"Tsk, it can't be forbidden, then strengthen the inspection, and stop me if you carry any controlled items!"

Hearing the truth in his subordinates' words, Sen Luosi nodded helplessly.

In order to catch a fugitive, it is one thing to dispatch a large number of police forces to blockade and investigate dozens of exits in the entire capital expressway circle...

Preventing "normal vehicles" from entering the highway and paralyzing the entire Tokyo metropolitan area is another matter.

"It is reported that there are currently about 500 mobsters driving on the capital highway...the number is still increasing..."

"These guys have been speeding, seriously interfering with the capture ability of the high-speed camera..."

On the computer screen of the temporary command headquarters, suddenly like a volcanic eruption, photos captured by the speeding camera were constantly pouring out.

"It is reported that the camera on section D of the Wangan Line was overloaded and failed to capture the target's figure, and there was a deviation from the software simulation route..."

In the photo, it was a mobster who was wearing a special attack uniform and a scarf and driving a variety of modified locomotives.

"The license plate was actually covered, these lawless bastards!"

At first glance, those rioters are "speeding habitual offenders", using panties, CDs, masks, shoe covers, adult magazine covers, used umbrellas and other strange things to cover up the license plates and dashing on the highway.

"Report...the number of mobsters entering the capital expressway is still increasing, and it is expected to be close to a thousand!"

Facing the situation that is getting more and more out of control, the members of the temporary command headquarters are in a frenzy for a while.

"Huh, let the traffic police deal with these rampant guys. We just need to guard the exit and let the'mobile team' go to contain Araki Sosuke as originally planned!"

Seeing this scene in front of him, Sun Luosi threw the ice bag on his face to the ground and smirked.

"The mouse that has been in the pocket, no matter how much he can toss, as long as he covers the mouth of the bag and is exhausted to the point of exhaustion, he can only catch it with his hands!"


Capital Expressway, section H of the Wangan Line.


The high-speed gust of wind robbed the surrounding oxygen and the temperature of the lower body mercilessly.

Araki Sosuke, who was naked on the locomotive, no longer remembered how many sneezes he had ever sneezed.

The only thing that makes people feel warm is the scorching and burning sensation that "Xiao Zongsuke" transmits through the locomotive engine.

"Even the exit to the south is blocked. Are these guys rounding the entire capital expressway circle?"

After rushing into the capital expressway in full view, he has completely abandoned the thin and inherent "shame" of human beings, and is looking for the next crossing on the expressway to break through.

Even if we temporarily get rid of the endlessly entangled maneuvering team behind, the scorching sight, high-speed shutter sound, relentless flashing lights and "perverted" exclaims when passing by the surrounding vehicles make Sosuke Araki have no choice but to continue. Speed ​​up and escape, unable to stop for a second.

"Four cars...were they just following when they returned from the next crossing?"

Four locomotives with siren flashing silently appeared in the rearview mirror.

"It's really impolite to turn on such bright headlights. People would be embarrassed..."

The sudden high beams illuminate someone's tight buttocks on the back seat.

Saying "I'm sorry", Araki Sosuke has already unceremoniously turned the throttle to let the locomotive speed up again...

"Araki Sosuke!!!"

However, at the intersection not far ahead, four more locomotives suddenly rushed out of the locomotives behind them, and they were double-teaming with the locomotives behind them, controlling him in the middle.

"Immediately pull over and park. You have been surrounded by us. Now you can cooperate with our instructions, and you can also strive for leniency!!!"

Maintaining the circumstance of being separated, the police officers one after another took out the loudspeakers and yelled at him to put pressure on him.

"It's so noisy... Are you planning to suppress my speed, wait until there is no gas or a large group of troops come over before doing it?"

Seeing this battle, Araki Sosuke glanced uncomfortably at his mouth.

"Just find a place to stop and'solve' them, and by the way,'borrow' a car and clothes and then go back on the road?"

Traveling speeds of more than 200KM, even if it is lightly touched, may cause great casualties.

He didn't intend to really become an escaped prisoner who kills without blinking an eye.

"Attention, the goal is going to slow down, and prepare to'close the net'..."

Seeing the brake lights lit under the hip of Sosuke Araki's car, several police officers who were extremely skilled in driving also slowed down and contracted their "surrounding formation"...

"Hey, this is what you asked for..."

Seeing that the motorcycles before and after are getting closer and closer to him, Sosuke Araki arched his waist slightly, ready to give it a go...


At the same time, a harsh locomotive exhaust sound suddenly sounded from the rear.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Then there was a wave, a wave, another wave...

"Boom boom boom boom boom..."

Countless exhaust sounds intertwined, and gradually converged into the roar of an ancient giant beast.

Even the road surface of the highway quivered, as if something that swallowed everything was approaching.

"This voice is..."

The police officers on the bike subconsciously followed the sound...

After looking back, they found that they could not see anything.

At the rear corner, a dense cluster of headlights suddenly appeared, illuminating the dark road like daylight, and temporarily depriving the police officers of their eyesight like flash bombs.

"Uh, my krypton..."

"what's the situation?"

"Asshole! I can't see anymore..."

"Don't panic, control the speed!"

The sight was white, and the eight police locomotives that were originally surrounded by Sosuke Araki had to be forced to slow down...

When the police officers regained their sight, they found themselves in a torrent of surging locomotives!

"The tyrants?"

The locomotives with their license plates covered and their fronts exploded into various shapes, like a violent wind, kept passing by their side...

"These guys, how many people are here?!"

As he passed by, the man in the car who covered his face with a turban was staring at them with evil eyes.

It seems that once they have any action, they may attack them in groups at any time.

"No, where is Sosuke Araki?!"

After regaining their senses from the dense "Extreme Sight Deterrence", they found that their original "hunting target" had been submerged in this piece of special attack uniforms and "Arao Wuyong" and "walking to death". "Love", "Magic Suffering Nai Rage", "Magic Bleeding Head", "Dancing Flowing Stupidity" and other fonts of unknown meaning are in the ocean.


Araki Sosuke, who took the opportunity to stand out and led the front of this locomotive torrent, loosened his frowning brows.

"These brats..."

Looking at the very familiar Milky Way in the rearview mirror, he blinked and yelled out wantonly: "...I'll be a little bit later, I'm going to be grilled into an 18cm German sausage!"

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