The bus carrying the third class of Tokyo Metropolitan Shinjuku High School suddenly disappeared in heavy snow. There are too many unreasonable factors hidden.

And the reason why this young man was ordered to rush to Sapporo not far from Kyoto more than a thousand kilometers from Kyoto is because in addition to the spiritual person, Tori Mayumi, there is another person who has a very distinguished status and has a special relationship with him. figure.

Disappointedly, he put away the phone, tightened the down jacket on his body, took the warm Ito green tea on the armrest and drank it with his head up, and his eyes fell unconsciously on the TV not far away.

"Let's move on to the next piece of news... At 7:15 last night, a man wearing only underwear all over his body suddenly appeared in Miyoshita Park, and ran for hundreds of meters on the street after LUO was chased by several police officers. , Robbed a police motorcycle and drove onto the capital highway..."

On the TV screen, a man covered with mosaics all over his body is rushing on the sidewalk at a speed faster than a sprint champion. He is also followed by police officers wearing combat uniforms and riding bicycles in hot pursuit.

"It is reported that the man is named Sosuke Araki. He has joined a violent group, escaped, speeded, assaulted the police, obstructed official duties, destroyed property, public indecent and other criminal records. He is an extremely dangerous person..."

In the shot of a passerby's mobile phone shaking, the man jumped onto one of the locomotives like a devil, threw the two police officers off the car directly, and drove away...

"At present, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has issued an all-Japan arrest warrant for the man. I hope that people who witness suspicious men with blond hair, wearing one-eyed blindfolds, large-scale tattoos on their bodies, and liking for naked activities, immediately dial 110... 』

"Puff!!! Cough cough cough..."

Seeing the man's only hideous face without mosaics, and the messy blond hair, the teenager directly squirted the tea from his mouth far away.

"Fujiwara priest, are you okay?"

"I have tissues here, please use..."

"This bottle of sugar-free green tea must be too bitter. I will go to the dining car to change you a bottle of micro-sugar!"

The men sitting in the back row of him, wearing windbreakers and sitting in jeopardy, got up in a panic and warmed up in every possible way.

As the elite of the disaster prevention mobile team, the reason why they are so nervous is because the young and handsome face in front of them is actually distinguished and unfathomable...

The Meiji Shrine has appointed the next great priest, "the favored one of once in four thousand years", and the exemption from the ranks, Fujiwara Takumi.

At the same time, they are also the leader of their mission to remove spirits.

According to internal data, on the night of Obon, the young priest who lived in the simple and "ordinary" once used the gods to invite the gods to possess his body, to remove the Sundeokin Temple, one of the three major grievances in Japan, and to strengthen the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. There are countless large formations and purification of resentful spirits.

As a priest of Meiji Jingu, it is self-evident who the god he invited was and how much weight he had in the hearts of the Japanese.

"No, it's okay, just accidentally choked..."

Taking the paper towel and wiping his face indiscriminately, Fujiwara Takumi's gaze always fell on the lower right corner of the TV screen, on the murderous wanted photo.

"Zongjie, this idiot, was not taken away to assist in the investigation? Why did he suddenly escape from prison?"

The news of Tokimoto Ichiro’s abnormal death was known to only a very small number of people within the Spirit Slayers Association.

"Could it be that he really did the case...impossible! What is the problem with this guy..."

Among them, he naturally includes him as the elder of Meiji Jingu who is the exemption class.

"Hello passengers, this train will arrive at JR Mutsu Ichikawa Station in ten minutes. Passengers who get off please bring their belongings..."

The announcement of the train's arrival interrupted Fujiwara's thoughts.

"Due to the blizzard affecting the travel of the previous train, this train will stop at Mutsu Ichikawa Station..."

"Fujiwara priest, we expect to arrive at Aomori Station in one and a half hours, and after passing through the Aikan Tunnel, we will be able to reach Hakodate..."

A man came to Fujiwara Takumi and bowed, and handed the tablet computer in his hand: "By the way, I just received an instruction from the Tokyo Metropolitan Headquarters, asking us to pay attention to the fugitive named Sosuke Araki during the mission. If they arrive, they will be arrested immediately, and the details are here..."

He is the leader of the disaster prevention mobile team, Onodera who accompanied Fujiwara Takumi to Hokkaido this time.

"According to the data, the opponent is not only a spirit remover, but also extremely strong in close-range combat. If you have to, I hope you can help."

"This guy actually came to Hokkaido?! I know, it must be for the little bird wandering maiden on the bus..."

Looking at the "fugitive convict profile" on the tablet, Fujiwara Takumi's eyes lit up with a light called hope: "Isn't this dozing and meeting a pillow, as long as you catch this guy and go find Chiba..."

"Fujiwara priest, do you see any clues?"

Seeing Fujiwara Takumi's face lightening and darkening, Onodera asked curiously.

", nothing..."

Fujiwara Takumi waved his hand "coldly", as if the "foul fugitive" in the tablet was just a fly that could be dispelled by a wave: "Kun Onoji, please pay attention to this guy. Don't act rashly when you see this guy. Tell me the first time. Just fine."

"So, do you want to solve it yourself..."

Hearing that this young and promising priest was willing to help, the faces of several people showed joy: "With your words, we will feel at ease!"

Unless there is a strong enough opponent who can raise interest, Fujiwara Takumi will never make a move easily. This is a well-known thing.

After all, Araki Sosuke is a tricky person who has rich criminal experience, has "hand-knife attacked" Captain Mochizuki, and successfully escaped under a large number of police forces last night. They are definitely not a few of them that can handle.

However, the situation is naturally different with the help of the "loved one who has met once in four thousand years".

After the train stayed for more than ten minutes, it finally started again, roaring forward.

"It's boring, what kind of super rare SSR... I have already collected it, can't I get a few ordinary dog ​​food... No way, I can only order ten more 688s..."


When Fujiwara Takumi was lying bored on his seat "relentlessly", the train suddenly stopped and threw him directly from the seat to the opposite corner.


"What are you doing?!"

For a time, people in the carriage also turned their backs on their backs and exclaimed constantly.

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