I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 777 Unknown Call

"His, it hurts, it hurts..."

Holding his swollen forehead, Fujiwara Takumi got up and looked out the window...

"What's the situation, this amount of snow will not be enough to block the road?"

In the endless darkness, there are only flying snowflakes, coldly reflecting the faint light in the carriage.

"Passengers...Zizi...The train stopped due to an accident..."

In the cabin radio, there was an announcement from the flight attendant with inexplicable noise.

"The staff is getting off the car to check...Zizi...Please stay in your seat and don't move..."

"You guys, go ahead and see if you have any situation, report it in time."


With a wave of Onodera's hand, two people rushed towards the cab.

"The report said that the reason why the train stopped in an emergency......

After a while, the two people who went to the front to check sent back news through the walkie-talkie.

"Currently, the EMU personnel...zzizi... are searching the nearby railroad tracks..."

"What, the Shinkansen hit someone?"

Hearing this news, Takumi Fujiwara looked out the window with his cheeks in boredom.

On the dark snowfield, you can still see the looming peaks and dense woods.

"You're wrong, it's freezing cold this day, even if you commit suicide by lying on the rails, you won't go to such a place with all your hardships, right?"

It's not that the Shinkansen crashed into people.

At two o'clock in the afternoon on June 14, 2018, a collision accident occurred on the Sanyo Shinkansen in Japan, which caused serious cracks in the front end of the hood of the front of the car. After further inspection, it was found that a large amount of human tissue was left in the damaged front of the car.

However, the route from Mutsu Ichikawa Station to Aomori Station is surrounded by mountains and grasslands. There are no large settlements at all, and there is no need to cross the railroad tracks.

If someone deliberately runs so far to "suicide", I'm afraid they will freeze to death before the Shinkansen arrives.


Outside the window, there were faintly dark figures, flashing between the goose feathers and heavy snow.

"If you read it right, could it be..."

Fujiwara Takumi's face suddenly turned pale, and his body trembled.

"Fujiwara priest, what's the matter?!"

Discovering his anomaly, several team members looked over with concern.

Slowly turning his neck as if he was frozen, Fujiwara Takumi stretched his fingers out of the window and squeezed out three words from his throat: "...There is resentment."

Toward his fingertips, a ray of dark resentment was lingering in the wind and snow, and had not had time to disperse.

"Let the two of them come back immediately, put on the equipment, and be fully alert!"

These three words sounded like an air defense alarm. Several team members calmly took out the latest "Spirit Detective Goggles" from their backpacks, put them on, took out the silencer pistol and magazines around their waists and checked them.

"Yes...Equip...Me too..."

Reminded by the actions of a few people, Fujiwara Takumi also grabbed the backpack from the shelf above his head, took out the messy things such as the priest's clothes, royal coins, and charms, and put his brain on him.

Because he was mentally prepared to face the transcendental existence before he set off, and it was the first time he went so far, so he was also "fully armed" on this trip.

The only thing I didn't expect was that I hadn't sorted out my uneasy mood on the road, did a good job of mental construction, or even stepped into the boundary of Hokkaido, the resentful spirit had already come to my door.

After the dressing was completed, a young priest with a cold (stiff) expression and extraordinary momentum suddenly appeared in the carriage.

"Calm down, we are not an ordinary spirit remover with us."

"Yes, we can't lose the face of the Disaster Prevention Mobile Team!"


Seeing that Takumi Fujiwara changed his outfit, his aura suddenly changed, and he became more sacred and inviolable, and the team suddenly calmed down.

"Jingling, jingle..."

"Hello, moto..."

"Sa la la la I fly in the sky, overlooking the whole town..."

"The missed agreement is on the stars, and the memories will not melt. While looking for the four-leaf clover, I peek at you secretly..."

At the same time, a mess of cell phone ringing abruptly ringed in the carriage.

The lights in the carriage also flickered crazily, instantly turning into the clubbing scene of the nightclub.

"Hi...this is..."

Fujiwara Takumi looked around and found that no matter it was himself, several of his team members, and passengers in the same compartment, the phones of the passengers in the same compartment were all simultaneously displaying an incoming call named "unknown number".

"The report, it seems that every mobile phone on the train has received an unknown call..."

Holding the clinking mobile phones, the two who went to investigate the situation also ran back in panic.

The same situation also occurs in every car of the train.

More and more rapid and harsh cell phone ringing, densely intertwined, like a tragic, painful, helpless and desperate wailing in the wind and snow.

"Can't hang up, can't turn off the phone... It should be said that you can't operate the phone at all..."

After trying to operate the phone a few times, Onodera decisively smashed the phone open and removed the internal battery...

"It's useless to remove the battery?!"

The phone's ringtone did not stop because of this.

On the broken screen, the "unknown call" still flickered.

Facing this scene, he paled and turned to Fujiwara Takumi for help: "Fujiwara priest, what shall we do, please instruct!"

"If you ask me what to do, I can only..."

Awakened by the opponent's questioning, Fujiwara Takumi held up his hand, which was composed of a short stick and a note, and slammed it against the wall of the carriage.

"Upper left upper right A lower left B lower right AB lower right A!"

After proficiently reciting the arbitrarily tampered and unclear mantra, a brilliant chrysanthemum pattern, centered on the imperial coin in his hand, bloomed towards the surroundings.

Shinto Technique·Purification.

"This...this is the legendary power derived from the "Emperor Meiji"?!"

Through the spirit detective goggles, watching this majestic and sacred "sixteen-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern" spread rapidly along the carriage wall, covering everything in contact with it. The first few players who saw this scene were all stunned.

Soon, the surface of a whole Shinkansen train showed the spiritual power of the golden chrysanthemum pattern representing the blessing and purification of the gods.

The flashing lights in the carriage returned to normal.

"It's worthy of being a'favored person once in four thousand years', who can easily shelter such a large area."

Seeing this scene, the faces of several players were relaxed.

"The effect of this exercise is so exaggerated..."

Originally only intending to shelter his car, Fujiwara Takumi, watching his technique cover such a large area, he couldn't help taking a deep look at the royal coin in his hand.

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