Few people know that in Japanese history, there was once "Asia's earliest democratic republic" that survived only 125 days...

In April 1868, after the Tokugawa shogunate surrendered to the Sacho coalition forces, the shogunate navy pursued Enomoto Takeo and gathered the remnants of the shogunate. They voted in Hakodate, Hokkaido, and became the "Ezo Republic", also known as the "Ezo Republic." General Tokugawa's vassal vassal regiment led the country" and was recognized as a de facto independent country by the British and French consuls.

And the highest authority of the Ezo Republic was located in the Goryokaku fortress that year!

In Goryokaku Castle, amidst Kono Ichiro's cry, the black beam of light that pierced through the sky slowly shrank and merged into the man's body.

"Hey... I..."

The man wearing a motorcycle helmet twisted his head like a muscle, and then lifted the glass mask covering his face...

"...How long have you slept?"

This is a handsome man who looks like a crown of jade, sword eyebrows and star eyes, and looks cold and stern in his early thirties.

The white eyes were flushed and sharp as eagle eyes, exuding a substantive killing intent.

"Master Hui, more than one hundred and fifty years have passed since we enshrined you in the'Reverse Pentagram'."

Unwilling to look at him, Kono Ichiro cautiously lowered his head and replied respectfully.

"Actually, it's been so long..."

Up to this moment, the man realized with hindsight, he reached out and touched the motorcycle helmet covering his head: "This helmet is so strange..."

"My lord, please be slow..."

He frowned slightly, as if feeling a little suffocated, he raised his hand and wanted to take it off.


But along with the helmet was taken off, there was also his handsome head!


Suddenly switched to holding his head in his palm and admiring the wonderful vision of his broken neck and body, even if it was this man who had walked all the way from the Asura field, he was stunned for a while.

"Master Earthman, after you passed away, your head was cut off and taken away by the royal family, but your whereabouts are still unknown..."

Ichiro Kono closed his nearly dislocated jaw and explained respectfully.

"It is precisely because of this that your body, under the enshrinement of the'Reverse Pentagram' and the members of the sect, has cast the body of a ghost and god in just a hundred years, but the soul cannot be awakened because of the incomplete head..."

"Until, we obtained this helmet that can reshape the head and soul from a certain organization!"

"Hmph, although I am a defeated general at the age of three, I am dead in the battlefield..."

Hearing Kono Ichiro's words, the men in the city couldn't help but grunt coldly.

"This is a fact that the royal family cannot cover up even if they beheaded!"

In the Edo period, for respectable samurai, the victor generously gave the highest courtesy of "cut belly".

Only those who are heinous or extremely afraid of enemies, lest they cause trouble after death, will choose to beheaded.

"Have you heard that, this ghost and god calls himself'the third year of the earth'!"

"Just kidding, how is that kind of character possible?!"

"However, Kono and the others are wearing this strange weaving feather, maybe it's really possible..."

The excessive amount of information in the conversation between the two in the city caused Sen Luosi and several of his men who were "squatting at the door" to look at each other blankly...

From the establishment of the Xinseng Group in 1863 to the demise of the "Ezo Republic" in 1869, most of the members of the group who licked their blood and murdered like numb with their heads did not die well.

Director Isamu Kondo was beheaded by the imperial family, and the top master Okita Souji passed away from tuberculosis. The former Director Kamo Serizawa, General Director Keisuke Yamanan, and Staff Koshitaro Ito were eliminated internally before the 1898 War...

Most of the other team members also died halfway through the war due to assassinations, abdominal incisions, injuries and other reasons, or secretly separated from the team and wandered incognito.

Among them, only the beautiful man Tsuki San, who is both civil and military, known as the "Deputy Chief of Oni", has always been carrying the name of Shinsengumi, fighting at the battle of Toba Fushimi, Edo Kaijo, and Aizu. The forefront of a series of battles such as the Battle of Hakodate...

After watching the Shinsengumi comrades fall by his side, he became more and more courageous. In the local war, he beat the Sachang League and fought to the last minute to assist the Shogunate. He used his life to witness Shinsengumi’s emergence from nothing. The process of being, from being to nothing.

"This weaving feather costs four or two dollars. It is not durable, and the color is too eye-catching. Since Ikedaya, it has been changed to black."

In Goryokaku, Tufang Suizan lowered his eyelids and scanned the group of men who were kneeling in front of him.

"This is the last life left by Soma-sama. I hope that when you wake up, you will be able to see Shinsengumi, the original Oriba..."

Kono Ichiro waved his hand, and someone had lifted a pile of red cloth from the side and shook it away vigorously.

"Also, the group flag back then, together with your favorite mayonnaise and matcha steamed buns, has been sealed up until now."

A fan-shaped stripe, yellow characters on a red background, and a blood-red "Sincerity Flag" hunting and hunting in the black wind and snow!

"Soma's master, he has the intention..."

Looking at the green and white weaving feathers on the men in front of them and the flag of sincerity fluttering in the wind, a nostalgic smile appeared on the corners of Tufang's mouth.

"What happened to him later?"

Seeing the love of things, he couldn't help but recall the sonorous enthusiasm and glorious years of the Xinseng Group when it was first established.

In the first half of his life, the wanton and frivolousness in Edo and Kyoto, and the golden iron horse that went all the way north in the second half of his life, passed before his eyes like a busy life.

"After you fell asleep, Soma-sama took over as the team leader, and together with Enomoto, he surrendered to the imperial family on behalf of Shinsengumi and the Ezo Republic..."

When asked this question, Kono Ichiro couldn't help crying: "Do not violate Bushido, do not leave the organization without authorization, do not raise funds and accept bribes in private, do not arbitrarily mediate, do not fight for no reason, anyone who violates the above regulations will be apologized... "

"After hiding your body in the inverse pentagram, Master Soma was ashamed that he violated the'in-game rule' and took the remaining team members and collectively cut his belly outside the city."

"The lone minister died in Ezo Island, the loyal soul and the eternal guard Dongfangjun... the hypocritical royal family finally won..."

Recalling Kono's words, the earthwork sighed slightly, and looked up at the black snow-covered night sky: "One hundred and fifty years, the Shinsengumi, the Shogunate, the Ezo Republic, etc., have long been the dust of history. Now, which is the world?"

"My lord, now, it is still the royal family..."

"However, the orphans, family members and the people of Hakodate never gave up! We have inherited the name of the'Turkish Religion' from generation to generation, and secretly enshrined your tablet. We have been waiting for this day..."

Kono slowly got up, took the red flag from the side, and waved it hard and stubbornly in the wind and snow.

"My lord, the'Reverse Pentagram' has long been integrated with you. It has accumulated a full 150 years of resentment, enough to turn the whole Hokkaido into your domain... As long as you are here, Xinsengumi will start from Undisbanded, the new Ezo Republic will be reborn under your leadership!"

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