I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 775 Snow in Aomori

In order to avoid being frightened in his sleep again, Hou Hailudou stepped forward, trying to remove this lens that he liked to take photos without permission.

"But, when was it modified to an infrared handheld thermal imaging camera again?"

When he walked closer, he discovered that the "Eye of Reality" had been connected to a pistol-like instrument with an LCD screen beside it.

"My old sister is true, even if the multi-million-yen instrument is not cleaned up, even the dangerous Fusangshen is thrown away..."

While complaining, Hou Hailu Dou reached out and flicked on the thermal imager's touch screen.

"I took so many photos indiscriminately, and the memory is almost used up..."

When his finger touched the "Recently Taken Photos" column and wanted to clear the memory, the whole person stood in place as if struck by lightning.

"Wait... this is... so to speak... maybe there will be..."

Taking a serious look at the strangely shaped instrument in his hand, he was muttering words as if he had been caught by an evil, and his fingers flicked on the screen frantically: "Please, fruit...Bah...please, please!"


Tokyo Metropolitan, Minato Ward, Takanawa 3-chome, JR Shinagawa Station.

"Teacher, Fujiwara Tree did not personally lead the team. The Yin Yang Liao and the Association sent jointly. It is another candidate..."

Under the night, at the highest point of the glass dome of the station, Jiro Kenmine, dressed in a black robe, sat motionless in the shadows.

"...Even the one who was born in the simplest position was shocked. It seems that their manpower is getting more and more stretched."

With a sharp gaze, he glanced at the trains of trains entering and leaving the station below, and his mean lips were slightly raised: "The plan in Hokkaido is going well... Oh, Sosuke Araki escaped from prison?"

"Unfortunately, I originally planned to let him suffer a bit in jail, and feel the despair of hearing the bad news in his powerlessness..."

In the next second, the original smile has turned into a twisted grin.

"However, no one can reverse the situation in Hokkaido now. Even if the kid rushes over, he can only collect the corpses for the entire Hokkaido in that white purgatory!"

"With this run, there must be a gap between the Spirit Eliminators Association and the official organization, and there is no way to'work together' as before."

In the platform at his feet, a turquoise train started "rumbled" and slowly drove out of the station.

"As for the unknown vice president Hiroshi Tsugada, the "Dark Web Lord" has tracked down to the approximate location, and my people have already ‘handled’ the past..."

This is the "Tohoku·Hokkaido Shinkansen" from Tokyo to Hokkaido.

"Ichiro Tokimoto is dead to death, even if he arranges some preplans through Hiroshi Tsukita, facing the plan we have been brewing for many years, he will definitely not be able to overcome any waves!"

Yanfeng Jiro fluttered his wings and followed closely above the train.

"When Yinyangliao sinks into the quagmire of Hokkaido, no one in Tokyo will be able to stop the "Hyakki Yakushi Festival"... Okay, I know, teacher, everything is about the overall situation! "

His figure slowed down, watching the train below continue to speed up and disappear on the horizon, Gonmine Jiro dialed another number: "It's me... one of the strongest spirit removers in Tokyo, already facing you. Go, try not to face him face-to-face when it is not necessary."

"I trained you for so many years for this matter. If you mess up, you know the consequences? By the way, if that Araki Sosuke also appeared in Hokkaido..."

Reaching out his hand and stroking his chest, feeling the intricate and faintly painful scars under his robe, Yanmine Jiro's eyes were swallowed by pitch-black resentment: "Even if you can't kill him, at least you must kill the woman with the bow in front of him. !"

Hang up the phone, and use the whirlwind in the palm of the hand to smash the phone into fine pieces: "The more powerful individuals who claim to be ‘righteous’ and ‘heroes’, the more they will be bound by the social nature of human instinct..."

"I say Mine Jiro, I will completely destroy everything you want to protect, and use your pain and despair to nourish the soil of the'Kingdom of God'!"

Fluttering his wings, his figure disappeared without a trace in the wind.


"At 11 o'clock last night, a large number of mobsters drove into the metropolitan expressway from all over Tokyo at the same time..."

It was two o'clock at midnight, and the lights were in the "sleep mode" of the first-class Shinkansen cabins. Due to the scarcity of passengers, it looked extremely quiet.

"After forming a square formation on the highway, they suddenly took off their clothes at the same time, revealing the'anti-nuclear waste water discharge slogan' everywhere in their bodies..."

Only on the TV at the end of the carriage, there is still a rolling picture of a group of naked men riding a motorcycle forming a "meat wave phalanx".

"According to the protesters detained by the police, they held this ‘Environmental Flash Mob Parade’ specifically for their opposition to the discharge of nuclear waste water into the sea and to demonstrate the social responsibility and environmental awareness of the violent groups..."

"This move has aroused great repercussions on the Internet. At present, mobsters all over Japan are vying to imitate and hold naked environmental demonstrations. In the middle of the night, there are still a large number of environmental protection organizations and people who spontaneously gather in front of the police station to support the release of these "environmentalists"..."

Wearing a down jacket with a black split head, the handsome boy is hanging his head by the car window, sleeping peacefully with his eyes closed between the black night and the white snow that are constantly flying backwards.

"Sorry, I have diarrhea, please borrow the toilet..."

A passenger wearing a baseball cap walked "dongdongdongdongdong" through the aisle and rushed into the front toilet.

Due to the small number of first-class passengers and the high rate of vacant toilets, from time to time there will be passengers who are "urgent" in nearby cars coming to borrow them.

"This hasn't arrived in Aomori yet, is the snow already this big?"

The awakened boy looked melancholy at the snow flicking by the window.

After passing Iwate Station, the further you go to the northeast, the thicker the snowflakes flying in the sky.

Although it's dark outside the window, it doesn't affect people's imagination that the outside is covered in silver.

"When the girl left Tokyo, she seemed to be wearing autumn school uniforms. She was so weak and she didn't know if she could stand it..."

Whispering softly, the boy's eyes fell on the phone screen and subconsciously dialed the first number in the communication record.

"The user you are calling is not in the service area...dudududu..."

"Hey... I still can't get through... Tsk, it's cold!"

On the head of the correspondent showing "Thousand Leaves-Calling", there is a lovely girl with a sweet smile.

"I hope that Qianye Zi has lost connection because of too much snow, damaged base station signal, etc. If it is something that cannot be solved by gods, gods, or witches, it will be for nothing if I go..."

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