I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 761 The Most Unreasonable Assumption

After the elevator doors were closed, the sense of reality of the deceased's passing turned into a tingling sensation of electric scalp, and it was immersed in Sousuke Araki's body bit by bit.

After all, a few hours ago, I and Ichiro Tokimoto were sitting in the office next to each other and chatting happily.

Although the other party's words had so many negative connotations, he only regarded it as pessimism brought about by his advanced age.

But I didn't think about it. It was just a night's sleep, and the old man has turned into a cold corpse in front of him.

"Remember, if one day, the old man encounters the same unpredictability as the original Moonshade Lord, it can only show that the ‘Evil Flower’ hiding in the dark is far more pervasive and powerful than we imagined..."

"At that time, you must hold your breath, take the fishing rod in my hand, hold your breath, watch the changes, and pull up the big fish that is underwater and swallowing bait at a critical time!"

"But don't worry, the old man is not so easy to admit defeat, he still has a hundred million points reserved for his second hand..."

At this moment, standing in the same position, Tokimoto Ichiro's words before closing the door echoed in Araki Sosuke's ears again.

"I'm okay... the fishing rod... I leave it to you... don't believe... anyone..."

Coupled with the dumb "harassment call" he received in his sleep, he only felt that he seemed to understand something.

"Hey, has the fishing rod been handed over to me... Okay, let me see, what kind of big fish the old man is fishing!"

While whispering, the corners of Araki Zongsuke's sluggish mouth gradually sketched out a smirk.

He passed by several people in one step, came to Iwata Takeshi, and stretched out his hands with his wrists close to each other.

"Araki-kun, you are..."

Iwata, who had just turned around, looked at him in surprise.

"Don't you want to go back with you to assist in the investigation? People who don't have a thing or something are not used to it, and they don't feel ritual..."

With that said, Araki Sosuke raised his hand to the other party again.

"Senior Araki, you..."

"Hey, Araki-kun, you can think about it, once you go in..."

"Sleeping man, are you the brain cells that are already insufficiently stocked and completely wiped out by excessive ethanol? No, I don't think you have full civil capacity now. You have to wait for a lawyer..."

Seeing Sosuke Araki's actions, the people behind him looked incredulous.

"Cut, what I have never done before, what am I afraid of?"

On the contrary, it was Sosuke Araki, with a calm and indifferent face.

"You are very good, Araki-kun! Remember, you are only assisting in the investigation, handcuffs and other things are naturally unnecessary."

As if he didn't expect Sosuke Araki to be so decisive, Iwata took a deep look at him and walked towards the elevator first.

"...If you have anything to explain and clean up, please as soon as possible, I am waiting for you downstairs."


"As you said, when you left the office at 4:30, President Shimoto was still alive..."

In the dark interrogation room, Iwata Takesao repeatedly played back surveillance videos on his laptop.

"Although due to the angle problem, the camera did not capture the head of Shiben inside the door, the door of the office was indeed closed without contact with you..."

"Of course, the old man opened the door himself!"

The surveillance picture on the screen freezes at the moment when the office door closes and Sosuke Araki leaves with an unhappy expression.

"But, Araki-kun, this is after all a crime in which the deceased and the suspect are transcendents. It's just that if you close the door in the air, you can do it in many ways. This small contradiction is not enough to overthrow it against you. It’s impossible to find the murderer because of the chain of evidence."

"It seems that we have to think of a way from another angle..."

Sighing, Iwata took another photo to show him: "Do you have any impression of this thing?"

"This, this thing..."

In the photo, it is an old peach wood sword.

"Isn't this the handle on Shiben Old Man's bookshelf? However, it seems something is a little different..."

Looking at this peach wood sword that he had only played with a few hours ago and was so familiar, Sosuke Araki's face changed slightly: "Could it be that this is..."

A glare of dark red blood stretched from the tip of the blade to the middle.

"Yes, this is the murder weapon that left your fingerprints and killed the guild leader!"

Takeshi Iwata nodded solemnly, and then his throat choked up: "According to the traces of the scene, Chairman Shimoto should have been pierced into the back of his head with a sword cleanly while sitting on an office chair, without fighting or struggling at all. trace……"

"...Fortunately, such a straightforward death method shouldn't be too painful."

He will never forget the scene he saw when he entered the office.

If it weren't for the blood blooming like flowers on the ground and a wooden sword full of blood stuck in the back of the neck, I'm afraid everyone would only think that Shimoto Ichiro was just taking a nap after tasting the tea.

"This sword... I did play with it, but I put it back well before I left the room... So the murderer should be after this..."

Listening to Takeshi Iwata's description, looking at this blood-stained peach wood sword, Araki Sosuke's mind appeared in the office filled with the fragrance of tea. Ichiro Tokimoto sat with his sleeves closed, his eyes closed, and the sword stuck in the back of his neck. .

"Combined with the evidence at hand, whether it is fingerprints, footprints, time of committing the crime, no resentment, the association's formation is not triggered, and the height of the peach wood sword..."

"The most ‘reasonable’ conclusion is that you, who possessed the ‘Beichen One Sword Sword Master’s Swordsmanship’, grabbed the Mahogany Sword from the bookshelf in the office, and attacked President Shiben from behind..."

"However, the unnatural death of an exterminator is an unreasonable thing in itself!"

Combining Sosuke Araki's description and evidence from the scene, Takeshi Iwata carefully pieced together all the clues in front of him.

"If you assume from the most unreasonable point of view, when you leave the office until Vice President Changtian finds the body, someone enters the office, and no spirit remover like President Shi Ben will respond or there is no time to respond. In the case of, deliberately chose the peach wood sword you touched, killed him with a sword from the back, and then quietly retreated with "Bamboo Tori Scroll"..."

"In the whole process, whether he entered the door and left with a grievance, this person did not leave any traces of grievance, voice, fingerprints, or footprints."

"Even a large amount of obvious evidence points to you. It is possible that the other party did it deliberately, so I said at the beginning that this is a perfect secret room murder!"

Turning on the computer, Iwata grabbed Sosuke Araki's hands and showed an unprecedented serious expression: "Araki-kun, the murderer chose to take action at the right time. It is by no means as simple as framing you. There must be something important behind it. Reason!"

"If you insist on continuing to conceal the deal with Vice President Chang Tian and the content of the conversation with President Tokimoto, I can hardly help you get the big shots above to give up this straightforward conclusion of the case and choose to believe in incredible assumptions!"

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