"Little Bird Yuuji...catch..."

Seeing the giant ghost bear opening his mouth to bite, Araki Sosuke pulled off the July rain from his waist and threw it forcefully in the direction of the bus!


The quaint and shabby July rain broke through the wind and snow, and the knife and sheath were inserted into the ice at the rear of the car roof at a speed that could not cover the ears!

"Uh... Mr. Araki, I... got it, got it!"

Yu Mayumi, holding the emergency access door, struck out a hand strenuously, held the leather knife handle in his hand, and pulled it hard...

"It's been a long time...July rain!"

In the next second, there was an extra bony long arrow in her hand that was as smooth as jade, as thick as a jade wrist, and arrows as teeth!

"Risa, Chiba, hold me steady!"

Looking at the big beak of the giant bear getting closer and closer, the bird swam into the emergency escape route, leaned out more than half of his body outside the car, and opened his bow and arrow...

"Okay... I caught you!"

Gu Yuansha and Qianyezi in the car hugged her plump long legs tightly between their chests!

At this moment, the painful wind and snow in front of you, the huge bear with its mouth open, and the steeper angle of the bus, can't have any effect on the bird's Yu Mayumi...

Because the man who was approaching quickly along the smooth ice road behind the bus made her feel extremely peaceful.


After taking a slow breath, Tori Mayumi smiled and closed her eyes.

The withered gouyu on his chest struggled to light up a faint fluorescence.

"Although there is not much spiritual power left... but this distance... no problem!"

She easily locked the huge mountain beast in the darkness!


The moment he released his fingertips, the thick and long arrow disappeared.

In the next second, a huge hole quietly penetrated the position of the left eye of the robes hanging, revealing the dim yellow sky behind...

The bloodthirsty eyeball that was originally there was already carried by a bony arrow, passing the sky above the back of the head...

Secret Arrow·Eagle None.

"Oh oh oh oh!!!"

Suffering from this severe damage, the robes suspended in footsteps, and issued a wailing that echoed in the mountains!


The July rain in mid-air disappears without a trace before it hits the ground...

Only the eyeball bigger than a human head was left, which broke into a puddle of gray viscous liquid on the ice road.

"Good job, Little Bird Yushi!"

Seeing that the bus had escaped, Araki Zongsuke's expression shook, stepping on the cracked ice and continuing to rush...

"Ms. Araki, be careful... I just sensed that the cult is still following us..."

After shooting this arrow, Toriyu Mayumi's face turned pale, and the sweat on his body was already soaking the thick witch costume.

"Mayumi, are you okay?"

Gu Yuansha on the side quickly took the down jacket and wrapped her around her body.

"I'm okay... I want to stop the car, and I have to deal with the person who performed the operation..."

Tori Mayumi stretched out his hand tremblingly, and pulled out the July rain that did not know when he would return from the scabbard stuck in the roof of the car.

"Otherwise, even if this horse's legs are interrupted... it will definitely regenerate..."

The thick and long bone arrow was strenuously tied to the bowstring, and the girl stubbornly lifted the longbow in her hand to the dim sky above her head in the violent snowstorm...

"Huh, what a sharp arrow... No wonder the guild grower will be seriously injured if he doesn't notice it for a while... not good!"

Just as Yu Mayumi closed his eyes and didn't draw the strings, a figure waving its wings, hundreds of meters above, fell straight toward the snowy field in the distance.

"Forget it, the ending is doomed, you don't need to sit in this auditorium!"

The "Second Number", who was originally hiding in the clouds to watch the show, was deterred by the horrible state of the robes and "strategic retreat".

"Did you run...hee..."

Pulling the longbow in his hand to half a string, Yu Mayumi Kotori suddenly let go of her hand.

"I couldn't shoot this second arrow either."

The arrow "Ying Wu" just now has exhausted the last strength within her and Ku Dan Gouyu.

Let alone shooting another arrow "Eagle Nothing", there is nothing he can do to stop the car.

At this time, the ice-bound bus has been boosted by the "horseshoe" below, and it is close to the mountainside like a roller coaster climbing a hill...

"Next, I can only trust Mr. Araki!"

The girl's trusting gaze, over the wind and snow, looked at the smooth, mirror-like ice road below, the figure approaching at high speed...


"Boom boom boom boom!"

At the foot of Mount Yotei, the dark warriors of the Warring States period, like smart cheetahs, pass between the uneven snow hills...

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

In desperation, Fujiwara Takumi at the front of the car had already forgotten his "severe motion sickness patient" physique, and his eyes were fixed on the cassock hanging in the mountains and forests that was decayed and pushed flat all the way.

A minute ago, before he could get close, the bus had been lifted by the ice road from nowhere, and rushed towards the top of the mountain...

And the huge bear robes hanging, also made people anxiously chasing behind the bus all the way!

"Damn it, must have attacked us before, the cultist with wings is haunting us!"

He and the city assistant naturally also noticed the figure that spread its wings into the air and disappeared in the wind and snow.

"Unforgivable, he did this deliberately..."

In the current situation, once the bus stops, it will be buried in the mouth of the robes...

Continue to go up, facing the desperate low temperature on the top of the mountain and the crushing volcanic crater...

Regardless of whether it advances or retreats, the other party obviously intends to let this bus die without a place to bury it!

"Boom boom boom boom... woo woo woo!"

As if feeling the anxiety of Fujiwara Takumi, the warrior of the Warring States period broke out with a hoarse roar, and the speed rose again...

"The smell in the wind is not right... this is..."

When the locomotive swept over a snowy hill again, Shisuke, who hugged Fujiwara Takumi's midfielder, suddenly pointed to the front, "Pay attention to the upside, what is that?!"

The locomotive has not yet landed, and a white figure has fallen rapidly from high altitude...


Seeing that it was about to hit the ground violently, the white shadow suddenly separated two huge wings composed of ice ridges, set off a violent air current, and hovered steadily one meter above the ground.

"It must be this bastard cult!"

Located below, Fujiwara Takumi, immediately saw the identity of the person wearing a white robe and a mask!

He drove the warrior of the Warring States Period and slammed into the opponent without slowing down.

"Oh? It's really a destined encounter..."

The number two in mid-air also recognized the two people on the locomotive at the same time.

"The three guys who can solve the Disaster Prevention Mobile Team came here unscathed, and the'Holy One Who Met Once in Four Thousand Years' is indeed well-deserved!"

Sosuke Araki and Takumi Fujiwara appeared here one after another, but the disaster prevention mobile team was not seen, and the ending of the confrontation can naturally be imagined.

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