"Damn it, it was hard to find it, how could it let you..."

Araki Sosuke, who was rushing on the winding road, naturally saw the precarious scene in the tunnel through the tighter connection between the knots.

"Stop it! ! ! 』

Looking at the dilapidated tunnel entrance that became clearer before him, he jumped over a distance of more than ten meters like a triple jumper...


"No, don't come over!!!"

In the tunnel, amidst the screams of the teachers and students, the giant mummy, with its stench and whispering, and its arms condensed from countless sad faces, approached the bus body infinitely...


Yu Mayumi, who was the first to bear the brunt, couldn't help chuckles because of the bursting blue veins, running nose, and jumping in his mind.

It turned out that Mr. Araki would also show such an embarrassed appearance because of nervousness?

"Death is approaching...why do you...you can laugh so happily..."

As if dissatisfied with the overly cheerful performance of the "prey", the five fingers of his arm turned into sharp claws, wanting to tear the happy smile of the girl in front of him.

"Cry me!"

I didn't even look at the giant hand that was about to crush myself, but the bird Yu Mayumi didn't see it, and his eyes stayed at the end of the dark and endless tunnel behind...

There, I don't know when, a gleam of white light lit up.

As if someone was suddenly pressed to turn on the light, the white light spread to the inner wall of the tunnel, instantly "lighting up" the inside of the tunnel from far to near...

The thick fingers of the corpse hovered twenty centimeters in front of the girl, and could no longer get in.

"We...want to go home...want to meet the people waiting there..."

Because, a touch of holy fluorescence has bloomed at its fingertips...

"Want to... laugh as sweet as you."

In the next second, the super-giant corpses protruding from the tunnel wall were scattered in the white light.

"Sorry, the person you want to meet is no longer at home."

The bird on the top of the car Yu Mayumi, looking at the very familiar white light in front of him, his face loosened, and tears began to form at the corners of his eyes: "I knew that Mr. Araki will be there in time..."

Even if it is a powerful spirit remover, in this dark, densely covered tunnel, alone guarding the whole class of teachers and students for nearly 48 hours, the pressure accumulated in the heart is more than a little bit.

"Don't say it so easily...huh...huh... I just ran so that my lungs exploded and my heart was in my throat..."

"Ah! I hate it, Mr. Araki, how do you eavesdrop on others' thoughts..."

Hearing Sosuke Araki's wailing in his mind, Yu Mayumi, the little bird's face flushed, and subconsciously pushed the messy bangs behind her ears.

"I, I don't know what's going on... it's the knot itself... yes, yes, where are you now?"

At the top of the tunnel entrance with the dilapidated "Tangwen Tunnel" printed on it, Sosuke Araki, with one hand still attached to the tunnel wall, was lying on the ground panting in embarrassment.

It was just now that he took a leap without hesitation, and succeeded in "resonating with the same frequency" of the selected tunnel at the very moment of his death.

"we are at……"

The icy wind and snow suddenly got into the neck from the back, causing the bird Yu Mayumi to turn his head subconsciously...

However, the sudden light dazzled in the direction of the vehicle and closed his eyes.

"Exit, it's an export!"

"We... we are finally out!!!"

As soon as she opened her eyes, the bus had already rushed out of the arched tunnel entrance amidst the cheers of everyone and stopped on the snow-covered mountain road...

"This heavy snow? I remember it was just a little snow when I came..."

"Could it be that we have actually been in this tunnel for many months?"

Everyone in the car was immediately shocked by the silver mountains and violent wind and snow in front of them, and was immersed in the emotion of "being a human again".

"Mr. Araki, we have left the tunnel!"

Looking back at the entrance of the cave that says "Tangmon Tunnel", Tori Mayumi also smiled with relief.

Behind him, the old tunnel with a length of less than five hundred meters had returned to its normal appearance at this moment.

On both sides of the inner wall of the tunnel, there are hundreds of thin men standing on their knees with folded hands...

"But, I'm also at the entrance of the tunnel... Why didn't I see you..."

"From the trajectory of becoming a Buddha, Mr. Araki, you should be on the other side."

At this moment, at the entrance of the other side of the tunnel, a certain bird Yu Mayumi is very familiar with it, climbing up from the ground embarrassedly.

"Wait for me, I will come here to meet you..."


At this moment from the danger, the girl was annoyed by the "telecommunication" of the knot "without privacy".

"Ms. Araki can hear what people are thinking... It's not bad, isn't it a bit too..."

She lowered her head and murmured, subconsciously reaching out to tighten the knot on the pony tail.


A shadow with flapping wings passed over the bus.

"Yah la ah la... It's really gratifying..."

The man's hoarse voice came with the cold wind of Ling Ling, as harsh as chewed ice slag.

"I thought you couldn't get out of this tunnel?"


Tori Mayumi subconsciously took the bow and led the arrow, and looked up.

"This... why does this person fly with wings?!"

"Are you sure it's a human... I think this is 80% tengu!"

Under the dim sunset, the "Second Number", wrapped in a white robe, with ice wings on its back, and a mask on its face, hovered indifferently above the heads of all the teachers and students of Class Three.

In his hand, for some reason, he still carried a huge skull about one meter in diameter.

Look at the hideous fangs and huge mouth, it seems that some kind of beast left after its death.

"Little Bird Yushi, be careful! This flying cultist is very dangerous and can manipulate ice and snow..."

On the other side of the tunnel entrance, Araki Sosuke, who "shared the field of vision" with Yu Mayumi Kotori, slammed into the ground with a cold heart...

He recognized it for the first time. This was the cultist who had been hiding in the clouds and dancing in the ice and snow before, and wanted to keep the three of them on the hillside forever.

This concealed guy suddenly appeared swaggeringly, giving people a bad feeling.


Hearing Sosuke Araki's words, Yu Mayumi Kotori did not hesitate to let go of the bowstring that was quietly stretched in his hand.

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

The invisible arrow, like weeping resentment, went straight to the door of the "Two".

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie... worthy of being the spirit remover who once severely inflicted'That Lord'..."

But he was stopped by a thick ice wall that suddenly condensed in midair.

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