"Tell you... it's not impossible..."

Under the black snow, with all thoughts of Sangoro, holding Sangoro's corpse, he staggered to his feet.

"Give me a boat, let me and the people, take the old man's body back to the island of the lake to the sky burial... After this, I will tell you everything I know..."

At this moment, he realized that the stalwart figure with his own fishing, hunting, graffiti, cooking, and sacrifice in his memory had become so thin and old, as light as a feather.

"About the Aum Shinrikai... about the chairman Kenmine Jiro... and the conspiracy under Goryokaku... I will tell you all!"

Even if I finally find those illusory "arts", I can never make up for the precious time I missed.


To the south of Goryokaku, that old city gate, like a huge abyss in the dark, opened little by little with the harsh friction sound...

"Turkish Sect, welcome to Chengshan Yifeng, a great layman who enters the courtyard at the new year!"

The group of people headed by Ichiro Kono kowtowed their heads on the black snow-covered bridge with more excitement, chanting words of inexplicable meaning in their mouths.

"Turkish Sect, welcome to Chengshan Yifeng, a great layman who enters the courtyard at the new year!"

"Turkish Sect? Kono priest, you are..."

On the bridge behind them, Sun Luosi and his team members were watching this scene with a confused expression.

"Captain, on their clothes, this emblem..."

When reminded by one of the team members, everyone noticed that the old-fashioned weaving feathers on these men's body, the cuffs and hem are printed with white stripes in the shape of "mountain"...

"Honesty?! Is this..."

And on the back and left arm of this Zhiyu, the huge "sincere" is embroidered with golden thread!

The meaning behind the word "sincerity" is well known in Japan.

Because, there is a ronin in the Bakumatsu period who has the titles of "The Last Bushido", "The First Swordsman Organization", "The Romance of Sticking to the Sword and the Sword", "Mibu Wolf", and "The Strongest Swordsman Swordsman in the Bakumatsu" Armed groups have used this word as an emblem, printed on flags and armbands.

That is, the famous Shinsengumi.

It can be said that, as a semi-civilian and semi-shogun organization, the Shinsengumi gathered nearly half of Japan’s top kendo masters in its heyday. Among them, the natural principle flow, the Shinto non-nen flow, and the north-sword swordsman are the main ones for future generations. Leave unlimited space for imagination.

This organization, established with the original intention of "respecting the king, respecting the screen and fighting against the barbarian", was established with the original intention of "respecting the king, respecting the screen and fighting against the barbarian".

In the turbulent period at the end of the shogunate, Xinsengumi was murderous, and the blade was covered with blood from the king’s arrogance, the ronin, and the teammates. In the end, it was unable to reverse the tide of the times and was severely smashed on the beach. superior.

During the Meiji and Taisho eras, the Shinsengumi, who was regarded as the "rebel" because they stood opposite to the imperial family, appeared as villains in the history written by the victor and in various mainstream literary dramas.

But after the imperial family came to power, their flattery towards Western powers was even greater than that of the shogunate, and the reputation of Shinsengumi gradually began to reverse...

Because of its loyalty to the shogunate of Sunset Xishan, and the spirit of Bushido fighting to the end in adversity, Shinsengumi has been widely praised among the people for its images of "tragic hero" and "the last glory of Bushido".

Developed to modern times, the new seng group, which has been "broken" for a long time, has even spawned many indescribable R18 Otome and BL works, which have gathered a lot of popularity.

"It's all like this in the city, priest Kono, now is not the time to play Shinsengumi worship..."

Seeing these "Shinsengumi COSPLAY fanatics" in front of him, Sen Luosi keenly smelled the taste of "religious MLM".

"Play? Hehehehe..."

Looking at the gate that was wide enough for one person, Kono Ichiro couldn't wait to rush in.

"Our Turkish religious group has secretly shouldered the'Banner of Honesty' for more than 100 years, precisely for today!"

The rest of the men lifted up two small wooden boxes and filed in after them.

"Mr. Kono, where are you going, the concentration of grievances inside... This bunch of people who don't listen to persuasion is too wrong, give me the tactical telescope!"


The dissuasion was ineffective, and Sun Luosi took the "Spirit Telescope III" handed over from him, and pulled it out of the gate and looked inward...

"Someone in the city?!"

In the faint green night vision goggles, a vague figure was standing proudly on the open space in the center of Goryokaku Inner City, bathed in the pitch-black light column that penetrated the sky and the earth.

"No, how can someone who can stand in that kind of grievance be a human?"

Looking at the tall figure, it seems that he is a man with a round head and a round brain.

A decent black western uniform, with a pair of long knives and rifles faintly visible around his waist.

Just standing so quietly in the black snow made people feel a bloody breath of gold and iron horse.

"Damn it, the resentment is too strong..."

However, Sun Luosi couldn't see this person's face clearly through the over-full head.

"Head, helmet?!"

Because, the other party is wearing a modern outfit that is totally incompatible with that old uniform...

Black motorcycle helmet.

"Ghosts, ghosts...that guy is a ghost!!!"

When looking through the endless darkness, he caught the gray lingering breath of the man, his hand trembled, and he almost didn't even hold the binoculars.


The team members standing next to him also changed their faces when they heard the words, and quickly reminded them in a low voice: "Deputy Captain, according to the norms of conventional combat operations, we have to retreat unconditionally when we encounter ghosts and gods when Captain Mochizuki or other spirit-eliminators are leading the team!"

Ghosts and gods are the existence that blends grievances and the power of faith, and half-stepped into the realm of "gods", which has long gone far beyond the scope of conventional armed forces such as the Disaster Prevention Mobile Team.

"No...I haven't figured out the origin of the other party, the investigation mission continues..."

Gritting his teeth, Mori Luoji raised the binoculars in his hand again, and continued to investigate the situation in Goryokaku: "Ichiro Kono, who waited here early in the morning, are absolutely inseparable from this unknown ghost!"

"The great layman of Chengshan Yifeng who enters the courtyard every year..."

At this moment, Kono Ichiro and his entourage had knelt down at the feet of the man, and cried out in a mute voice: "The remnants of the Ezo Republic and the descendants of the Shinsengumi have been dormant for more than a hundred years, and they have finally lived up to their trust. The adults are here today. !"

"What?! Forget about COSPLAY Shinsengumi...Where did the Ezo Republic emerge..."

Hearing the roar of Kono Ichiro in the castle, Mori Luoji and the few men next to him instantly solidified their eyes, as fine beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads.

"That broken thing, hasn't it been perished long ago?!"

………………It may develop to the dividing line of 18CM at any time………………

"Hey, the one who is reading the novel... That's right, you don't have to look around, it's you..."

Inside the bright bus, Sosuke Araki, who is holding the steering wheel, turned to his criminally scented face, and looked at you: "Well, there is a big truck with genuine (female) high school students here who are busy saving. ...... As a result, the author said that in order to make all channels heard, I have to bring him a few words... You wait, where are the lines..."

Sosuke Araki clenched his fist and coughed lightly, and fumbled out a crumpled piece of paper from his crotch: "Ahem...First of all, you have to replace the author and thank you for your friends who can insist on seeing this chapter with a 360-degree somersault. ...Asshole, don't say I'm driving, you have the ability to check it out by yourself!"

"Next, I would like to warn all readers in a sincere tone: In view of the miserable (none) follow-up data for the latest chapters of this book, no one can bear (subscribe) to read (read), and the outline has been produced to the end of the book, in order to follow up with the old and new For the seamless connection of the books, the author decided to change to the "Daily Update" mode until the end of the book, so as to spare time to prepare the new book setting and outline simultaneously... Damn it, this guy with no perseverance, so soon, "seeking a new love" 'Is it? "

"Of course, if the 24-hour follow-up data of the book improves, or if the author turns into a Super Saiyan to finish writing in advance, it is not ruled out that there will be more... Above, thank you friends again for your support of this book... That's it? That's it? Wait, anyway, let me mention a little bit, when will my uncle be able to drive a Bentley to travel and get married..."

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