"Strange, obviously I didn't sense any power fluctuations..."

"Interesting, my Aoki Branch did not respond, it should be pure physical power."

Facing the "Xiong Cheating Corpse" close at hand, the two Shou Chending not only remained unmoved, but kept sitting cross-legged and discussed.

"But, can someone with such a powerful body be considered a human?"

"It's worth studying...and please, stop for a while!"

While talking and laughing, countless dark and thick vines have already burst out like lightning from the crotch of their robes and trousers, and weave into a net of heaven and earth around Sousuke Araki!

"Hey, can't you see that others are in a hurry?"

People are in the air and have nowhere to take advantage, so Araki Sosuke can only kick out towards the vine net...

"It's useless, this green wood branch is not only flexible and unparalleled, but the hardness is even close to that of a grudge. Nothing in this world can take it..."

Before one of the gods had finished speaking, the thick vine net had been kicked to pieces by Araki Zongsuke, tearing open a huge gap.



The two Shou Chending, who were calm as usual in the face of the ghost bear, cried out in surprise.

"Hey, what three no products, the cowhide is blown out..."


From the gap in the vine net, Araki Zongsuke, who was about to flee, suddenly heard a fragile wailing in his ear.


This meaningless tweet made him feel a familiar taste.


Araki Sosuke slowed down, and looked at his heel with feeling...

"Hey yeah..."

Several segments of black vines that were kicked into pieces and withered rapidly, just like abandoned pets, were reluctantly wrapped around his ankles, unwilling to leave.

"Is this stuff still called?!"

Obviously knowing the structure of "vines", it stands to reason that there is no vocal organ...


But Sosuke Araki is very sure, it is this thing that is calling himself!

He could even hear the joy of reunion after a long absence from this cry.


The broken vine on Araki Sosuke's ankle, withered into a delicate black ash, melted into the ground...

The faint wailing sounded more and more neatly and harshly from the rest of the vines.

"No, you can solve Aoki Branch so easily, you are definitely not a spirit remover, after all..."

"Uh... not good... this thing is out of control!"

The two Shouchendings who were sitting on the floor suddenly stood up screaming and covering their ears, shaking their bodies like electric shocks: "You, you...Run!!!"


In the next second, the down jackets on their bodies and the black priest robes with the light of the spell faintly flowing below them suddenly exploded!

"Two priests, you... this is..."

The team members who were guarding around heard the sound and gathered, but they saw a scene that they will never forget!

The two black priests with shredded robes and thin bodies were covered with black vines wriggling and dancing wildly like octopus feet...

The black cloth that originally covered the eyes has long disappeared, leaving only a pair of hollow eye sockets...

And the source of those vines came from the huge gap in the left chest of the two priests, and even the heart-wrapped and pulsating heart in it was clearly visible!

"What the hell is going on with them..."

"Is this still a human being?"

Everyone didn't seem to hear the scream of the vines, they just watched the performance of the two "black priests" dumbfounded.


Amidst the dizzying and disturbed whispering, those vines rushed out quickly, layer upon layer, submerging the stubborn Araki Sosuke...


In the kind and sweet hum, the dazed Araki Sosuke felt that he was lying in the slightly shaking cradle, comfortable and comfortable.


He was sucking the pacifier in his mouth, and sweet juice dripped from it from time to time, pouring into his throat.

A strong to the extreme sense of strength flooded into Sousuke Araki's body, making him refreshed.

"I...I am..."

Araki Sosuke wanted to speak, but found that he couldn't make a sound.

"I, is it so short? 』

Opening his eyes laboriously, what appeared in front of him was a fleshy body that was as immature as a baby but covered with tattoos...

"A tall tree..."

Above the little hand waving unconsciously, there is a huge black tree about 100 meters high and about ten meters in diameter.

The broad tree canopy that stretched out towards the surroundings covered the land with a radius of a hundred li, and there was no grass growing where the shadows covered it.

And he himself, lying quietly in the center of the tree canopy, inside the "cradle" woven from dense tree vines.

What was in his mouth was not a pacifier, but a tender and small black tree vine.

"What is this... a dream? An illusion?"

Araki Sosuke only felt that the scene before him was too weird, but it was so real...

It's so real, as if it had happened before.


Suddenly, there was a violent vibration from his waist.

"I just……"

With a flower in front of him, Araki Sosuke returned to the snow-covered forest.

"……What's wrong?"

The vines that had submerged him had long disappeared, leaving only a large patch of black ash on the snow that had not disappeared.

"Don't pretend to be garlic, don't you know what you did?"

Dozens of black hole muzzles were pointing at him from all directions.

"Say, what did you do to the two priests just now?!"

Not far away, the two naked Shouchendings were being wrapped in clothing by the team members, unconscious and breathing weak.

"Araki Sosuke...you are already surrounded...get it with your hands!"

The players who surrounded Sosuke Araki on the third floor and the third floor had a faint fear in their words, and even the fingers on the trigger were trembling slightly.

"I advise you, don't act rashly, our gun is now a genuine bullet!"

"Raise your hands and squat on the ground!"

They swept past the feet of Zongsuke Araki from time to time like the gaze of an enemy.

There, hundreds of anesthesia bullets were falling scattered.

A few seconds ago, after Sosuke Araki was submerged by vines, the two priests directly rolled their eyes and passed out.

Just when everyone thought that the two Shouchending and Araki Sosuke "will die together"...

Layers of vines covering the surface of Araki Sect's body were turned gray by lacquer Blacken, and then they were scattered like burnt soot.

The one who reappeared in it was naturally Sosuke Araki, who had a dull-eyed and calm look.

Watching the opponent "heavy" Shou Chending and retreating from the vine that could easily suppress the ghost bear, the team members shot him without hesitation...

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