"It wasn't until a few years later that I had the honor to get acquainted with the saint Catherine San Chino from the Holy See in the Vatican, and I didn't know that she had participated in the investigation with Moonshade."

"Although I can't tell me the specific content of the investigation, according to the saint, their group was attacked and killed by an extremely terrifying existence at that time."

"After escaping at the critical juncture of life and death, Tsukage-kun has since disappeared. In those few years, she stayed in Japan most of the time. Part of the reason was that she wanted to investigate that year."

It seemed that he had finally vomited the unspeakable depression in his chest all these years, and Shimoto Ichiro showed a trace of relief between his wrinkled eyebrows.

"If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I would die. I would never have thought that Moon Shadow-lord was not only alive, but also isolated from his beloved fiancée and our old friends. He had been the dean of the orphanage for decades in obscurity. The cancer died on the hospital bed."

"Uncle Qingren, after all he..."

After struggling to digest the huge information hidden in Tokimoto's words, Sosuke Araki opened his mouth slightly, but didn't know where to ask.

"This is what I want to know now."

With a slight sigh, Shimoto Ichiro pulled out a small yellow note from the inside of the cover of the "New Compilation of Hundred Stories".

"One year after Moon Shadow-kun disappeared, I once received an anonymous letter..."

What appeared in front of Araki Sosuke's eyes was a note like an anonymous threatening letter.

"Although it is impossible to judge the handwriting, based on the current situation, this should be the surviving Moon Shadow King, who wants to try to convey some kind of message to me!"

The English letters cut from the newspaper were neatly pasted into a sentence.

"Beware, Fleursdumal, everywhere!"

"Fleursdumal... wait, this slurred word... I seem to hear it from somewhere..."

As Araki Zongsuke narrowed his eyes and tried to remember, a dark warehouse appeared in his mind.

"Friendly reminder, if you hear the word ‘Fleursdumal’ in the future, how far will you hide..."

"Yes, that's right! It's 20 centimeters per second..."

In the dark warehouse, the unbroken mouthful of white teeth, indeed said to him.

"Bah, it's Father Siena, unconscious, he warned me of this name!"

"Three months ago, the'Holy Light Arsenal,' Siena San Diego, who was injured and unconscious in the shooting at the South Honmoku Pier three months ago? He has been in the Middle East for a long time, and it is not uncommon to know."

Hearing Siena's name, Tokimoto Ichiro didn't seem surprised at all.

"Fleursdumal, the Flower of Evil, this name first appeared, dating back to five Middle East wars..."

"It is said that in the'Assassination of the Ambassador to the UK' that led to the war, the assassin retired in the end, chanting'Evil Blossoms, Will Spread All Over the Earth'. Awad, the notorious necromancer in the Middle East who calls himself the'King of the Kingdom of God', has also chanted this slogan countless times..."

"According to the old man's judgment, this is an extremely secret, borderless and extraordinary terrorist organization. Over the years, in the seemingly peaceful Japan, in the undercurrent surging below, it is obvious that there is an invisible hand pushing the flames! But is that "evil" Hua", what their purpose is, and how many members there are, is a complete mystery! "

"So, you think that the reason why Uncle Qingren stayed incognito in the "Little Daisy" in the wilderness, did not even dare to make a phone call, and cut the newspaper when writing a letter, because he was threatened by this organization... …"

Araki Sosuke, who has been silent for a long time, looked at Tokimoto Ichiro with a firm look: "No, it won't be that simple! There are many lifestyles that are forced to remain incognito... But Uncle Haruto chooses to stay in Daisy, definitely It is voluntary!"

"In the past few years, his heartfelt love and silent hard work for the children can't be faked! If it weren't for his high cost subsidy for anonymous submissions of R18 novels,'Little Daisy' would have gone bankrupt. !"

"Puff! Cough cough cough... Really, even if Moon Shadow is willing to hide in the orphanage, the reason behind it is inseparable from the threat of'Evil Flower'."

It seems that he trusts Araki Sosuke's judgment very much. Toshimoto Ichiro wiped off the tea splashed on his shirt, and wiped his beard lightly: "It seems that if you want to know the truth behind all this, you must figure out what happened during the investigation that year. ."

"If it is said that the people who attacked the Moon Shadow-lord and his party are from the "Evil Flower", then what is his purpose? Kino, who is a saint of the Holy See, can only choose to escape separately. How terrifying is this person's strength? And as an ordinary person, Moon Shadow Monarch, how did he escape his life..."

"After talking for a long time, there is still no definite clue about that organization... Ah, my head hurts..."

Suddenly, there was a lot of information in his head that was too late to digest. Araki Sosuke's brain, which was paralyzed by alcohol, suddenly became painful from overthinking.

"Before I can grasp the information of the main members of the Evil Hua, dismissing this matter will only arouse the other's vigilance. This is why the old man wants to find you, and can only talk to you. However, It's not all without gain..."

Throwing the broken tea cup in his hand into the trash can, Shimoto Ichiro poured himself a cup again: "One day ago, the old man caught an inner ghost of the Aum Shinrikyokai in the association!"

"Aum Shinrikyo? The inner ghost?"

"Yes, according to what he said, not only the association was infiltrated by them... Even the Metropolitan Police Department, the Clan Department, the Ministry of the Interior, and even the Yin Yang Liao and the royal family are likely to be buried in their roots! And, Behind the Aum Truth Society, there is the support of a secret organization...that must be the'omnipresent' evil flower!"

"No, even government agencies... is this the legendary ghost..."

"When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you... Their inner ghost falls into my hands, which means that the other party also knows the fact that they are exposed to our sight."


"it hurts!"

Suddenly, Shimoto Ichiro stood up abruptly and patted the shoulder of Sosuke Araki who was complaining hard: "Araki-kun, I am running out of time, and the future belongs to your young people after all!"

With his eyes facing each other, in his wrinkled and always kind eyes, Sosuke Araki has never felt trust and hope: "As the second person in the association who knows this secret, I hope you can do it for Tsukage-kun , For everyone in the Association, for the countless people who died under the black hands of the "Evil Flower", continue to investigate this matter for the old man! "

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