"So, we will fall into this tunnel, it is also your conspiracy, right?!"

Facing the cultist who suddenly appeared above his head, the bird standing on the roof of the car Yu Mayumi, the longbow in his hand kept shooting arrows.

"Oh, Miko-sama said that, but she was wronged..."

"No. 2" tilted its head pretendingly and reached a height of two hundred meters.

"It's a rare opportunity to'act high-profile' and stray into a haunted tunnel. This method of death is too subtle and does not conform to my aesthetics."

Another ice shield quietly condensed under his feet, stopping the tricky arrow that came around him.

"Two days ago, I tried my best to lead the group of ghost bears to the vicinity of the national highway. I was waiting to appreciate the poignant scene where the beasts shredded the young girl's delicate limbs, and the bright red blood stained the snow..."

He suddenly turned his head to look at the forest in the distance, and let out a distorted laugh: "Hey hey, but it seems it's not too late..."


In the gorge between "Female Mountain" and "Xiong Mountain", a wild roar resounded like a tsunami.



The howling roar resounded in the mountains, turning into one, one, and another...

Under the ground shaking, the trees in the snow forest in the distance fell from far to near, raising a large group of snow dust.

It is vaguely visible that a huge figure is sweeping from it.

"Have you finally found it? Is the time just right?"

"Number Two" raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the narrow tunnel entrance of the Changwen Tunnel was sealed tightly by the thick ice wall that rose instantly.

"Then, let's start acting!"

The soft snow under the bus suddenly spread frost as smooth as a mirror.

The frost moved up the wheels and wrapped the whole car into a huge block of ice...

The frost continued to spread along the road, spreading and uplifting all the way towards the top of Mount Yotei, and in a blink of an eye a straight road into the sky was paved!

"Boom boom boom boom boom..."

"Oops, the wheels are freezing!"

No matter how the driver's uncle stepped on the accelerator, the tires that were firmly locked by the ice still remained motionless.

"What's going on outside, you can't see anything blocked by the ice?"

"Oops, the door of the car is also blocked and can't be opened!"

"It's cold...let us out!"

Everyone in the car looked at the heavy ice outside the window, and their faces became hard to look at.

This is like falling into an ice cave in the true sense, with nowhere to escape.

"Everyone, hurry up from here...First come up with a boy to help pull people..."

On the top of the car, Yu Mayumi Torii strenuously smashed the ice on his feet with his longbow, exposing a safe escape port below.


A huge figure like a small hill has stood up from the dense forest and appeared in front of the bus...


A boy who just stuck out the roof of the car from the escape port was directly frightened and fell back.

Scarlet vertical pupils, huge salivating mouth, thick and long fangs...

This is a huge brown bear standing upright and ten meters high with a long white scar on its left chest!

"It's not a bear...it's a ghost..."

In the eyes of Tori Yu Mayumi, the rich and massive gray aura is shaking from the thick fur of this brown bear...


Ignoring the bus in front of him, the giant bear stared at the giant skull in the hands of the "two" in the sky with a resentful look, stretched out his long tongue covered with thorns, and greedily licked the tip of his nose...

Scarlet stinking saliva dripped like rain.


The next second, with a roar of blood and blood, resounded throughout Mount Yotei.


"Boom boom boom boom!"

On the side of Mount Yotei, a black heavy locomotive is carrying two men galloping down.

"Zongjie doesn't know if he found the tunnel..."

It was after Mochizuki was resolved, the warriors of the Warring States Period were dug out from the snow pit and headed to the foot of the mountain to find Fujiwara Takukai and Ichisuke of Sosuke Araki.


The sudden roar attracted the attention of the two.

"What's that? Bear?!"

In the next second, a giant mountain-like brown bear stood up at the foot of the dense jungle.

That full height of ten meters makes the woods on both sides seem to be ordinary bushes.

"Ghosts, ghost bears, and this size?!"

Looking at the ghost bear XLLLL below, Fujiwara Takumi, with a blue nose and swollen face, rubbed his swollen eyes...

"Just kidding, a brown bear can be a ghost?! Is the belief of the people of Hokkaido too worthless..."

But no matter how he rubbed it, the gray arrogance that Gui Xiong's body rushed into the sky still lingered in front of his eyes.

"This wound can't be wrong... it's not an ordinary ghost bear... it's a'cassette hanging'!"

On the back seat of the locomotive, Shizhu’s nose moved slightly, his eyes focused on the scar on the giant ghost bear’s chest, and his face suddenly became pale: "But, the'cassock hanging' had obviously been turned into ashes back then, so how could it possibly appear on it? Here?! Could it be that the gods really abandoned us..."

"What are you talking about, this ghost thing actually has a name?! It's hard to say, this is your Utari consecrated... Will it be fed a little too fat?!"

Fujiwara Takumi wanted to brake subconsciously, but the warrior who was not under his control, still ran straight towards the giant bear.

"Utari, will not worship the fallen son of God..."

Seeing the figure standing above the woods, the city assistant subconsciously grasped the hem of Fujiwara Takumi's clothes, and whispered.

"The robes hang is a brown bear that once frightened the whole Hokkaido, and it is also a nightmare for all Utali hunters..."

In 1915, a three-meter giant bear that was too big to find hibernation in the cave, because of lack of prey in winter, hungry and broke into the Tomamae Village of Rumoi, Hokkaido.

This brown bear, which was the same height as the thatched hut, directly smashed the earthen house wall and swallowed the villagers in the house as easily as opening a can.

Next, this giant bear entered the village twice in 24 hours and swallowed 7 lively lives...

Not only that, it also has a very picky "appetite" and only likes to eat women and children who are fat.

One day later, the Hokkaido Agency was forced to transfer all the villagers from the entire village and set up a bear hunting team to hunt this terrible brown bear.

Because this giant bear has a white mane from the chest to the shoulders, which seems to be a scar left by a "cassock cut", the bear catching team named it "cassette hanging".

A six-hundred bear-catching team composed of army, police, and villagers, with hunting dogs and traps, searched the mountains for several days. Except for the uneaten leftover limbs of the cassock suspended in the soil, they found nothing. Not in the presence of this bear.

The robes hanging, relying on seven times the hound's sense of smell and terrifying intelligence, bypassed traps, escaped from search, and unexpectedly returned to the empty village, violently violently destroying the vacant houses!

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