"Oh, don't cry or cry... Color is emptiness, emptiness is color... Although you can't pick it back, you shouldn't use it anymore... What, can't you pee? I really ignored this question..."

Just when Sosuke Araki stretched his hand to the bear's head, who was kneeling slightly higher than himself, and wanted to show some comfort, by the way, he provided the other party with a free "same frequency resonance, one-stop service for Buddha and ascension"...


The "Ghost Bear Monarch", who knelt with his claws on his legs, immersed in the grief of missing the opportunity, suddenly opened his hideous mouth and bit his hand out of the arm...


Araki Sosuke retracted his arms like a conditioned reflex, causing the ghost bear to knock the two rows of sharp teeth together, and torn to the ground...


In the next second, Araki Sosuke, who was violent, subconsciously punched the giant bear's jaw in front of him!

"It's clearly called Ghost Bear..."

Feeling the touch of the fist to the flesh, he let out a suddenly realized exclamation: "...Isn't it a spirit body?!"

The tall ghost bear, starting from the mane in the fist of the chin, spread a pure whiteness, and the resentment all over his body gathered towards his arm and disappeared without a trace...


The next second, the ghost bear wailed and flew backwards, fell into the bushes, and brought down the snow.

"Yes, yes, have you ever chased this kind of thing, it's a long square, four wheels, a lot of people inside, and it's not too fast?"

Recalling that the "spiral ascendant" in front of him seemed to be his "tracking object", Sosuke Araki strode to catch up, took out the picture of the wrinkled bus from his arms, and pointed towards the ghost lying in the grass with his palms together. The bear asked.

"What? You said you haven't been down the mountain at all recently, maybe other guys did it? Wait, think about it again..."

"Call ...... call ...... call ...... just scared me, Sousuke, you are a dull idiot!"

Seeing that the crisis of Sosuke Araki was lifted, Fujiwara Takumi, who was ready to go, disappeared together with the giant chrysanthemum that flooded everyone and the chrysanthemum pattern at the bottom of his pupils...

The human "emotions" returned to his face.

"Send Xiong Ling and return to the kingdom of God!"


The city helper on the side, with the group of slave dogs, continued to worship the giant bear lying in the grass, foaming at its mouth and turning white eyes: "Ghost bears have lived for decades and been deceived. The entangled body turns into the existence of walking corpses, so there is a body that is not exhausted, fearless and painful..."

"Mr. Araki...You must be the king of the mountain gods! Only the mountain god can purify the evil-ridden ghost bear and send it back to the kingdom of God!"

"Don't talk nonsense about the mountain god... Now what should this bear do? Let it lie here, what should I do if I have a cold, it's better to take advantage of it..."

Looking at this giant bear lying in the grass with a weaker breath, Takumi Fujiwara was still a little afraid.

"Don't worry, the ghost bear's life has already come to an end. It is only because of evil beings that he can't leave. I am purified at this moment, I am afraid that after waking up, he will find a cave to wait for his return to the kingdom of God..."

Fujiwara Takuumi waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to worry about it.


After the ghost bear was "Knocked by the dragon" by Sosuke Araki, the hero of the hero, the demon sword, July Rain, who had "struck the chicken out of the sheath", had already fallen from mid-air and plunged straight into the snow, making a beep of being left out in the cold.

"Your broken knife is usually inserted so tightly, no matter how you can pull it out, you always come out by yourself when you shouldn't come out..."

Just when Araki Sosuke bent down to pick up and retract the scabbard, and continue the unfinished "shock and search for people"...


The July rain stood proudly in the snow like a sword in a stone. After shaking twice, it fell weakly on the snow.


Seeing this scene, Araki Sosuke seemed to have grasped the key, crouched down and carefully looked at this antique sword lying horizontally in the snow.

"Hey, the target you originally wanted to track actually came to the door by yourself, and you didn't agree with you to'castrate and become a Buddha'...Where are we going to find that bus now?"

Seeing the footprints remaining on the snow after the ghost bear dissipated, Fujiwara Takumi only felt that his search and rescue operations had returned to the original point.

"Hey, look at this broken knife..."

Araki Sosuke repeatedly threw the unsheathed July rain on the snow as if he had harvested a novel toy, and watched it fall down on its own...

"...Does it look like the tracing cane of the Nura Jiangmen?"

The weird thing is that every time the July rain trembles and falls to the ground, the hilt of the knife points in the same direction.

"Could it be that Xiaoniao Youshi and that bus are in this direction?"

Everyone looked at the direction of the hilt, and it was the wide gorge with dense vegetation between Mount Yotei and Mount Horojiri...

"Sniff... the smell in the wind is not quite right... Gui Xiong has clearly returned to the kingdom of God..."

The city helper, who hadn't said a word to worship in the back, took the group of love slave dogs and smelled it all the way towards the gorge.

"Why does this mountain... still have more and stronger aura?"

But the more he discerned the aura mingled in the wind and snow, the stranger his face became: "Could it be that... more than one ghost bear awakened in this ‘God Punishment’... more than one?!"


At the same time, the fully armed Disaster Prevention Self-Defense Force, dressed in snow camouflage uniforms, is marching lonely among the mountains and forests of the Windhorn Snow Dance.

"Deputy and Deputy Captain, they ran stupidly for more than ten minutes before, why did they suddenly think of pulling a sled with a motorcycle...Is it reminded by what you just said?"

Beside the lead Sen Luosi, a team member asked breathlessly.

"Asshole, asshole, it's not time to care about these details...While the rut marks haven't disappeared, hurry up and follow..."

After gritting his teeth, Sun Luosi looked at his appearance and accelerated along the sled trails on the snow that gradually became shallower: "I don't believe it, even if they give up searching for the bus near the national highway, they have to stop. Come down, eat, sleep, pee and shit, right?!"

Several team members on the side narrowed their mouths and swallowed back the complaint that "we have to eat, sleep, pee and shit".

Although fighting the immortal "living corpses" in the frenzy of the Middle East for several years...

But marching in the white, icy and snowy field is still a very unfamiliar first experience for the disaster prevention mobile team.

"Assemble all, rest for five minutes, count the supplies by the way, and confirm the current location!"


Now that the "blitzkrieg" has become a "protracted battle," a group of team members began to conduct various inspections and preparations in a highly disciplined manner.

"Report to the deputy captain that the magnetic field is disordered, the compass is invalid, and the current precise position cannot be confirmed..."

After a while, a pale-faced team member came to Sen Luosi's side and handed him a compass that was spinning wildly and turned into an electric fan.

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