"Wait, one kilometer away, someone is approaching, a lot of them... Judging from the smell of gunpowder, it should be the guys before!"

The low-voiced warning from the trunk of the company made the two people below their eyes condensed.

"Is it the disaster prevention mobile team again?"

"The ghost is not scattered, how did you find it..."

"No, it's a bit different... 咻咻..."

The city assistant twitched his nose, constantly distinguishing the smell in the air: "There... there are a few unsmelted smells... it's obviously a human but it's mixed with evil..."

Suddenly, his face turned red as drunk.

"Okay, so sweet...hehehehe..."

In the next second, the city assistant turned his eyes and his huge body fell straight down from the tree...

"Boom boom boom!"

Fortunately, the Sengoku warrior who stopped under the tree responded quickly and caught him.

"Citysuke?! Wake up... Why is it suddenly like being drunk..."

When Fujiwara Takumi looked at the sea, the tall and energetic Ainu hunter, who was still in the tree for a second, was lying on the back of the warrior of the Warring States period with a flushed face, soft and muddy, with the corners of his mouth still There was a smirk.

"Zongsuke, come and help...people?!"

Fujiwara Takumi looked helplessly in the bushes for the figure of Sosuke Araki, only to find that he did not know when he had climbed up the treetops.

"Shhh! Someone is here..."

Araki Sosuke stretched out his hand in front of his mouth and squinted his eyes to look at the dense forest not far away...

There, a dashing figure flashed away.

"Well, even if it's a limited-edition'skin', it still looks like a troublesome one... Captain Mochizuki."

It was just a moment, but the image of the opponent's hand with bandages, ghost horns on his forehead, and ghost pattern covering was deeply imprinted on his left golden pupil.

"It seems that we can only use a rougher way to pull up this annoying'little tail' with an egg..."

Just when Araki Zongsuke grinned and pinched the knuckles "click", obviously not planning to escape...


The July rain hanging around his waist suddenly vibrated wildly.

"Well, what's the matter?"

Araki Sosuke subconsciously held the hilt of the knife and looked down...

"Isn't this the souvenir given by the mother-in-law Yudou last time? How can it still shine?"

However, I found that the ring of "Iwate Specialty Bonding Cord" that I had been wearing on my wrist was shining imperceptibly.

A feeling of "heart-to-heart" is transmitted from the knots that are repeatedly entangled, gathered, and connected...

"The barrier... almost can't hold it..."

"I will not... easily admit defeat..."

"I want to... take everyone away..."

In my mind, the girl's intermittent and pouring thoughts sounded.

"Little Bird Youshi... Little Bird Youshi?!"

However, with the intermittent "signals" at that time, it seemed that Sosuke Araki could only sense some messy thoughts unilaterally, and could not communicate with the other party at all.

"No, although I can't communicate, but..."

Araki Sosuke found that as long as he concentrates his mind on Toori Yumayumi and maintains the tiny but broken "connection", he seems to be able to capture a certain sense of direction in the dark...


At the same time, the few slave dogs that were originally squatting under the tree fell to the ground as softly as Shizuo and fell asleep in the tender wailing.

The sound of "rustling rustling" sled sliding and a sweet smell came from the howling wind in the forest.

"Time is tight, I don't have time to take care of those guys."

Leaping down from the tree and falling beside the dazed Fujiwara Takumi, Sosuke Araki smiled at him: "That, the distinguished young master Takumi...I have a bold idea."


Looking at the corners of Araki Sosuke's mouth that couldn't stop rising, Fujiwara Takumi always had an ominous premonition.


"The half-monster's aura has thickened. It should be nearby..."

In the vast snow forest where everything is white, Mochizuki Che and two Shouchen Ding, wearing white camouflage uniforms, are rushing in the shape of a "pin".


A little behind, the Shou Chen Ding, the black vine protruding into the air like tentacles at the cuffs, suddenly turned to the left like an arrow.

"Discover the goal..."

The three of them followed the vine's instructions and turned around an intersection. A simple wooden sleigh appeared in their sight under the big tree a hundred meters away.


On the sleigh, there was a tall man in a bear skin and a bear head hat lying motionless.

Beside him, there were a few unconscious slave dogs lying unconscious.

"Did you get drunk by smelling the scent of poisonous liquor from the gods and ghosts..."

Slowing down, he took a long look at the situation under the tree, and confirmed that the man on the sled had no spiritual fluctuations in his body. Mochizuki roughly had a spectrum in his heart: "It seems that the half-demon's sense of smell is too developed, and it may not be Good thing."

The "sweet, ghost, poison and wine" breath on his body will inevitably spill out during a long-distance raid.

For ordinary humans, this slight breath does not have much effect.

But for the half-monster who had been able to smell it and couldn't refuse the taste, it was already enough to "get drunk".

"But, what about the other two people?"

"team leader."

While Mochizuki was cautiously searching for the figure of Araki Sosuke with his gaze, dozens of team members in the rear also stepped on the sledge to follow one after another.

"It's too quiet, something is wrong... Did they leave the guide and ran away?"

Mochizuki waved his hand, motioning them to spread out the search formation: "Search carefully, the target may still be nearby..."

After thinking about it, he exhorted again: "Be careful, don't hurt the benefactor of Meiji Jingu."

Regardless of whether the disaster prevention mobile team is still on the mission of "assisting in search and rescue", even the two "strong aids" beside him are also the subordinates of the great priest of the Meiji Jingu, the Yinyangtou Fujiwara.

Finally, taking advantage of this action to establish a friendship with the mysterious Yin and Yang Liu, if the "Second God of God" is accidentally injured in the presence of other people's subordinates, it would be a little bit out of bounds.


A group of team members unloaded the sled and spread out silently.

"Araki Sosuke!!!"

Then Mochizuki Che raised the sky and howled, calling someone's name aloud in the forest.

"Come out, without the guide, you can't get out of this snow-capped mountain!!!"

On the treetops, the sparse snowflakes were constantly shaken by the sound.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The roar of the locomotive's exhaust sound like a wild beast sounded in the woods not far away, as if responding to Mochizuki's provocation.

"Hey, after shrinking for so long, are you finally willing to show up?"

Hearing the opponent's "Challenge Declaration", Mochizuki felt his blood boil all over.

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