"Originally, because certain two guys wanted to ride on top of each other, I haven't been able to fully grasp these two forces..."

Standing on the tree trunk, letting the gray flames and chrysanthemum patterns entangle, collide, and annihilate each other, Mochizuki's own expressions and movements seem to have returned to normal.

"But I didn't think that under your daunting, they would have tempted them to be willing to fit together!"

"Don't get me like a character who provides strange services? ! 』

When the distance was very close, the ghost pupil, who had become extremely quiet because of extreme anger, seemed to hollow out the soul of Fujiwara Takumi.

"Before, I judged people based on their appearances. I underestimated your Excellency... I would like to introduce myself again..."

"I'm so sorry that my appearance is so undesirable!" 』

"In the next Mochizuki, the current captain of the Disaster Prevention Mobility Team, is ordered to lead the team to support the search and rescue operation in Hokkaido...By the way, arrest the fugitive Sousuke Araki!"

The appearance of Mochizuki Che's gritted teeth did not make people feel any sense of "support" or "by the way."

"Ahem, original and original Captain Mochizuki is here to assist in the search and rescue..."

Seeing that this peerless murderer who had ignored his many complaints finally planned to "communicate" with him, Fujiwara Takumi held up and put on an "official tone": "Since Araki Sosuke has already run away... it's better to let us go first. Put your energy..."

But the body endured the pain of friction between the thighs, and continued to retreat little by little along the thick trunk of the pine tree...

The man in front of him was too terrifying, even Chongdeyuan and the ghost and spirit captain Shen Cheng Wenji had never made him feel such a strong sense of oppression!

"Yes, since that sly guy has gone..."

With a disappointed sigh, Mochizuki turned around and looked at the dense forest at the foot of the mountain.

"Ah, what I mean, you can't waste precious rescue time because of suspicious people like Sosuke Araki!"

Seeing that the "human weapon" in front of him actually agreed with his words and showed the intention of leaving, Fujiwara Takumi secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "If you want to find him, it's better to be the host the other day, everyone make an appointment, and then sit down and drink tea!" "

The reason why Sosuke Araki proposed the "bold idea" of letting Fujiwara Takumi take the city assistant to disguise himself as himself and act separately is to identify Fujiwara Takumi's "the next great priest of Meiji Jingu" and the "Hokkaido Rescue Special Spirit Eliminator" , "The little young master of the Yin and Yang family", "Emperor's relatives" and other messy "honorable identities" are enough to make the disaster prevention mobile team throw a rat avoidance device and dare not touch his hair.

"Since your Excellency is willing to cover him to escape, naturally he is ready to fight long ago..."

"Wh, what...should, challenge?"

In Fujiwara Takukai's dull gaze, Mochizuki gradually regained his mobility, and his three-dimensional body like a chocolate block performed handstands on the trunk, raised his legs, crawled caterpillars, raised his knees and raised his hips and other warm-up movements.

"Since your divine power is so powerful, and it is no less than the "true power of the great power" of mine, let us ‘just fight’ with the flesh! "

"Hey, suddenly people rushed to their knees, and then exploded SEED by themselves, and didn't listen to the guys who talked so well. Now, what do you keep saying ‘fair’? ! 』

As the two of them talked, the stubborn gray flames had been fighting against the golden chrysanthemum pattern, showing a five-to-five court resistance.

"Tucao is almost done, so I should get some real skills..."

Although the "Power of the Great River and Mountain" was unable to use it because it was tired of resisting the opposing divine power, it was enough to protect Mochizuki from controlling his body freely.

"I have always wanted to know, how strong is the'Blessed One of Once in Four Thousand Years', who is known as the strongest in Tokyo?!"

The whip legs that are three times as thick as an ordinary person turn into a dark afterimage, which is rapidly enlarged in front of Fujiwara Takumi's eyes...

"Hey, this is hundreds of times bolder than the original plan!!!"

Leaning on the tree trunk, Fujiwara Takumi, who was unavoidable and with bloodshot eyes, slipped and fell from the tree trunk just at this moment...


In the midair, looking at the "Mr Pine Tree" above who saved his life and was kicked off in place of himself, he wailed his death poem: "Zongjie, you idiot, I am going to die in the hands of this lunatic. Here, being a ghost will not let you go!"


At the foot of Mount Yotei, between snow forests.

"Um, senior, don't we really need to support the captain?"

In the canopy of the tree with a height of about three meters and a snowy firefly sac, a player who concealed it in a white camouflage uniform stuck out his head and asked his teammate on the opposite tree in a low voice.

"If you have the ability to keep up with Captain Mochizuki, go and chant."

On the other tree, the teammates armed with guns like him turned their eyes to the dense forest halfway up the mountain and curled their lips.

"Be vigilant and don't chat, our task now is to help these two adults..."

"Besides, where does the turn get you to worry about the captain!"


Another team member who was squatting in the bushes under the tree with a gun, whispered to silence the "unprofessional" chat between the two, and stared at the tree a few meters away...

There, two black cloth blindfolded Chou Chending were sitting cross-legged under a slightly dry tree not far from the sled.

From their cuffs, neckline, trouser legs, etc., vines faintly can be seen swaying, like tentacles, swaying with the wind.

After Mochizuki chased the locomotive all the way up the snow slope and turned into black spots and disappeared in the mountainside dense forest, the remaining team members followed his orders and quietly hid in the woods on guard.


Suddenly, the player squatting in the bushes rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"I squatted for too long, and the local blood circulation is impassable. Is my eyes dazzled?"

Just now, he clearly saw the "Ainu guide" lying on the sleigh, wearing a bear hat, and looking like a brown bear that had just been hunted. He was unable to hang his hand on one side and used it calmly. The index finger scratched his buttocks.

"This half-monster hit Captain Mochizuki's "Axillary Fragrance". It's not so easy to wake up..."

Then, in his sluggish gaze, the "Ainu guide" moved again...

It seemed that I didn't think it was sour enough before, this time the hand was scratching frantically on the hip even more unscrupulously.

"Ah, comfortable... wait a minute, this bastard..."

Seeing that the player who squatted so that his legs were numb, he subconsciously reached into his crotch and scratched.

"Small, be careful! That Ainu tricked..."

Just when he reacted, raised his gun to aim, and sounded a warning...

"I can't stand it anymore! This bearskin suit from Shizuo is a murder weapon, and the clothes are smelly and itchy..."

In the next second, the "brown bear" lying on the sled, at a speed completely incompatible with the awkward size, bounced into the air like a corpse, and rushed out towards the dense forest: "Stay longer, I am afraid I will be smoked to death. Now, go ahead!"

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