"You don't know, after I got out of the stinking sewer of the Harajuku Criminal Affairs Office, I was stuck behind my butt with a sliver, and then I took the Shinkansen in a hurry. I didn't have time to eat well!"

Roughly tearing open the box and unpacking the disposable chopsticks, Sosuke Araki couldn't wait to divide into three compartments according to taste. The sea urchins piled up into hills, and the sea urchin bento, which made people appetite, launched an attack: "I'm going! Wow! , This damn soft and sweet..."

"I... I also eat..."

The hunger that was forgotten because of fear spreads through Fujiwara Takumi's stomach.

Taking apart a sea urchin bento, he unceremoniously picked up a large piece of fresh sea urchin and stuffed it with rice.

"How can this taste be so sweet?!"

Because of the cold weather, the freshness of sea urchins caught ashore is preserved to the utmost extent.

In addition, Aomori’s famous "Sea urchin and sea urchin and sea urchin compared to the flavored bento", creatively used three different cooking methods of sea urchin sukiyaki with egg, sea urchin with tomato cream sauce, and sea urchin thickened with salmon roe. It has a new flavor different from ordinary sea urchin rice.

"This... is this what it's like to be alive?"

After the fierce battle on the train, even Fujiwara Takumi, who was pampered and accustomed to eating well, felt that the bento in his hand was extremely delicious at this moment.

"When you arrive in Hokkaido, you have to hurry up to find someone, but you have to eat more now!"

"Bah, bah, why is there a piece of paper in this meal? I'm going to report to the Department of Health...Wait, another box?"

"Give me a lunch box, but my uncle used the precious running expenses to buy it, you guy who stepped on shit!"

The two started talking while inhaling fresh sea urchin rice in the storm.

But for a moment, Araki Sosuke, who was sitting next to him, had already emptied one of the lunch boxes and opened the second box: "By the way, the association is now in a mess. I'm not surprised that they will find you to go to Hokkaido..."

"...It's strange that you, a deep cabinet nerd, actually agreed?"

President Shimoto was murdered, Sosuke Araki was imprisoned, Vice President Tsukita's whereabouts were unknown, and Abe Temple returned to Kyoto to recuperate. Yamada-kun and Kobe's host were overwhelmed by the daily work of the association...

As the "favored person of once in four thousand years", Fujiwara Takumi, who is exempt from the level of exemption, is naturally the best candidate for special support to Hokkaido.

However, others are not clear, Araki Sosuke can be clear...

For the time being, I don’t care about Fujiwara Takumi’s ability to remove spirits. Just because this guy is as timid as a mouse, has three meals a day, he will never go out except for the limited number of figures and Ichiban. A miracle once in four thousand years".

When asked this question, Fujiwara Takumi, who had just finished a box of sea urchin bento, showed a complicated expression on his face: "Anyway...There are various difficulties in it..."

"Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough..."

"Um? Why is there a word on the inside of the lid... "One more bottle"? boring……"

『Damn it, I bought mineral water too! 』

He picked up the mineral water on the side and drank it sadly. After touching his bulging belly, Fujiwara Takumi hesitated and continued: "On that bus, besides the missing bird Yuuji, there is another one. A member of the royal family who has a distinguished name and a close relationship with our Fujiwara clan."

"Imperial family members?! People of that kind of status will also go to a ‘normal school’ like Shinjuku High School?"

Araki Sosuke, who was holding the sea urchin rice, glanced at him curiously.

"That's a secret, don't, don't ask... By the way, the clues that the official has at present are all here, although it is very limited, you should take a look first."

Clicking on "Mission Information" and placing the phone in front of Sousuke Araki, Fujiwara Takumi turned his head and looked out the car window, and his tone became unusually determined: "In short, we must find the missing bus and bring everyone back safely. "

After a while, he added weakly: "First, say yes. I am mainly responsible for strategizing, controlling the overall situation, fighting and removing spirits, and I will leave it to you."

"What are you doing, whether it's a ghost or a human being, don't worry about it..."

Sosuke Araki was eating a bento while quickly flipping through the information on Fujiwara Takumi’s phone, and suddenly raised his head suspiciously: "Wait, even if your Fujiwara clan and the imperial family are distant relatives, you can make up your mind. Those who are more than a thousand kilometers away from home in Hokkaido with snowstorms still have to bear the risk of facing the resentful spirit alone..."

After some "Araki Rumba", he stared blankly at Fujiwara Takumi, who was facing him, and concluded: "So, that'royal member' is 100% female."


Fujiwara Takumi, who was drinking water, turned his head with a guilty conscience and sprayed all over the window: "Don't, don't talk nonsense, the identity of that'royal member' is confidential!"

"Then why don't you dare to look at me and blush?"

"Hu, nonsense, my back is facing you clearly, how can I see my blushing?"

"The reflection of the car window glass is clear..."

"Oh, in the recent communication records, apart from'Old Antique Fujiwara' and'Uncle Keigo' Three Meals a Day', there is only one'Chiba', what a narrow social circle... Chiba, the name It's cute."

"Asshole, asshole, show you the task information, don't just flip other people's mobile phones... I'm really sorry for the narrow social circle!"

Amid the noise of the two, the azure Shinkansen went all the way down and into the dark and dark, with no end in sight, as if it could swallow everything.


Just when the two of Araki Sosuke shuttled through the dark undersea tunnel and approached Hokkaido quickly...

Somewhere in Hokkaido, a white bus was parked in an equally dark tunnel.

On the top of the bus, Yu Mayumi, a little bird wearing a red and white witch costume, was sitting solemnly.

In front of her, there was a huge white bony longbow.

On the emergency escape door that opened on the roof, there was a necklace of eight gray translucent goose jade, which flickered like breathing.

If you ignore the dead and dark surroundings and put a cup of hot tea, you may think that she is sitting in front of the shrine of Akagi Shrine, performing daily "routine prayers."

"I... so hurt... so hungry... so hate..."

The invisible stench and faint whispers echoed in the tunnel from time to time.

On the inner wall of the dark tunnel, faintly visible pieces of twisted faces and slowly creeping stumps.

In the car below, dozens of teachers and students, as if emergency avoidance, lay their heads and hands on the back of the chair in front of them, closing their eyes and saying nothing.

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