"This mother tree, Dahongpao, has to follow the rules of the Long Country Tea Ceremony...otherwise it will cook bitterly, and good things will be wasted in vain..."

A small cup of red and clear tea soup was pushed by Tokimoto Ichiro to Araki Sosuke: "Taking tea means enlightenment, and those who approach this tea are closer to Zen. Enter the state of selflessness with tangible tea, one with tranquility, and cultivation has become connected. ."

"No matter how delicious it is, it's just a few leaves soaked in water. Is it necessary to make it so complicated..."

Araki Sosuke raised his head, and the hot, slightly bitter tea soup fell down his throat, and a rich aroma burst out in his stomach, blooming between his mouth and nose together with the sweetness of the root of his tongue.

"The tea is drunk, can you tell me about Uncle Qingren...Did you know it through background checks?"

Unintentionally savoring the taste of "the king of tea", Araki Sosuke's drunken eyes looked directly at Tokimoto Ichiro, who was closing his eyes and tasting tea.

For each registered dementor, the Association will conduct a thorough background investigation through the Metropolitan Police Department.

Not to mention the fact that Sosuke Araki grew up in the "Little Daisy Welfare Institute", I am afraid that all his files from the compulsory education stage to the university records, police counseling records, employment experience, social security tax payment records, DVD rental records, etc. I reviewed it carefully.

And among the people he knows, there is only one who can be called "Moon Shadow King" and has his own graveyard.

There is a sun-like smile hidden under the heavy frame, and behind the gentle manner is the old, stubborn, stubborn, uncomfortable man who doesn’t hold a book in his hands...

The man who single-handedly supported the "Little Daisy Orphanage" that was about to close down, provided the orphans with the last shelter, and taught them not to be humble or arrogant to step into the society...

In the hearts of orphans such as Sosuke Araki, Kohei Higashino, and Ryoma, the only man who can associate with the word "father"...

Former Dean of Xiaodai Daisy Welfare Institute, Yueyingqingren.

"It was indeed through your background investigation report that I learned about the existence of the Little Daisy Welfare Institute and the things that Yueying-jun has been staying there all these years..."

"The taste of the second or third bubble is the most positive, don't waste it."

After filling the tea cups for himself and Araki Sosuke, Shimoto Ichiro stood up from the bookshelf behind, pulled out a book with a shabby cover, and placed it on the table.

"This...this book, I seem to have seen it on Uncle Qingren's bookshelf..."

Picking up the book, Araki Sosuke moved his face to look at it verbatim with the remaining alcoholic spirit.

"New Hundred Stories", author, Yueying Qingren.

"Wait, I didn't pay attention before, he is actually the author? Why, you also have this book?"

He opened the title page, and saw a neat line of small characters written neatly on it: "This life is as short as dew. When walking on hell, gazing at the flowers... I would like to give this book to the people of the mountain."

Seeing this ink yellowish and very familiar handwriting, Sousuke Araki was a bit dazed for a while.

"Uncle Qingren, autographed? Toshimoto Shanren, it's you? On earth between you..."

In the former "Little Daisy Welfare Institute", whether it was the notice hung on the blackboard in the courtyard, the handwritten file records of each child, and the "parting messages" when they reached the age of eighteen, they were all flooded with Qingren The dean's handwriting is as beautiful as a woman.

"Yueying Qingren, Doctor of Folklore of Dongda University, special consultant of the royal family... Twenty years ago, Yueying-jun and I met because we were entrusted to handle a certain case for the royal family..."

"Later, at the beginning of my pioneering association, he served as a consultant and was also one of the founding members."

"Wh, what, Uncle Qingren turned out to be an association..."

With Tokimoto Ichiro's whisper, a photo fell from the cracks between the pages of the book.

"Wait, is this?"

Araki Sosuke unconsciously stretched out his hand to pinch.

"As the saying goes, time is to kill pigs, purple grapes... ahem, remember that when this photo was taken, he had just graduated with a PhD in folklore from Dongda University and was preparing to publish his first book."

Looking at the slightly faded color photo, Shimoto Ichiro's wrinkled face showed a nostalgic smile.

Below the red and white Tokyo Tower, two men are standing side by side on the snow-covered grass with a smile.

"I was just a few years after the Dragon Kingdom came back, and after solving a few difficult cases, I was hired by the royal family as a religious adviser."

In a very modern black student uniform, red scarf and black glasses, Yueying Qingren with a tender but handsome face...

"I remember that day, he still showed off intentionally or unintentionally, that scarf knitted by his fiancee... I remember it was called, Mr. Sato?"

And Ichiro Tokimoto, who wore a straight collar with a black beard and hair, and his body and face was more refined than now.

"Uncle Qingren, is he a PhD graduated from Dongda University, or a founding member of the Association...So, he is also a spirit remover?"

"Wow, Uncle Qingren's appearance when he was young was about twenty times more handsome than Tachibana Piaoxue's little white face, right? ! Sometimes this old man, it’s just that the blackening of his hair makes people feel so different..."

Suddenly I learned that Tsukage Haruto was completely different from the impression he had, and countless question marks popped up in Araki Sosuke's mind: "But why would he, such a young and ambitious elite, go to the Xiaodaisy Welfare Institute that is about to close down? Dean, how about living in obscurity?"

More than 20 years ago, in the era when mobile phones were just beginning to become popular, the household registration system was not sound, and there were many people with the same name and surname, it was really nothing that a person deliberately wanted to live in isolation in a private orphanage in a remote location. Difficult things.

Keen intuition told Sosuke Araki that there must be a very important reason behind Haruto's move!

"Mr Moon Shadow, although he has an extremely rich knowledge of folklore and the ability to recognize ancient characters, he is just an ordinary person without inspiration."

"And the reason for his disappearance is one of the things I have been investigating all these years..."

After rushing to a pot of tea again, Shimoto Ichiro said with some emotion.

"At the time, Moon Shadow King, who was a frequent consultant of the royal family, participated in a highly classified investigation as a folklore scholar."

"Before setting off, he even came to me and asked for a lot of talisman papers that ordinary people could barely use for self-defense. By the way, he mentioned the good news that his wife was pregnant...but he didn't expect that a goodbye would be a goodbye."

"After that day, he disappeared like the world has evaporated, and even his fiancee Sato has never received any news..."

"I've also inquired sideways with people who are familiar with the imperial family and Yin Yang Lao, but those big people kept secrets about this matter and didn't mention a word."

As if holding it too hard, several cracks appeared on the valuable tea cup in Ichiro Tokimoto's hand.

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