"You heard that right, President Shiben has already driven Hexi to the west..."

Kneeling on the ground, Hiroshi Tsuneta nodded, and stretched out his hand to grab the trousers of Sosuke Araki: "The police are collecting evidence inside. No one can enter."

"When I came in the morning, I noticed that the chairman's office was lit up, and I wanted to report on my work, but no one responded."

Hiroshi Tsuneta lowered his head, his whole body quivered like a sieve, and he seemed to have difficulty breathing.

"I tried to open the door, but found that the president has already..."

"But, he still..."

Araki Sosuke lowered his head and met him with the dead eyes behind Hiroshi Tokuta's lens: "Araki-kun...The chairman died in murder... but he couldn't even leave the spirit body..."

Kneeling on the side, Yamada Kengo bit his lip firmly and nodded: "Yes, the murderer is definitely not an ordinary person."

Blood and tears gradually mixed together along his generous chin, dripping continuously on the back of his hand.

"No matter who...who does all this...I want them to pay for it!"

"Boy, breaking into the crime scene under investigation is a felony!"


In the next second, several police officers who had reacted rushed forward and surrounded Zongsuke Araki.

"Wait, Senior Araki is the spirit remover of the association, he might be able to see something..."

Yamada Kengo hurriedly got up and guarded Sosuke Araki.

"Don't add any more chaos, okay, this is the scene of the murder. It is already the greatest concession that the two presidents can stay here for the ‘shouling’!"

"Since you know this is a crime scene, not a vegetable market, what are you still arguing about?"

Just when Yamada Kengo and Araki Sosuke were full of police officers and messing around, Iwata took a few police officers and walked out of the computer room on the other side.

"Deputy section chief, the associations..."

"I see, leave it to me here, you guys continue to work."

Seeing Sosuke Araki at the door of the office, Takeshi Iwata was slightly shocked, and then he waved back several police officers who were entangled with the two.

"Deputy Section Chief Iwata, finally there is something sensible. I just want to find out..."

"It just so happens, Araki-kun, we have something to do, and I want to find out about it."

Before Araki Sosuke’s voice, Iwata stepped forward with a calm face and showed him his police badge: "Araki Sosuke, on behalf of the ninth section of Special Operations of the Metropolitan Police Department, I am suspected of deliberately destroying other people’s property and public places. In the case of public indecency and other crimes, and as a national-level folklore consultant who was informed about the murder of Honichiro, please help us to go back to investigate...You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will become testimony in court."

"Huh? Wait a minute, the arrest sentence just now was too long, you say it again..."

Listening to Takeshi Iwata's "100% arrest must be chanted", Sosuke Araki suddenly stunned.

"The surveillance video from the Detective camera shows that you and Chairman Shiben entered this office together early this morning and left alone after staying for half an hour... Since then, no one has ever entered or left this office."

Iwata took out the notebook inside his jacket with a deep sense of water, and whispered the contents recorded on it in a low voice.

"According to the preliminary evidence collected on the spot, in addition to the biological traces of the president's fingerprints, footprints, hair, etc., there are biological traces of another person in the office..."

"It just so happens that because of 106 police counseling sessions, this person has left 106 fingerprint records that can never be wrong!"

"Impossible, how could Senior Araki be a murderer! Your ninth lesson is a broken head..."

The tall Yamada Kengo squeezed away the front few police officers and stepped between Iwata Takeshi and Araki Sosuke.

"You have to say a few words too, Vice President Chang Tian!"

"Yes, the old man doesn't believe that Araki-kun is a murderer..."

Kneeling in front of the office, Hiroshi Changtian still lowered his head, making it difficult to see his expression under the shadow: "Moreover, as a registered spirit exterminator who is extremely important to the association, he has the corresponding immunity. "

"Vice President Chang Tian is right. According to the agreement between the Soul Slayers Association and the Zong Nei Hall, you have no right to take away the spirit removers who have immunity until there is insufficient evidence..."

"Besides, the Sleeper will not answer even one question of yours before my'lawyer's day group' arrives."

At the same time, the elevator door on the other side of the corridor slowly opened, and Mai Hanyu and Hakailuto strode out from inside.

"Everyone, why bother... hey..."

Iwata stretched out his hand to stop the agents who were about to move, waiting for his order to rush forward to "rob people".

"The matter involved the death of a national treasure-level spirit eliminator, and the current evidence is very detrimental to Mr. Araki. If we leave it alone in Lesson 9, there will be other task forces who will ask you to go back and investigate. By then, there will be many things, I'm afraid It's not something that Lesson Nine can control!"

He didn't pay attention to the others, but stared at Sousuke Araki who was guarded by a few people and bowed his head silently.

"It is precisely because I believe that it was not made by Araki-kun, so he must go back with me to'assistance in the investigation', find out the truth and prove his innocence! If it is the association's people, for the sake of close cooperation in recent years, you can trust Lesson 9 if……"


When everyone was silently deadlocked, the door of Shimoto Ichiro's office, which had been closed, suddenly opened from the inside.

"Deputy Section Chief Iwata, we are saying to report to you... The evidence collection is completed here, and we are ready to take the body of the deceased back for further..."

Several police officers in white coats who didn't know the situation walked out with a stretcher in their hands.

"Thank you for the trouble... is this?"

When they noticed the group of people stuck outside, their expressions were slightly taken aback.

"President Shimoto!!!"


Seeing the black body bag on the stretcher, Kengo Yamada and Hiroshi Tsugada in the corridor suddenly fell to their knees, tears bursting into their eyes.

Mai Hanyu and Hou Hailu Dou also choked silently.

"Thanks, it's okay here, you continue to work, I want to see the report as soon as possible!"


After giving up the road, Iwata watched several people walking towards the elevator carrying a stretcher.

"Chairman Shiben, don't worry..."

With his hands on his side, he bowed deeply to the body bag that was going away: "I promise you that this case will be investigated and the real murderer will not be allowed to go unpunished!"

"Old Shiben..."

Standing behind the crying people, watching the stretcher disappear behind the closed elevator door, Sousuke Araki felt mixed, but couldn't say a word.

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