"Fujiwara priest, arrangements have been made here. You will take the next Shinkansen to Hakodate."

With infinite admiration and moving eyes, Onodera lifted his body slightly, returning to the respectful posture of bowing forty-five degrees.

"But, priest Fujiwara, did you really decide to go alone?"

Immediately, he showed a hesitant expression: "Deputy Captain Sunro led a team of 100 people. It has already departed from Tokyo. It is expected to arrive in four hours. Why not take a break here? , After meeting with them..."

Due to his own severe frostbite and bone fracture on his right arm, and the other three team members suffered severe loss of temperature and were sent to the hospital for rescue, their team originally responsible for accompanying Fujiwara Takumi to Hokkaido has lost the ability to continue the mission.

"No, that bus has been missing for 16 hours, and the golden rescue time should not be wasted."

Fujiwara Takumi raised his hand and glanced at his watch, and shook his head expressionlessly: "When you arrive in Hakodate, there will naturally be local spirit removers and search and rescue forces to respond, so Captain Onodera doesn't have to worry about it."

At the same time, a blue train broke through the wind and snow and drove into the platform on the opposite side.

"The car is coming..."

Glancing at the turquoise Hokkaido Shinkansen on the opposite side, Fujiwara Takumi bowed slightly to Onodera: "Don't live here, take care of yourself!"

Then he walked straight towards the underground passage leading to the opposite platform.

"Fujiwara priest..."

Looking at Fujiwara Takumi's back view of "the matter is gone," Onodera saluted deeply, with awe-inspiring eyes, watching the opponent disappear below the stairs: "I wish you good luck!"

"Huh, I finally got rid of these guys..."

Walking into the empty first-class cabin, and glanced at Onodera, who was still standing on the opposite platform, Fujiwara Takumi was greatly relieved: "...If they see Sosuke, I'm afraid this train will not have to go. NS."

Thinking of this, Fujiwara Takumi looked guilty about it again.

"By the way, what about Zongjie others? It was good to meet in the first class..."

After helping Captain Fumiyoshi Kaminari to retire, Sosuke Araki, who was inconvenient to show up for multiple crimes such as escape from prison, speeding, assault on police, obstructing official duties, destroying property, and public indecency, disappeared after snatching a pair of his trousers. trace.

"The train will start in three minutes. Isn't it the release of my pigeons?"

Before he walked out of the shadow of Captain Fumiyoshi Kaminari, and now he was alone again, Fujiwara Takumi's calves began to shake unconsciously...

"Wow, first-class cabin is good, there is such a large seat that you can lie down!"

A second before the train door closed, in Fujiwara Takumi's eager gaze, a man wearing a baseball cap rushed in with a big bag in his hand.

"It's too slow, idiot, I thought you were arrested by the police! If you miss this Shinkansen, I don't know how long you will have to wait..."

Seeing the criminal face under the extremely low brim of the other party's hat, Fujiwara Takumi's hands clinging to his knees let go.

"Hmph, getting in the car early is easy to be inspected, it is safer to get up in the end, this is the basic quality of being a wanted criminal..."

"I have said that there is nothing to brag about this ‘basic literacy’!"

The visitor was Sosuke Araki, whom Fujiwara Takumi thought "cannot catch up".

"Although Gongxing gave me the identity certificate, from driving license, national health insurance card to watermelon card, it was originally prepared for him to run on the road one day. The image on the ID photo is no matter the color of the hair or the face. There is an irreparable gap in the value, and it will definitely show up as soon as it is inspected."

Sosuke Araki sat beside Fujiwara Takumi with a grin, and skillfully pulled down the small table in front of him, and put the things in his pockets on it one by one: "Moreover, just now, in order to pry open the freight car and help the warriors of the Warring States period sneak in, It took a lot of work."

"What, you want to get on the Shinkansen, and even bring that locomotive here?!"

"Hey, just like your reaction, the police naturally wouldn't have thought that I would take the Shinkansen while riding a motorcycle..."

"I'm afraid those guys are still stupidly setting up cards on highways and highways along the way... Wow ha ha ha ha, this is the basic quality of being a wanted criminal..."

Facing the surprise of Fujiwara Takumi, Araki Sect smiled triumphantly: "Furthermore, the Shinkansen is the only way to enter Hokkaido now, otherwise you are afraid to sit on the special plane early?"

"It's... it's true."

Hearing this crime-filled theory, Fujiwara Takumi nodded in tears and laughter, but he had to admit that the other party was "rough and not rough."

Hokkaido, as the only "road" among the 47 "prefectures" in Japan, is not only the northernmost first-level administrative district, but also the largest island outside of Honshu.

Between Honshu and Hokkaido, there is the Tsugaru Strait which is about 40 kilometers wide.

At the beginning, the transportation between the main island and Hokkaido was extremely inconvenient. There were only two types of sea and air transport. This is one of the reasons why the development of Hokkaido has been lagging behind the main island.

On September 26, 1954, the Japanese Seikan contact ship "Toya Maru" was hit by Typhoon No. 15, which capsized and sank, causing 1,337 people on the ship and 1,155 deaths.

This shipwreck with the largest number of deaths in Japan so far has made the government determined to build a safer and more convenient mode of transportation.

From the beginning of exploration in 1964 to the official opening to traffic in 1988, it was 24 years in history and cost US$2.7 billion to connect Honshu and Hokkaido Seikan Submarine Tunnel.

Right now, the snow disaster in Hokkaido is raging, and flights and ferries have long been suspended, like a closed "island".

Taking the Shinkansen through the Seikan Undersea Tunnel, which was built under the sea, became the fastest and only way to reach Hokkaido.

This is why Sosuke Araki, who is a "wanted criminal," and Takumi Fujiwara, who is an "official mission spirit remover", two people with different identities, appear on the Shinkansen at the same time.

"This, these are... Gudong..."

After returning to his senses, Fujiwara Takumi subconsciously swallowed his saliva when he saw the things that were getting higher and higher on the table, "...Isn't that time is in a hurry, you still have time to buy a sea urchin bento?!"

Araki Sosuke is neatly arranged on the table. There are ten long wooden boxes with exquisite packaging and the words "Sea urchin and sea urchin and sea urchin compare flavored bento": "Of course, the sea urchin bento limited to stations in the Aomori area. But the 2CH Forum's "Most Wanted Bento" voted first place! I just saw it just before getting on the bus, how can I miss it..."

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