I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 772 Flesh-colored Shotgun

In the locomotive queue, a black heavy locomotive carrying two people suddenly accelerated and jumped out and came to a position that was on par with Sosuke Araki.

"Wow, the warrior of the Warring States Period, one day is like three autumns..."

Seeing the locomotive's hideous barbs, lava flowing firelight, and violent muscle lines, Sousuke Araki suddenly burst into tears.

"What, say I haven't come to pick you up for so many days, and now I don't know the shame to ride on the Kawasaki Mustang without clothes?! Damn it, do you know what I have gone through..."

This wild-looking heavy locomotive was the warrior of the Warring States Period who was sent by him to enjoy the "Thai Emperor Seven Engine Oil Maintenance Package" after the "Yoshihara Yanshang" incident.

"Brother Araki, what are you talking to yourself... The car and'that thing' were brought here as you ordered."

"Tsk tsk, ran a full circle on the Metropolitan Expressway naked and attracted the attention of the entire Tokyo metropolitan area. Is that a record in the Phoenix? 』

The men on the samurai of the Warring States period pulled off their towels, revealing two familiar faces of Sosuke Araki.

"In other words, the performance tuning of your locomotive is really grumpy, and you can't control it by another person..."

Driving the warriors of the Warring States Period is the current leader of the Phoenix Runaway Group and the owner of the ace locomotive modification shop, the "Kyushu Boy" City Main Palace.

"Brother Araki is really a role model for our generation. My meaningless life must exist to contribute to your criminal career!"

And, as one of the veteran members of the phoenix runaway group, "older singles collect rent and waste," Kenjiro.

"Jailbreaking, resisting arrest, being issued an all-Japan wanted warrant, riding all L on the Capital Expressway, and playing traffic police groups around. These are things I didn't even dream of, but you did it easily by Brother Araki! On TV, How ecstasy you are running and drifting naked on the road in the park..."

"Stop it, it's not ‘easy’ at all, jerk! 』

At this moment, he was substituting himself into a series of "feats" by Sosuke Araki, and he was moved to tears.

"Miyayuki and Kenjiro, this time is really sending charcoal in the snow. When I come back from Hokkaido, thank you so much..."

Seeing these two people and the "trend of locomotives" behind them, they were chased by the police, and still had nowhere to escape after spending more than an hour on the Metropolitan Expressway. The panic in his heart instantly turned into solid warmth. .

"If you are grateful, come back and say it again, and change the car as soon as you can't catch up with the note!"

Ichi Honmiya kept the speed of the car steady, and let Kenjiro climb up to the front seat of Sosuke Araki to stabilize the direction of the locomotive for him.

"Wow, this devilish body and sinful breath..."

"Bai, idiot, where are you touching... how do I change it if I hold it so tight?" ! 』

After a period of confusion, Sosuke Araki finally switched to the back of the warrior warrior.

"Oh, this long-lost feeling...what, you said that I am smelly...a mere locomotive, I actually hate the owner..."

Holding the handle of the warrior warrior's car with both hands, he felt the long-lost interpersonal communication, and a feeling of "unstoppable" flooded his heart.

"Brother Araki, the license plate of the Samurai Warrior in the Warring States Period has been set for you. It belongs to the Gonggao boy. Everything is in the bag on the back seat... In addition to the'that thing' you asked me to fetch specifically, there are Clothes, fake passports, hair dye, reliable snakehead address book and a little cash."

After jumping to the back seat of Kenjiro, Ichimoto Miyuki pointed to the backpack hanging on the back seat of Sosuke Araki's car: "By the way, just in case, I even put a handful of guys for you... Registered, please feel free to use it."

"Idiot, I just went to Hokkaido to do something, do I have to make it like a fugitive who is going to Somalia..."

Following the introduction of the city’s main palace line like a tour guide, the humble luggage on the back seat suddenly became a little "horrified" in the eyes of Araki Sosuke.

"Moreover, in such a short time, where did you get these'traveling special items'?!"

He always felt that he had been on a path of no return that he had imagined for many years but had never set foot on.

"Everything is ready, the teams pay attention, and then proceed according to the plan."

He took out the walkie-talkie, held the walkie-talkie in his hand, and arranged it in the communication channel: "Remember, according to the investigation by the peripheral brothers, the road closures are relatively thin and the topographical advantages are..."

"Hey, do you really want to do that?"

"Brother Araki, I have sacrificed a lot this time!"

"Wait a minute, I'm a little shy, I have to prepare..."

Hearing his communication, the locomotive formation of hundreds of people behind instantly boiled.

"Huh, a group of unconscious scumbags, it's time for them to retreat?"

Kenjiro in the back seat of the car fastened his hooded headscarf and suddenly lifted his special attack uniform...

"Does the "special attack" of the "special attack service" mean "fighting with fate"? And, what are you afraid of with your face covered..."

Like a perverted windbreaker who had been premeditated and lewd in public, he attacked the inside of the suit, and there was nothing...

"It's time to prove that I am not a'trash'..."

Only the fat body that swayed in the wind, curled up, and bloomed with white light!

"It's my lifelong dream to be able to imitate Brother Araki so recklessly once!"

Putting the special attack uniform into the trunk of the car, Kenjiro raised his hands, letting the wind stir his layers of flesh, and let out a restless cry: "The bullet has been loaded, please pull the trigger, Araki!"

On his generous back, he used a marker to write the words "Refuse to discharge nuclear waste water"!

"This, this is..."

"Yes, this is specially made for you, Brother Araki..."

Seeing the doubts in Sosuke Araki’s eyes, Ichihonmiya showed a sinister smile: "NAKEDSHOTGUN tactics!"

"Damn it, even "Trash Kenjiro" is..."

"We can't lose to you either!"

"If he goes to death, he is going to the money soup!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

At the same time, Kenjiro's action was like lighting a fuse, instantly "detonating" the locomotive team behind.

"Hey, what are these tyrants doing? 』

"They are... Ah, my eyes..."

"The situation has changed, call the headquarters as soon as possible! 』

In the dull gazes of the "mobility crew" far behind, the hundreds of men in the locomotive queue swiped off their special attack uniforms as they marched...

It reveals a body with fluttering hair, various, naked, fat and thin, and of different lengths.

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