"Asshole, what car did you drive, the fugitives ran away?!"

"Ah, sorry, sorry, the speed is too fast, it slipped under a stone, I will write the truth in the report..."

"Wait, you are the second former police department who killed twelve cults alone?"

"It's so dedicated to hunt down the fugitive during the PTSD treatment period!"

"You guys, this is not the time to chat, the fugitives have all run away!"

Even the many police cars following behind were blocked by the "serial car accident scene" in front of them and could not move.

"Thanks, Ryoma."

Araki Sosuke, who had already taken the opportunity to rush out of the gap, glanced at the chaotic scene behind him with brilliant eyes.

"Hey, Gongxing, it's me... Jianghu, help me, this time it's really big! Ask me who I am... Can't you hear the'death bubble' with such a mature male characteristic?"

Then, while dialing a certain phone number, he drove bare buttocks into the ramp leading to the capital expressway.

"Deputy Section Chief Iwata, it was because the guards of your class were unfavorable, which led to the current situation. How would you tell us to explain to them?"

At the same time, in the police car group behind him, Sen Luosi, with an ice bag in one hand and a phone in the other hand, was also talking to someone in the car with his swollen cheek.

"You don't have to say anymore. Just now Sakurada Gate has agreed that our disaster prevention mobile team will take over the command of the task force!"

"All personnel are deployed, police are deployed, all entrances and exits of the capital expressway are blocked, an arrest warrant is issued for Sosuke Araki, the whole city is searched, and all vehicles, especially locomotives of the same model, are investigated!"

After hanging up the phone, Sun Luosi gritted his teeth and gave a series of orders to the team members behind him: "Huh, I want to see, where can this rat stuck in the sewer go!"


After one hour.

Metropolitan Expressway No. 1 Ueno Line, Iriya parking area.

"The next piece of urgent news...tonight at 7:15, a suspicious-looking man appeared in Miyoshita Park wearing only a pair of underwear. After being chased by several police officers, he ran for hundreds of meters in the street and robbed him. I took a police motorcycle and drove into the capital highway..."

Several black commercial vehicles filled with various instruments were grouped together to form a temporary command post.

"It is reported that the man is named Sosuke Araki. He has joined a violent group, escaped, speeded, assaulted the police, obstructed official duties, destroyed property, public indecent and other criminal records. He is an extremely dangerous person..."

The "NHK Evening News" on one of the computer screens was playing a scene of a blond man being "ridden naked" while being chased by a police car.

"At present, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has issued an all-Japan arrest warrant for the man, hoping to witness suspicious men with blond hair, wearing a one-eyed blindfold, large-scale tattoos on the body, and driving a motorcycle naked, and immediately dial 110... 』

Several team members in uniforms were busy in front of the equipment, and there was no time to watch the news footage with the piercing eyes on the side.

"Report, Deputy Captain Sun Luo, confirmed by the camera, the target has just passed Section C of the Wangan Line...about 200KM per hour..."

The pictures taken by the speed camera constantly appear on the monitor screen.

"Oh?! Sosuke Araki, this cunning fellow..."

Sun Luosi, who was sitting behind and holding an ice pack to apply cold to her cheeks, immediately got up and took a closer look.

In the few delicate photos captured by the high-definition speed camera, a naked blond man covered in tattoos and mud is riding an off-road motorcycle on the highway.

"Isn't he going to Hokkaido, he actually ran to the opposite direction of the Gulf Coast, did he predict our prediction? He predicted our prediction?"

The Japanese Metropolitan Expressway, or "Capital High" for short, is centered on Tokyo and consists of two loops, eleven radial lines, three special lines, seven Kanagawa lines, and two Saitama prefectures, like a spider web. High-speed internet.

After Sosuke Araki drove into the high-speed circle near Harajuku, Mori Luosi immediately mobilized a large number of manpower from the traffic department and the security team to guard the entrances and exits of the Metropolitan Expressway.

Among them, he especially arranged elite personnel from the disaster prevention mobile team in the northeast direction that must be passed to Hokkaido.

However, the metropolitan high-speed circle line extends in all directions and is too complicated. Sosuke Araki, who rushes naked in a car, seems to have an extremely accurate "pre-judgment" for their ambush...

The target is like a rat in the sewer that can sense danger in advance. After countless times the prophet has changed the route to avoid the encirclement circle, he is still alive and kicking on the highway looking for a way out.

"Since there is no way to contain it, we can only fight a protracted battle..."

Recalling that he was beaten by this guy to a minor concussion and cheekbone fracture, Sun Luosi's eyes flashed sullenly, and his brain calculated at a high speed: "How long can his fuel run?"

"The report, based on the KLX650's endurance and the target's current speed, it can still drive for at least three hours!"

"Three hours? Then I will spend it with you, and see how many times you can hide..."

With his fingers tapping restlessly on the desktop, Sun Luosi drew a big red circle on the south side of the "E-Map of the Capital Expressway" on the side: "Immediately let the maneuver group enclose this area and block the service area along the line, even if it can't If the target is contained, private law must also increase his fuel consumption!"

"Received, the three nearest mobile teams have been dispatched to..."

Upon receiving the order, several team members immediately got busy in front of the instrument.

"According to the software simulation route, at the current speed, the target should pass our preset blockade in five minutes..."

"Wait, what... I'll check again... Is that also on your side?"

At the same time, a team member who was in charge of liaison and coordination sitting in front of the temporary communication base station suddenly changed his expression: "The report, according to the information of the entrance and exit personnel, there are a large number of mobsters wearing special attack uniforms suddenly from Haneda, Jingang, Honmoku, Entrances such as Tonomachi and Kanda Bridge flooded into the Metropolitan Expressway..."

"What?! These unlearned guys, come drag racing at this time? Don't worry, just evacuate them..."

The capital expressway at night is a paradise for motorcyclists, and the traffic policemen who appear here are the "demons" who rush in.

"However, the other party is all civilian vehicles, and they are clamoring fiercely about the'taxpayer's right to use public goods'..."

After a few conversations with the communication channel, the team member looked at Sun Luosi embarrassedly.

"According to the applied blockade order, we can only conduct temporary inspections of vehicles on and off the road, but we cannot prohibit them from using the highway normally."

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