I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 830 White Lover

As the cannibal cassock was suspended for a long time and could not be captured, panic began to spread rapidly throughout Hokkaido.

It was not until later that an official bear-catching team composed of "professionals" arrived in Hokkaido and tracked the giant bear's whereabouts in the mountains and launched a sneak attack on it.

After the robes hung with a powerful body and fled with the attack of the bear catcher, the bear catcher used mud to cover up its breath and tracked it for several hours before it was completely killed by a close range.

It is said that the suspended body of the cassock is extremely large, just a corpse lying flat on the ground, close to 3 meters in height and weighing 380 kilograms.

The angry villagers cooked the meat from the robes into a "bear meat hot pot" and ate them separately. The fur and skull were later missing.

After the biggest beast wounding in Japanese history, the Hokkaido Agency issued an order to suppress the bears, and thousands of brown bears were shot and killed one after another.

"It was the best hunters of our clan who helped the bear catching team track the robes. Unlike the official records of you and the clan, in the records they left, the robes had actually become ghost bears. And among the members of that special bear catching team, there are several inhuman beings..."

Seeing the robes hanging like a hill in the distance, the city assistant had no fear in his eyes, only endless compassion.

"At the end of the robes, it was one of the swordsmen holding double knives who used a trick to slash the white hair along his chest before completely beheading him."

For the Ainu people who regard bears as gods born in the mortal world, the existence of "ghost bears" is tantamount to a symbol of "God's Fall."

This is also the reason why the Ainu, who were incompatible with the He clan at that time, had the same hatred for the hanging of their robes.

"After the cassock hanging incident, although you and your clan completely exterminated the ghost bears in Hokkaido, it also led to the tragic death of thousands of innocent'children'."

"Hey, now is not the time to be compassionate for your god son, look at it..."

"It's that bus!!!"

As the distance narrowed, the height only reached the winding road where the robes hung their chests, and a white bus appeared in the eyes of the two.

"No, they are too close to the robes hanging!"

Seeing the bus that he had come from thousands of miles away and was born and looking for death appeared in front of him, but Takumi Fujiwara could not feel any joy.

Because, the giant bear who chose to eat is roaring in the direction of the bus.

"Finally found Qianyezi, how could it let you..."

He gritted his teeth and squeezed the accelerator harder: "Please, fruit...Warring States warrior! But you have to be worthy of the new can of gasoline just added to you!"


At the entrance of the constant pattern tunnel, the horrible giant bear head hanging from the cassock was reflected in the peaceful big eyes of the small bird Yu Mayumi.

"So, these ghost bears were deliberately attracted by this cult?!"

The strong gray breath is constantly overflowing from the thick and long mane.

"It is said that Hokkaido used to be a place with four distinct seasons. It wasn't until the angels of May were charmed by the demons of December that it became a snow country that stays forever in winter..."


"No. 2" was not finished, the at least one meter thick ice at the entrance of the tunnel cracked amid the violent vibrations...

It seemed that a peerless beast was about to come out of the cage.

"The gossip is temporarily closed, since the protagonist has appeared..."

Glancing fearfully at the direction of the tunnel, "Number Two" threw the huge head in his hand onto the bus and turned it into a part of the front of the car in the ice package: "Chapter IV, Shiroi Koibito, open!"


Seeing his movements, the robes on one side let out an angry roar, opened a huge mouth comparable to the entrance of a tunnel, and bit towards the bus...

"Tsk tusk tusk, don't worry... this is what I finally got..."

Seeing the hanging behavior of the robes, "Second Number" shook his finger like a cat, "If you just let you eat it back, it would be too boring..."

Strands of ice condensed on the bottom of the car, turning into dozens of thick horseshoes, supporting the entire bus on the ground and rushing out along the smooth, mirror-like road...

"If you want to get your own skull back, just chase after it!"


Let the robe hang the huge mouth with the stench of the fishy wind, and bite it!

"Little Bird Youshi!!!"

At the same time, Sousuke Araki, who wore a "brown bear suit" and was only considered a "bear cub" compared to the hanging robes, rushed out of the gap in the ice wall.

What appeared in front of him was a bus that was erected by ice-carved horseshoes and rushed towards the Frost Avenue leading to the top of the mountain...

"Be careful, that bear!!!"

On the roof of the car, Yu Mayumi, who grabbed the emergency door and almost fell out of the car...


And, unwillingly chase the super giant ghost bear on one side and overthrow countless snow forests.

"Mr. Araki...I'm fine...I have to find a way to stop the car!"

The two finally met, but the sight of the meeting was interrupted by the high speed of the distance...

"Your Excellency Araki, you said...your little girlfriend, will you hang the robes first, or fall into the crater first?"

Hundreds of meters high in the sky, the figure of "Number Two" gradually disappeared, and chilling words followed the strong wind.

"Enjoy, this despair is a greeting from the president of the Aum Shinrikyo Council!"

"Asshole... Absolutely not, let you succeed!"

Already knowing the situation on this end through the "connection" between the bondage ropes, Sosuke Araki didn't care about the cultists who disappeared in the clouds, and jumped onto the steep frozen ground with a wide lane, and headed towards the bus that was going away. Chase...

"Qianyezi, throw your pendant on the ground!"

On the bus, Bird Yu Mayumi had a clever idea and roared towards Qianye inside the car.


Qian Ye Zi pulled off the red string on his neck without hesitation, and threw the simple Gouyu on the ground.

A flash of red light, gushing from the dim gouyu, into the bottom of the car...


The horseshoes directly under the chassis melted immediately...

The speed of the bus going up along this "Tongtian Avenue" slowed down.

"Great, slowed down..."

"Are we saved?"

Although I didn't understand the reason, everyone in the car cheered upon seeing this scene.

"Ms. Araki, my spiritual power can also inspire a dry gouyu again, and it should stop the car completely!"

"No, you can't stop until the bear is solved!"

Araki Sosuke's voice just sounded in his mind, and a huge mountain-like figure appeared outside the thick ice layer of the car window...


Taking advantage of the opportunity of the bus to decelerate, the huge cassock hanging, at a speed completely inconsistent with the size, has come to a position where it goes hand in hand!

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