"Sorry, I took your thoughts, but the content of the conversation and the transaction involved the association's top secret..."

Araki Sosuke shook his head, the expression on his face did not seem to worry about his "guilt" at all: "As a spirit remover of the "three" level of exemption, confidentiality is my obligation! "

"Araki-kun, you..."


At the same time, someone outside the interrogation room knocked gently on the door.

"Come in... Is there news about the whereabouts of Vice President Changtian?"

Seeing the detective behind the door, Iwata asked eagerly.

"Sorry, there is no definitive information for the time being. According to preliminary investigations, Vice President Chang Tian took the subway alone and got off in Yamanashi Prefecture, and then lost his whereabouts. Since he did not carry a mobile phone and could not track the location, he has sent a team to conduct an on-site search. ..."

Facing his interrogation, the agent behind the door suddenly showed a bitter face.

"What else is there then?"

"Deputy section chief, there is an emergency here. The above asks you to participate in an emergency liaison meeting..."

"Unexpected situation? Tsk, I see, there is nothing wrong with one more or less one."

Slowly standing up, Iwata patted his old face full of scum wearily: "By the way, isn't the association going to send representatives? During my meeting, Mr. Araki happened to meet them."

"Araki-kun, I hope you can consider it carefully during this period, and openly and publicly cooperate with our police to find out the real murderer and return the president to be fair!"

After turning his head and saying this, Iwata disappeared in the corridor.

"Well, even though you say that... but you are afraid of stunning the ‘fish’ and wasting the old man’s hard work, so now I can’t tell anyone..."

In the interrogation room, only Sousuke Araki, who bowed his head and muttered, and the agent who looked miserable.

"Then, that, Araki-kun, what are you whispering, let's go to the reception room first?"

"By the way, I just happen to be hungry, can I serve the meal I ordered before?"

"Order, order?"


After half an hour.

"Senior Araki!"

The door of the reception room opened with a "bang", and Kengo Yamada, wearing a black stand-up collar, strode in.

What appeared in front of him was the stalwart figure of Araki Sosuke, who was lying on the table, trembling slightly, and silently, who seemed to have suffered endless suffering and torment.

"Senior, you, what's wrong with you?!"

The tears from the corners of his eyes slid down unconvincingly.


He threw himself to the side of Suji Araki, crying, and checked his hands up and down: "Did they use a vacuum cup wheel hammer, a suffocating umbrella, and hot wax on you like the one in "The Inquisitor of Imprisonment". Hell and the electric shock spout..."

Following the men who were going to enter the house behind Kengo Yamada, watching this unsightly scene, they hesitated to help close the door.

These men in suits and leather shoes are the "Tokyo Metropolitan Lawyers Team" hired by Mai Hanyu.

In the last shooting at the South Honmoku Pier, Sosuke Araki, who was suspected of fighting, assaulting the police, and obstructing official duties, was successfully released on bail, and it was also their credit.

"Tsk, the representative sent by the association is actually Kengo you."

Sosuke Araki, who was sitting with his back facing Kengo Yamada, turned his head and glanced at him somewhat indifferently and disappointedly.

"Hulululu... I thought it would be Sister Hanyu the same as last time..."

Kicked away the violent and cried and dancing Yamada Kengo with his feet, and he bury his head and continued to be busy on the table.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine... Hulululu... Although this penal office is not well ventilated and there is a smell of soap everywhere, the food and accommodation conditions are not bad..."


A strong smell of food made Yamada Kengo twitch his nose slightly.

"Ara, senior Araki... these are..."

Slowly got up, the beautifully packaged takeaway food filled the entire table, appeared in his eyes...

Wagyu sukiyaki hot pot cooked on a charcoal stove, big belly tuna sushi with bright color and fat, and steaming live conger eel rice bowl covered with steaming three layers inside and outside...

"Would you like to eat together? After coming out of the izakaya last night, I haven't eaten anything for almost 20 hours. I almost thought I would die..."

Araki Sosuke threw his bow around the pile of food like a hungry ghost, feasting, and from time to time he looked up at the news broadcast on the opposite wall-mounted TV.

"Wait, Aragaki got married and announced marriage?! Before I finished my first'prison meal', the'wife' had already run away with someone?!"

"Ahem, can you please wait outside for a while, I want to chat with Senior Araki alone."

An apologetic bow to the lawyers outside the door, Yamada Kengo closed the door and sat down across from Araki Sosuke.

"Senior Araki, don't eat now..."

Reaching out and pushing away a large portion of sushi that the other party had handed over, he lowered his voice and said, "I always feel strange about the death of Teacher Tokimoto. Do you know anything?"

"Strange? Why do you say that?"

Sosuke Araki, who was stuffed with rice in his mouth, gave him a guilty look.

No wonder, I will not sit here to eat prison food and drink Ovaltine.

"Although Shimoto-teacher doesn't have much contact with you, as my teacher, Hanyu's sister and Atsumi-kun's uncle, your character of the predecessors will definitely express the sadness of empathy for the person who passed away!"

"But, in Senior Araki, I don't see much sadness for the teacher's death, let alone worry about being in prison... You must know something!"

"That's because your teacher is likely...cough cough, I mean, it's likely that I'm the perverted murderer the police said...whoop, it's hot...that's why I'm so calm about all this."

"GAKI, how can you leave me at the most critical moment..."

Putting a large piece of Japanese beef stuffed with egg jelly into the mouth, Araki Sosuke felt the hot oil erupting from the tip of his tongue, and was immersed in the sadness of "losing his love".

"Don't be kidding, Senior Araki, you can't play that kind of in-depth role! Ah..."

Yamada Kengo shook his head, as if he was awakened from hunger by the "sorrowful eating and broadcasting" in front of him, and backhand picked up a sushi and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Furthermore, not only you, but the behavior of Vice Chairman Changtian is also abnormal..."

"He has always respected the teacher as his father and wanted to pass on the will of the association. He actually ran away at this critical moment when he was most needed to deliver the teacher, preside over the overall situation, and even later run for the chairmanship position as a matter of course!"

"Furthermore, when I was packing up the teacher's belongings, I found that the "Yin and Yang Four-Electronic Star Disk" that was still on my desk in the morning was gone! It must have been taken away by Vice President Chang Tian. What exactly does he want to do..."

"Not only that, even the'Cocoon' disappeared after the fire that night before, and even the Qi machine could not be sensed!"

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