in alcohol, Araki Sosuke, who finished laughing wildly, stood in the deserted streets of Akihabara, looking left and right in confusion, as if he hadn't found the way forward for a while.

"It's better to go to Houhai for a while, and go to see the car with Gongxing in the afternoon."

"It's a pity that I haven't opened the door yet, otherwise I can ‘purchase a little bit of learning materials’ by the way when I go upstairs. 』

Taking out his mobile phone from his underwear, he took a look at the time. Under instinct, he walked toward the extremely conspicuous "M'S Department Store" and "Adults no World" with posters of various teachers in the whole building.

"Oh ha ha ha, isn't this Mr. Araki? Why did you come to the association so early today? Spirit eliminators are different from non-combatants. You don't have to go to work and check in every day..."

Just when Sosuke Araki came to the electric sliding door that had been attacked by the "pinhole mother-in-law" suicide, an old voice stopped him from behind.

"Shi, Shiben old man?"

Seeing the visitor clearly, Araki Sosuke put the suitcase behind him without a trace, with a calm expression stretched out.

"Hold on, Sosuke Araki, a virgin, 23 years old..."

The thin old man standing behind him is Ichiro Tokimoto, the president of the Spirit Slayer Association who never sees the end of the dragon, and the uncle of Mai Hanyu and Atsumi Landto.

"Oh ha ha ha, what else are you holding in your hand?"

"No, nothing, nothing more than a little personal clothing! I happened to have a lot of drinks nearby last night, so come and rest..."

"If this old man discovers that I violated the agreement signed with the ‘Truth Research Institute’ and ‘illegal transactions’ with Guangzhi without authorization, I’ll be dead! 』

At this moment, Tokimoto Ichiro's usual yellow robe and peach wood sword disappeared for some reason. Instead, he wore a black stand-up collar with the characteristics of the Dragon Kingdom, and the whole person revealed a solemn and solemn "leadership".

"Did you drink too much, it's no wonder that you are drunk, it's nice to be young..."

Smelling the rich smell of alcohol on Araki Sosuke's body, Shimoto Ichiro showed a clear look.

"At the time of the bubble era, the old man was often entertained by the client afterwards. He wandered around the izakaya and fireworks field every day. Every day, he left with sore legs, weak legs, exhausted, and drunk... I can't stand up anymore. 』

"Ha, ha ha ha, I'm fine, but I drank a few more glasses in the izakaya at night... Ah, suddenly my head feels dizzy and thirsty. Since there is nothing wrong, I will first..."

Caressing his forehead with a slight exaggeration, Sosuke Araki pretended to retreat naturally toward the elevator, wanting to "strategic transfer" with the stolen money.

"The old man's office has the Dahongpao, the superior Wuyishan mother tree of Longguo, which has been treasured for 20 years. It is just right to hangover. Why don't you go up and drink a pot..."

However, Shimoto Ichiro's seemingly trembling thin hands have grabbed the corner of his clothes for some time: "It is better to hit the sun than to choose a day. I have always wanted to chat with you, but there is no suitable opportunity."

"Drinking a pot is nothing, no need... Dahongpao is very expensive, I'll go to the Houhai refrigerator to get a bottle of "Girl’s Holy Water" and sleep on the sofa..."

"If you let this old man who likes to understand and pretend to be confused, it's not as simple as'drinking a pot' with Hanyu sister... Hey, this old man, what a lot of strength. 』

Araki Sosuke gently twisted his body, trying to bring out the corners of his clothes, but found that the opponent was pulling more firmly than he thought.

When the distance was very close, he could even smell the strong soapy smell on the opponent that seemed to have just finished bathing and changing clothes.

And under the scent of soap, there is a trace of earthy and bloody smell that can't be concealed.

"A few days ago, I went to worship in front of Moon Shadow-Jun's grave."

Next, Shimoto Ichiro only used a word and asked him to quietly follow behind him.

"Moon, Moon Shadow..."

"Now, do you want to drink tea?"


Ten minutes later, Ichiro Tokimoto's office.

"It's much dilapidated than the president's office imagined. The decoration is actually in the style of the Dragon Kingdom in the 1980s..."

Standing at the mahogany tea table, Sosuke Araki looked curiously at this office full of time.

"Wow, these are antiques, right? Look at this mahogany sword, the carvings are really fine..."

Reaching out to stroke the simple and elegant furniture and tea table one by one, and picked up the Dragon Kingdom books and Taoist-style collections on the bookshelf to play a few times, he couldn't help but think of the office of Wang Nan, the chairman of Nuluoquan.

"Hey, has this thing been put here?"

In the bottom grid of the bookshelf, there is the "Taketoi Picture Scroll" that he turned over to the "Institute of Truth" after "feeding" yesterday.

"There are no new clues in this "Taketori Scroll", and I am worried that the half of the vibrating sleeve that can burn Tokyo will suddenly appear, so I will keep it here during this period."

Sitting across from him, Ichiro Tokimoto ignited the charcoal fire in the stove without hesitation, and put the old iron pot with simple shapes and unique patterns on it.

"Why don't you ask Director Mochizuki, isn't this thing passed down from generation to generation in their family? Wait, you actually use charcoal fire to boil water in the office..."

Seeing Shimoto Ichiro's actions without "safety and fire prevention awareness", Sosuke Araki couldn't help rolling his eyes.

If this old man goes to "Yoshihara Yanshang" Shenyin to receive the immersive "fire safety education", he will probably throw away the charcoal stove when he comes back.

"The "Taketori Ezaki" was given to the imperial family as a tribute by the Mochizuki clan as early as the Emperor Meiji's return. Even Mochizuki Koji was only borrowing it for a long time under the name of'Folklore Research'..."

"The reason why he was willing to give it a try to us is to prove that he himself doesn't know this thing so well."

"So that's it...Close to the subject, the Moon Shadow you just mentioned..."

"Hey, it's five o'clock, tea first."

Tokimoto Ichiro sat unpredictably with his eyes closed and shook his head in silence.

"Before drinking tea, you need to burn the incense, calm the air, and boil the sweet spring alive."

"Making mystery..."

Seeing his appearance, Araki Sosuke had to endure a lot of questions in his chest, and honestly sat down first.

"Puff puff……"

After a while, the old-fashioned iron kettle on the charcoal stove was trembling slightly, and boiling steam gushed out.

Sitting at the table, Ichiro Tokimoto stretched out his hand for the iron pot, warmed the tea set on the table, and took out an iron pot.

"Dabin Mulin, Oolong enters the palace..."

He muttered something in his mouth, and swiftly put the tea in the iron pot into the purple clay pot, hung the pot for high flushing, poured the pot to heat up, and soaked in a warm cup...

"High mountains and flowing water, spring breeze blowing...Oolong enters the sea, rewashing the fairy face..."

For a time, the whole house bloomed with the unique fragrance of Wuyi Rock Tea.

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