Mochizuki took a stride, and rushed into the dense forest ahead...

A dark-fire flowing black locomotive appeared at the end of his sight.

On the back of the car, there were two men who were wrapped up in winter clothes, scarves, sunglasses and ski hats, and hugged them in full affection.

"Araki Sosuke!!!"

Seeing that iconic locomotive and the man on it, Mochizuki's golden and purple demon flames rose to the sky, and the mellow and sweet aroma of wine was unbearably diffused from his body because of his sexual excitement...

"This time, let us have a fair fight and see who is stronger now..."

However, the people on that locomotive didn't even listen to Mochizuki's words. They drove up the dazzling snow slope from the other side of the foot of the mountain and rushed towards the majestic and towering top of Mount Yotei...

"Thinking that you can sit back on Wu You by relying on that locomotive to lose your mind... I look down on people too much!!!"

After crossing a thousand kilometers from Tokyo to Hokkaido, after finally seeing the shadow of the target, Mochizuki, who had some selfishness, naturally did not intend to give up.

"You stay on the spot, watch this guide, and Zongsuke Araki gave it to me!"

"But, Captain..."

In the next second, he had turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place, leaving only dozens of team members and two black priests staring at each other.


"Boom boom boom boom!"

In the roar of exhaust, the warriors of the Warring States Period dashed upward along the snow-covered, smooth, mirror-like mountain slope.

"Araki Sosuke!!!"

The roar that sounded continuously from the dense forest behind and reverberated in the mountains repeatedly caused the man holding the handle at the front of the car to look back slightly in a panic.

"That guy's bold idea, can it work..."

Anyway, this locomotive is "self-driving", so there is no driving dogma of "focus on the front".

"No matter how much, he asked me to run first...In other words, after running so far, the sleigh riders of the Disaster Prevention Mobile Team should not be able to chase them regardless of their regenerating energy..."

Before he finished his words, a ghost-like figure suddenly sprang out of the dense forest at the foot of the mountain!

"...Come on up ah ah ah ah ah?!"

Seeing clearly that he was wearing the combat uniform of the Disaster Prevention Mobile Team, but with the demon fire soaring into the sky, ghost patterns all over his body, and two scarlet short-horned "chasers" on his forehead, the man subconsciously yelled a broken voice.

"Hey, hurry up, warrior samurai... Hurry up, don't stop!"

The trembling little hand also twisted the accelerator in his hand in horror.

"That idiot Zongjie, who on earth has provoked... the guy who is catching up doesn't look like a human in any way!"

However, the snow-filled slope became steeper, and the speed of the locomotive began to weaken.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!"

Even though the Sengoku warrior under him burst out with a hoarse roar, it was difficult to maintain the current speed.

"Araki Sosuke!!!"

At this moment, the evil-looking man behind was pulsing his hands and feet vertically like lightning, pulling the distance between the two sides at a speed of tens of meters each step...

"You can't run, stop and fight me fairly!!!"

But within a few minutes, the roar full of fighting spirit, as the distance between the two sides narrowed, continued to explode like thunder in the back of the warrior warrior!

"Hey, do you think you are the strange kind of "Girl Run" that popped up? Who is going to fight you fairly..."


Watching "the devil is approaching", the man on the locomotive chanted an inexplicable spell...

"Huh...what to do,, calm down...according to the difference in speed between the two sides, it will be sooner or later to be caught up in this run..."

The splendid chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power instantly covers the body surface of the warrior in the Warring States period!

"According to my many years of experience in flying kites, it is better to think backwards, turn around and jump back downhill, and catch him off guard..."

The man holding the handlebar of the car had finished the operation, and when he looked back at the situation with his brain full of "tactics", he found that...

"...Not enough?!"

"Araki Sosuke!!!"

That frost-bearing, crazy-looking muscular man, I don't know when he has already ran parallel to him!

"Hey, you found the wrong person, I am not..."

The sudden roar and scorching gaze made him dumbfounded, and the power to squeeze the vocal cords became weak in fright.

"What are you... whispering..."

"No, I mean..."

At a very close distance, the opponent's steel-like muscle lines, scarlet and enchanting ghost patterns, and blue-stranded face can all be seen clearly.

"By the way, show you my face... Wait, why is it so tight... Uhhhhhh..."

This highly impactful image made him unconsciously unwrap his scarf and mask and "disclose his identity" to the other party, but he became more and more entangled with his hands and feet, making it difficult to breathe.

"Now that's the matter, you don't need to... hide your head and show your tail..."

In one breath, he rushed from the foot of the mountain to the side of the mountain at a speed that surpassed the locomotive. Even though he was as strong as Mochizuki, he could even speak loudly. There was no intention to listen to the other side's nonsense.

"Get out of the car... and me... a fair fight!"

A sweet and fragrant breath, as he flicked his arm frantically, it gushed out from under his armpit!


The chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power covering the surface of the locomotive boils like hot oil meets water!

"Yes, I can easily resist the breath of "God's Poisonous Wine"... The wine swallowing that day was really yours..."

Seeing that the other party was safe and sound in this breath, and even had free time to "tidy up the scarf" while twisting the accelerator of the motor car, Mochizuki's fighting spirit became more intense in his eyes, and he suddenly raised his left arm...

"Let's decide the winner!"

In the void, ferocious purple flame ghost claws emerged one after another, sealing all the routes of the locomotive!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Even though the warrior of the Warring States period tried his best to evade, he was still hit hard by one of the ghost arms!

"Zongjie, you idiot..."

Amidst the wailing of extreme horror, the warrior of the Warring States Period, with a man and a car, fell towards the snow-covered jungle on one side...

"...I'll leave it to you?!"


"Huh...huh... so cold..."

The cold wind was like a knife, and it hurt to touch his face, calling back the consciousness of Fujiwara Takumi's fragment.


What you see is a vast expanse of snow.

"By the way, I followed Zongsuke's ‘bold idea’ and ran away riding a warrior warrior, but I was caught by that monster..."

Looking up, Fujiwara Takumi found himself lying on a snow-covered pine branch more than two meters above the ground.

"...I'm still alive?!"

He touched his body subconsciously and found that there was no discomfort.

The plump needles of the dwarf pine and the heavy snow have a cushioning effect comparable to that of a trampoline, and even made him "lucky" to retreat from the "car accident".

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