"Based on the assumption of the departure path, we are now approximately 30 kilometers northeast of National Highway 230."

"Probably?! I remember that when reporting the situation, it was forbidden to use this word?"

"Sorry, because the GPS signal is invalid, and the footprints when they come have disappeared, it is really difficult to accurately locate..."

In this strange snow disaster in Hokkaido, which is suspected of magnetic field disorder, GPS positioning, communication systems, vehicles and even the compass all failed, and everything returned to the most primitive age.

"Even Sosuke Araki knows how to make'Great taiyaki whirling jet taiyaki" as a signpost. Are you not as good as him...Who is the last one?!"

"Well, we also prepared snow road signs, but we were chasing too quickly just now... and the last one who led the team seems to be you..."

The team of Mori Luosi, after burying their heads and following the traces and chasing Araki Sosuke for half an hour, they found themselves sadly...

It was the same as the Second Battalion of the Fifth Wing of the Eighth Infantry Division of the Army...

be lost.


Just as Sun Luosi was entangled between continuing the pursuit and returning from the same way, a low electromagnetic sound rang between the queues.

"and many more……"

Everyone raised their hands subconsciously, and found that in the dial on the wrist, a certain value that was originally maintained within 100 fluctuated, soaring instantly, breaking through 1000...

"There are resentment fluctuations!"

"Attention to all, the portable grievance detector has an extraordinary response, all of them switch to the spirit detection magazine!"


The team members who had been resting in a long snake formation with the word "one" reacted extremely quickly and adjusted into a matrix. They removed the "Spirit Detective Goggles Type VII" on their tactical helmets and kept their guns on the spot.

"The grievance response is still rising, the current value is 1300...1400...1500..."

Ever since they came to Hokkaido, where heavy snowfall and electronic devices are not working well, the readings of the "portable grievance detector" on their wrists have been abnormal and seem to have been slightly disturbed.

The grievance reaction within 100 units is still normal in a "suspected spiritual area" such as a gloomy cemetery or an old mansion.

But when such an average concentration of resentment appears in Hokkaido, which is covered by heavy snow, it can no longer be described as "normal."

And the grievance reaction of more than 1,000 units at the moment can only show that some kind of supernatural existence has entered the sensing range of the detector!

"1700...1800...readings are still rising, keep your vision clear...1900...breaking 2000!"

When the team members sweated and watched their grievance reaction soaring past the 2000 mark, an aggressing giant shadow sprang from the dense snow-covered forest...


It was a brown bear with a body of about two meters, fine fangs and scarlet eyes, and a grievance lingering all over!

"A suspected target was found, and the grievances reacted strongly!"


Faced with this dangerous-looking species, the team members shot without hesitation.

"Boom boom boom!"

Amidst the intensive gunfire, dense bullets of spiritual power continuously impacted the brown bear that sprinted.

"Preliminary observations show that the target looks like an ordinary brown bear, with a larger body, and the effect of spiritual power bullets is not obvious..."

The psychic bullet was submerged in the thick black mane, and the aura of the orchid and the dark resentment alternately exploded...

"The manual comparison of the offline database shows that the target is 86% similar to the local legendary "Ghost Bear" in Hokkaido!"

During the suppression of firepower, the team members who were in charge of observing on the side broadcasted the battle situation in real time.


The resentful brown giant bears so fearlessly against the rain of bullets, and with a speed and momentum that is not inferior to that of a truck, it instantly came five meters in front of the first row of the shooting formation, and lifted the sharp giant. Palm...

"The target breaks the safe distance, stabilizes the firepower, and tactics contain it!"

The player under the paw of the bear rolls back without hesitation...


The bear's paw, which seemed to be able to slap people into minced meat, collided with something invisible in the air, bursting with a crisp sound of breaking through the air.

"Ghost Bear has an organic entity and cannot be dealt with according to conventional grievances. Start plan III!"

A translucent blue barrier appeared at the place where the bear's paw slapped, and a large number of cracks broke out, spreading towards the surroundings.

"The electromagnetic barrier generator is in effect, continue to suppress firepower!"

Among the team members who are maintaining the formation and shooting continuously, a cylindrical instrument is standing quietly on the ground, emitting an invisible magnetic field toward the surroundings.


After three full minutes, the ghost bear, who was stopped by the barrier, fell to the ground amidst unwilling wailing, and set off the snow in the canopy.

A large amount of black blood flowed out of the ghost bear's densely-scarred, flesh-skinned body, dyeing the holy snow into pitch black.

"Whhhhhhhhh... confirm, the target is destroyed!"

Taking a look at the "portable grievance detector" on the wrist that had dropped sharply, the team members touched the hot firearms in their hands and silently wiped their sweat.

"Clean up the remaining grievances at the scene..."

Several team members stepped forward cautiously, inspecting the body of the ghost bear whose grievances melted away...

"Confirm the amount of ammunition... the spiritual power bullet consumes 15%..."

Bears seem to be cumbersome and can sprint speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour in a short period of time, while the maximum running speed recorded by humans is only 44.7 kilometers per hour.

This ghost bear is more swift and violent than ordinary Hokkaido brown bears in terms of speed and strength, and the fur of resentment possessed by it can persist for so long under dense spiritual power bullets, which is really chilling.

If it hadn't followed the simple and direct laws of action of bear-like creatures, and had electromagnetic barriers specifically aimed at such ghosts, I am afraid that an entire hunting team would have to confess in this snowy field.

In the distance, countless birds rose into the sky from the snow-covered forest and disappeared into the dark clouds.


The snow-white ground quivered slightly without warning, and the heavy snow from the treetops fell down.

"Bibibibibi...gugu...beep beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!"

Just when the heart hung by the Disaster Prevention Mobile Team had not fallen yet, and the firearms in the hand were still warm, the detector on the wrist began to emit short beeps again...

"The detector is responding, all units pay attention and stay alert!"

"Detector reading...wait, 5000?! Is it still rising?!"

"This thing...is it broken?!"

What made everyone stunned was that the detector on the wrist that had obviously faded to less than 100, like a sudden surge of "fairy stock", broke the 5,000 unit mark in an instant...

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