"It is allowed to use weapons to suppress, and don't let any of them run away. You must not let Araki Zongsuke take advantage of it!"

Listening to the detectives' continuous "grant news", Sun Luosi, who was already anxious, suddenly jumped into thunder.

"Captain, those are civilians, the Metropolitan Police Department refused to use weapons to suppress..."

"Idiot, have they ever seen a ‘civilian’ speeding on the highway with a naked body covered with a license plate?"

There are nearly a hundred exits in the Metropolitan Expressway, and it is impossible to send more manpower and complete martial law without knowing where Araki Sosuke is going.

"No, there are already several pairs of tyrants who have broken through the temporary inspection checkpoint of the import and export by relying on the advantage of the number of people... They are still going through the checkpoint..."

These nearly a thousand naked mobsters gathered on the capital expressway, like bullets fired by shotguns, suddenly hitting exits in different directions at the same time, suddenly overwhelming the police officers in charge of the blockade.

"Captain, do you increase the search and hunt to bring back the runaway races who ran away?"

"You don't have to waste your efforts, Araki Zongsuke, most of them have already run away in there..."

Knowing that there was no way to stop Araki Sosuke from escaping, Mori Luosi shook his head pale.

"Contact the special team heading to Hokkaido and let them pay attention to the traces of the fugitives along the way. We will rush to the team immediately!"


Turning and sitting back in the car, Mori Ross took off his hat, threw it on the windshield, and roared up to the sky: "Damn it's Araki Sosuke, even if I escape from Tokyo, I must personally catch you back. !"


Akihabara, Headquarters of the Association of Soul Slayers, Website Division.

"Huh, the guys in the traffic class still want to track me down, and don't ask me whether the thousands of broilers under'Chicken King Lu Dou' will agree!"

Hou Hailu Dou wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked triumphantly at a beautiful figure standing behind the dark curtain: "Sister, Araki-kun has left the capital expressway and headed towards Hokkaido."

Since he heard the news of Sosuke Araki’s escape from prison, he hacked into the traffic police system network and paid attention to the situation on the capital expressway.

"Hmph, even if you don't hesitate to escape from prison, should you go to Hokkaido to find her? Is this a choice of the universe consciousness, or is it your own decision..."

"A beast who tastes freedom, will he return to his cage willingly in the future?"

Standing in the dark room, looking at the brightly lit night view of Akihabara outside the window, Mai Hanyu lifted her bangs behind her ear blankly: "All in all, you don't have to worry about things in Hokkaido."

In just a few days, she looked a lot thinner, making her foul body even more "chest-heavy".

"But, don't you really need to contact Araki-kun? Through his tyrant friends, you should be able to get a mobile phone number...wait..."

Hou Hailu Dou took the DR.PEPPER from the side and took a sip, and suddenly found that the data displayed on the screen was not quite right.

"It actually broke through the springboard of my level... It is impossible for the traffic class to afford such a master... Is it a dark web monster passing by and finding fault..."

With the effort of drinking, someone has broken through layers of defenses one after another at a non-human speed and rushed straight to his private server.

"Bah, I'm busy, I don't have time to play with you... Just let the rest of the'chicken group' collectively cut off the power and shut down, even if the legendary'Dark Web Lord' finds it, I don't have to do it. !"

He did not panic at the start of the "emergency shutdown" program on the "hacker dedicated host" next to him.

"The ability of "Black Claw" to quietly work on Uncle Shiben and that thing shows that the lives of everyone in this building are under their control..."

"Contacting the sleeping person rashly may reveal his whereabouts instead."

Mai Hanyu by the window, unconsciously rubbing her frown, seemed to be experiencing a habitual headache.

"Puff!!! Cough cough cough...Just let me move to the office. As long as I have a network cable computer and food for disaster prevention, I can stay on the top of Mount Fuji for a year!"

Hearing what she said, Hou Hailu Dou suddenly felt that the drink in his mouth no longer fragrant.

"Huh, no matter from a natural or supernatural perspective, is there any place in Tokyo that can be safer than here?"

"I... I think about... underground air-raid shelters, shelters and other places... Or simply go back to my home village..."

"Don't think too much, this is the place where Uncle Shiben spent half of his life to build, and we will not leave a single step."

"Hacker Lu Dou, instead of worrying about his worthless life, it is better to concentrate on the case and maintaining the operation of the association..."

"I'm so sorry that my life is worthless..."

Just as Houhailudou tried to search for "secure, hidden, fast internet" office locations in his mind, Mai Hanyu had turned and entered the inner room: "I'll go to sleep first, and I'll talk about the rest tomorrow."

"After two days, I heard that Mr. Araki has escaped from prison, can he finally fall asleep?"

With complex eyes watching Mai Hanyu disappear into the room, Hou Hailu Dou's expression loosened: "On the association's side, there is the host of Kobe who leads the team personally, plus my newly upgraded backstage system and the recently dedicated Yamada-kun, it's not the case. Need to worry too much..."

With bloodshot eyes, he focused on the other "dedicated intranet" laptop in front of him: "The most troublesome thing is the case itself."

"The surveillance videos have been viewed frame by frame, and there is no trace of tampering at all... The surveillance videos inside the building and nearby streets have also been sorted out one by one..."

On the screen, the surveillance video taken by the sniper probe in the corridor of Tokimoto Ichiro's office was playing in a loop.

"The evidence on the scene and the method of killing are not only inconsistent with Dixon Carr's "Thirteen Kinds of Murders in Secret Chamber"..."

Not only this video, but also the on-site forensic information shared by the Information Group of Lesson Nine, Hou Hailu Dou has watched it repeatedly and don't know how many times.

"Even after the association used various methods such as formations, rune papers, psychics, divination and even exorcism water, they failed to find clues..."

He patted the chubby face that was getting thinner with fatigue, and lay down on the keyboard as if giving up.

"Uncle Shi Ben, if your old man is alive in the sky, even for himself, you should give some clues!"


The crisp sound of the telescopic rotation of the camera sounded in the dark, and the thick sea land who had just got down was frightened and sat up straight.

"This thing, come to scare me again..."

He followed the sound and saw a lens lying silently on the conference table not far away, reflecting the colorful halo outside the window.

"Is it forgotten here by the old sister after it was taken from the rooftop the day before yesterday?"

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